To make this blog more interesting I'll start posting mistakes I've made and such.
>Last year, walking with three friends into an apartment complex
>Old man telling us "Good evening" individually
>Too embarrassed, my "good evening" comes out as mumbled gibberish
>Last year, at convenience store
>Used to friend translating for me, said friend is right next to me
>Cashier asks if I want my Coke opened (glass bottles)
>I stand there blankly as I wait for a translation that never comes
>At Hagkaup (grocery store)
>Put basket of food onto conveyor belt instead of taking the food out
>In line at Bónus (grocery store)
>Lady asks me something I can't understand
>Assume she's asking if I'm next in line, I nod
>She was asking if I would watch her basket
>Paying rent bill at bank
>2000kr short on accident (had pre-made a collection of bills so paying would be faster)
>Teller starts talking to me as if I've never paid bills before and don't know where the total is on the paper because of it.
>On bus
>It stops but the back doors don't open because no one else is getting off
>Realize I can't say "Can you open the doors?" in Icelandic
>Say it in English and momentarily panic, wondering if the driver heard/understood me
>At bus stop
>Little kid asks if I have the time
>Panic and forget how to tell time in Icelandic
>Roll up my sleeve to show I have no watch and say "no"
>Later realize he probably saw me checking my mobile earlier
>At Kolaportið (flea market)
>Looking through kid's comics
>Booth owner remarks "Aren't those books fun?"
>Panic, can't say anything, smile awkwardly, leave soon after
>Buying cod at Kolaportið
>50kr short on initial payment
>Misheared as 500kr short
>At Bónus, in the cashiering line I usually avoid
>Tell cashier I want two bags
>A minute later she says some word I don't understand
>Repeats it and I realize she's asking me if I wanted two bags