Tuesday, August 10, 2010

Insults, Weather/Geography

Saur - feces.
Drulluhali - dirt/diarrhoea tail
Skíthæll - shit heel
Auli - goof, loser
Asni - donkey
Heimskingi - stupid
Hóra - whore
Drusla - slut, mess
Kunta - (slang) cunt
Belja - cow
Tól - tool
Gúmmítöffari – rubbertoughguy
Hnakki - "back of head" guido-hipster (though some people don't consider it an insult)
Skinka - "ham" guido-hipster-girl

Alheimur - universe, cosmos
Dýrð - glory, splendor
Forfaðir - forefather, ancestor
Hljóð - sound, cry, silence
Eftirköst - aftereffects
Auka - increase, augment
Dauði - death
Skjár - screen, window
Klofvega - astride
Framhjá - by, past
Storkna - solidify, coagulate
Hraun - lava, lava field
Renna - slide, flow, run, rise
Gufa - steam, vapour, wet
Ský - cloud
Tvístíga - shuffle one's feet
Nefnilega - namely, that is to say

I've been focusing on learning from the vocabulary and grammar of Icelandic Online because Uni starts soon and I need to know all of that in order to study at the University. For this reason I haven't been translating other things or looking for vocabulary to put on the blog.

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