Tuesday, October 26, 2010

english words icelandic has taught me

Mini update (this post will be edited as I come across more later)

Svunta - apron, counterfoil
"Counterfoil" - the part of a check, receipt, ticket, or other document that is torn off and kept as a record by the person issuing it.

Gúmmístígvél - gumboot
"Gumboots" - long rubber boots.

Panna - pan, sump
"Sump" - a pit or hollow in which liquid collects.

Gafl - gable, gable end

Tittlingur - bunting, prick/cock
Bunting - flags and other colourful decorations, flag garlands included

Fossasig: waterfall abseiling
Abseiling = rappelling - descend a rock face or other near-vertical surface by using a doubled rope coiled around the body and fixed at a higher point.

Monday, October 25, 2010

foreigner mistakes

To make this blog more interesting I'll start posting mistakes I've made and such.

>Last year, walking with three friends into an apartment complex
>Old man telling us "Good evening" individually
>Too embarrassed, my "good evening" comes out as mumbled gibberish

>Last year, at convenience store
>Used to friend translating for me, said friend is right next to me
>Cashier asks if I want my Coke opened (glass bottles)
>I stand there blankly as I wait for a translation that never comes

>At Hagkaup (grocery store)
>Put basket of food onto conveyor belt instead of taking the food out

>In line at Bónus (grocery store)
>Lady asks me something I can't understand
>Assume she's asking if I'm next in line, I nod
>She was asking if I would watch her basket

>Paying rent bill at bank
>2000kr short on accident (had pre-made a collection of bills so paying would be faster)
>Teller starts talking to me as if I've never paid bills before and don't know where the total is on the paper because of it.

>On bus
>It stops but the back doors don't open because no one else is getting off
>Realize I can't say "Can you open the doors?" in Icelandic
>Say it in English and momentarily panic, wondering if the driver heard/understood me

>At bus stop
>Little kid asks if I have the time
>Panic and forget how to tell time in Icelandic
>Roll up my sleeve to show I have no watch and say "no"
>Later realize he probably saw me checking my mobile earlier

>At Kolaportið (flea market)
>Looking through kid's comics
>Booth owner remarks "Aren't those books fun?"
>Panic, can't say anything, smile awkwardly, leave soon after

>Buying cod at Kolaportið
>50kr short on initial payment
>Misheared as 500kr short

>At Bónus, in the cashiering line I usually avoid
>Tell cashier I want two bags
>A minute later she says some word I don't understand
>Repeats it and I realize she's asking me if I wanted two bags

Friday, October 22, 2010

I'm behind in schoolwork so instead of getting words for this blog I'm focusing on learning the ones I need for school. The magazine is also on hold.

Every day I clip the political cartoon and comics from the newspaper. I also save receipts, advertisements, and packaging. If you want me to mail you things I'll gladly do it, I've been collecting them in case a learner is interested. I can also mail newspapers, books and comics from the flea market, blank postcards, swimming trunks, yarn, et cetera. Just Email me or comment with a way to reach you.

If you just want clippings I'll mail them for free. If you want other stuff you'll need to pay the item price and shipping. I can send clippings once or do it as an ongoing thing.

Grautur - thick soup
Hafragrautur - oatmeal/porridge
Grjón - cereal, rice
Grjónagrautur, hrísgrjónagrautur - rice pudding
hrísgrjón - rice
táneglur - toenails

Sunday, October 10, 2010


Ef - if
Einhver - somebody, someone, some
Milli - between
Þrítugur - thirty years old
Fertugur - forty years old
Derhúfa - deerstalker, visor cap, baseball cap
Þá - at that time, then
Gjarna, gjarnan - gladly, readily
Síst - least, worst
Fróa - soothe, comfort, alleviate
Fróa sér - masturbate
Þar sem - as, since
líklega - probably
Frami - advancement
honum brá - he was shocked
nokkuð - quite, fairly
mása - pant, puff
Svona - like that, thus, about, approx.
þetta er svona lagað - this is how it is
á almannafæri - in public, publically

Ef einhver sér mann milli þrítugs og fertugs á reiðhjóli, með derhúfu og í bláum og rauðum jakka, þá vill lögreglan gjarnan hafa tal af honum.
If somebody sees a man between thirty and forty years old on a bicycle, with a baseball cap and in a blue and red jacket, the police will gladly want to have a conversation with him.

Ekki síst ef hann er að fróa sér á hjólinu. Especially (not least) if he is masturbating on the bicycle.

Þar er líklega kominn sá sem þrjár ungar stúlkur gengu framá á Sólvallagötu um klukkan hálf sjö í morgun. Since/there is probably (kominn sá sem) three young girls advancing(?) on Sólvallagata around half past six this morning.

Þeim brá nokkuð í brún við að sjá þennan másandi mann. Svona lagað er náttúrlega bannað á almannafæri. They were quite shocked in amazement to see this panting man. This is naturally banned in public.