Wednesday, September 22, 2010


sjúkrakassi - first aid kit
alveg - completely
glæsilegur - splendid
vonandi - hopefully
gosbrunnur - fountain
gemsi - cell phone
reikningur - bill
félagi - comrade
endurraða - unscramble
andlit - face
vinka - wave (to someone)
reið - ride
engi - meadow
báðir - both
einstakur - unique, single
vera andfúlli - have bad breath
hvass - harsh, keen, windy
hvöss gagnrýni - harsh criticism
hvöss sjón - keen eyesight
Skulu - shall, need
við skulum koma okkur - let's go
þegar - immediately, directly, when
fellibylur - hurricane, typhoon
læti - tumult, noise
láta öllum illum látum - behave badly
gaur - gangling fellow, pole
borga - pay
gemsareikning - cell phone bill
lofa - promise, praise, allow
aukakostnað - increasing/excess costs
fullvissa - assure
hrína - cry, wail
hindra - hinder
útsýni - view
völlur - field, lawn, airport
nef - nose, beak
æðri - higher, more exalted
endi - end

Hver skrifaði öll SMS-in? - Who wrote all the SMS?
Hver lofaði að taka á sig allan aukakostnað? - Who promised to take care of all excess costs?
Og hver á þá að borga reikninginn? - And who should pay the bill then?

Taken from comics in the newspaper.
Couldn't log into any "secure" sites like this for a while so I couldn't post.

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