My friend posted these on his blog a while ago, and I decided I might as well post them here too. I'll upload some more Icelandic music and post them in the future if it's alright.
Erla Þorsteinsdóttir - Stúlkan með lævirkjaröddina (The Girl with the Voice of the Lark)
Disc 1+2
Haukur Morthens - Með blik í auga (With Gleaming Eyes)
Disc 1
Disc 2
Disc 3
Here's a collection of songs that I have lyrics/English lyrics to. I deleted one of the songs so that's missing, but you could probably find it somewhere.
Here's podcasts (radio/tv programs or general programs people record) that you can download too. My favourite is "Vítt og breitt". I'm not sure if you have to have iTunes to download and listen to them or not. They're great for listening practice.
Bunch of podcasts
Noonday News
Music Variety Show
Evening News
Video News Shorts
Music and Culture Show
Radio Stations
Another Radio Station
If you like anything, please buy the actual albums and songs if you can find them. If I shouldn't put music in posts please comment and tell me, because I'm a little nervous posting them.
Sunday, May 16, 2010
Friday, May 14, 2010
Mýri - moorland, swamp
Áberandi - prominent, striking
Tipla - tiptoe, trip along
Dulargervi - disguise
Rödd - voice
Sauma - sew
Sprettur - sprint, gallop
Smávegis - minor, negligible
Braut - course
Umferð - traffic, round, revolution, circuit, circulation
Reið - riding, ride
Hjól - wheel
Reiðhjól - bicycle
Fremja - commit, perpetrate
Glæpur - crime
Fremja glæpur - commit a crime
Synda - swim
Seinni - later, slower
Býfluga - bee
Asnalegur - silly, asinine
Glingur - knick-knacks, bric-a-bracks
Bás - stall
Hár - high, tall stature, loud, high-pitched,
Ömurlegur - pitiful, dreary, dismal, awful, hopeless, impossible
Breskur - British
Kurteis - polite
Kjaftur - jaws, mouth, head
Toppur - top, peak, summit, crest, bangs/forelock, top, roof
Frekja - pushiness, nerve, greed, cheek (as in a cheeky person)
Dónaskapur - rudeness, vulgarity
Nálægt - close by, approxiamately, about
Voða - very, awfully
Durtur - boor, churl
Klár - clever, sharp, bright, ready, prepared, clear, pure
Vinur - friend (someone you know, someone you call; someone you like regardless of how they feel about you)
Kunningi - aquaintance (everyone else. If you met them once, they're your acquaintance)
Ég þekki nú nokkra íslenska karlmenn sem eru voða sætir og klárir og skemmtilegir. - I now know a few Icelandic men as very sweet and clever and funny.
Taken from conversations and someone's blog entry.
Áberandi - prominent, striking
Tipla - tiptoe, trip along
Dulargervi - disguise
Rödd - voice
Sauma - sew
Sprettur - sprint, gallop
Smávegis - minor, negligible
Braut - course
Umferð - traffic, round, revolution, circuit, circulation
Reið - riding, ride
Hjól - wheel
Reiðhjól - bicycle
Fremja - commit, perpetrate
Glæpur - crime
Fremja glæpur - commit a crime
Synda - swim
Seinni - later, slower
Býfluga - bee
Asnalegur - silly, asinine
Glingur - knick-knacks, bric-a-bracks
Bás - stall
Hár - high, tall stature, loud, high-pitched,
Ömurlegur - pitiful, dreary, dismal, awful, hopeless, impossible
Breskur - British
Kurteis - polite
Kjaftur - jaws, mouth, head
Toppur - top, peak, summit, crest, bangs/forelock, top, roof
Frekja - pushiness, nerve, greed, cheek (as in a cheeky person)
Dónaskapur - rudeness, vulgarity
Nálægt - close by, approxiamately, about
Voða - very, awfully
Durtur - boor, churl
Klár - clever, sharp, bright, ready, prepared, clear, pure
Vinur - friend (someone you know, someone you call; someone you like regardless of how they feel about you)
Kunningi - aquaintance (everyone else. If you met them once, they're your acquaintance)
Ég þekki nú nokkra íslenska karlmenn sem eru voða sætir og klárir og skemmtilegir. - I now know a few Icelandic men as very sweet and clever and funny.
Taken from conversations and someone's blog entry.
Wednesday, May 12, 2010
Ads, Shopping, Internet
Mey - maiden, virgin
Kíkja - peep, peek
Kíkja á (something) - take a look at something
Ýmis - different, various
Hleðsla - loading, piling up, charge, load
Titra - quake, shiver, vibrate
Fylgihlutur - accessory
Plagg - document, deed, socks, clothing (plural, papers)
Sleipur - smooth, sleek, slippery
Jól - Christmas
Seyði - broth
Seyða - bake at a low temperature
Fróðleikur - knowledge, information
Slúta - hang down, overhang of a cliff
Persónulegur - personal
Gallaður - faulty, defective
Fyrirtæki - firm, business, company, undertaking
Pantur - pawn
Trúnaður - trust, faith
Eyrnalokkur - earring
Tölvupóstur - Email
Galli - fault, drawback, shortcoming
Stilling - self-control, calm, tranquility, adjustment, regulation, tuning
Millifærsla - transfer
Krafa - demand, claim, requirement
Debetkort - debit/charge card
Kreditkort - credit card
Aukalega - extra, in addition
Hækka - rise, raise
Pöntun - order
Lykilorð - keyword, password
Notandanafn - username
Netfang - email address
Aldur - age
Menntun - level of education
Móðurmál - native language, mother tongue
Viðmót - manner, presence
Viðmótsmál - interface language
Kíktu á nýju vörurnar - take a look at our new products/commodities
Hversu lengi tekur að fá vörurnar sendar? - How long will it take for my goods to be sent/shipped?
Afhverju get ég ekki borgað með kreditkorti? - Why can't I pay with a credit card?
Varan mín er gölluð hvað á ég að gera? - My item/product is faulty, what should I do?
Taken from a few websites and ads.
Kíkja - peep, peek
Kíkja á (something) - take a look at something
Ýmis - different, various
Hleðsla - loading, piling up, charge, load
Titra - quake, shiver, vibrate
Fylgihlutur - accessory
Plagg - document, deed, socks, clothing (plural, papers)
Sleipur - smooth, sleek, slippery
Jól - Christmas
Seyði - broth
Seyða - bake at a low temperature
Fróðleikur - knowledge, information
Slúta - hang down, overhang of a cliff
Persónulegur - personal
Gallaður - faulty, defective
Fyrirtæki - firm, business, company, undertaking
Pantur - pawn
Trúnaður - trust, faith
Eyrnalokkur - earring
Tölvupóstur - Email
Galli - fault, drawback, shortcoming
Stilling - self-control, calm, tranquility, adjustment, regulation, tuning
Millifærsla - transfer
Krafa - demand, claim, requirement
Debetkort - debit/charge card
Kreditkort - credit card
Aukalega - extra, in addition
Hækka - rise, raise
Pöntun - order
Lykilorð - keyword, password
Notandanafn - username
Netfang - email address
Aldur - age
Menntun - level of education
Móðurmál - native language, mother tongue
Viðmót - manner, presence
Viðmótsmál - interface language
Kíktu á nýju vörurnar - take a look at our new products/commodities
Hversu lengi tekur að fá vörurnar sendar? - How long will it take for my goods to be sent/shipped?
Afhverju get ég ekki borgað með kreditkorti? - Why can't I pay with a credit card?
Varan mín er gölluð hvað á ég að gera? - My item/product is faulty, what should I do?
Taken from a few websites and ads.
Monday, May 10, 2010
Limur - limb, member
Typpi - button, knob, prick/penis
Pirra - irritate
Endalaus - infinite
Dæmi - example, problem (in math)
Sog - sucking, suction
Skófatnaður - footwear
Skóf - lichen
Skafa - scrape
Fatnaður - clothes
Sko! - look here!
Sko til! - look!
Tyggigúmmí - chewing gum
Tyggja - chew
Gúmmí - rubber
Alvarlega - seriously
Íhuga - weigh, consider
Félagslegur - social
Ana - rush on, barge into
Fokk - fuck (slang taken from English)
Sjitt - shit (slang taken from English)
Vernda - protect, preserve
Oddur - point (ex. of a knife)
Hvass - sharp, harsh, keen, windy
Hegðun - conduct, behaviour
Stíga - step, rise, increase
Reyndar - as a matter of fact, in fact, actually, by the way
Líkami - body
Framleiða - produce, manufacture
Hár - hair
Dýr - expensive, costly, precious
Flasa - dandruff
Hentugur - practical, expedient
Líffæri - organ
Möguleiki - possibility
Misstíga sig - miss one's footing, take a false step
Afvegaleiða - mislead, lead astray
Útiloka - exclude, rule out, preclude
Samfélag - community, society
Frekar - rather
Auður - empty, deserted
Þarfnast - need, require
Húsaskjól - accomodation
Eflaust - without a doubt, doubtlessly
Detta - fail, drop, fall, stumble and fall
Taken from an online forum.
Typpi - button, knob, prick/penis
Pirra - irritate
Endalaus - infinite
Dæmi - example, problem (in math)
Sog - sucking, suction
Skófatnaður - footwear
Skóf - lichen
Skafa - scrape
Fatnaður - clothes
Sko! - look here!
Sko til! - look!
Tyggigúmmí - chewing gum
Tyggja - chew
Gúmmí - rubber
Alvarlega - seriously
Íhuga - weigh, consider
Félagslegur - social
Ana - rush on, barge into
Fokk - fuck (slang taken from English)
Sjitt - shit (slang taken from English)
Vernda - protect, preserve
Oddur - point (ex. of a knife)
Hvass - sharp, harsh, keen, windy
Hegðun - conduct, behaviour
Stíga - step, rise, increase
Reyndar - as a matter of fact, in fact, actually, by the way
Líkami - body
Framleiða - produce, manufacture
Hár - hair
Dýr - expensive, costly, precious
Flasa - dandruff
Hentugur - practical, expedient
Líffæri - organ
Möguleiki - possibility
Misstíga sig - miss one's footing, take a false step
Afvegaleiða - mislead, lead astray
Útiloka - exclude, rule out, preclude
Samfélag - community, society
Frekar - rather
Auður - empty, deserted
Þarfnast - need, require
Húsaskjól - accomodation
Eflaust - without a doubt, doubtlessly
Detta - fail, drop, fall, stumble and fall
Taken from an online forum.
Gardínur - blinds, (UK - curtains)
Hægt - slowly
Niður - down, downwards
Auglýsing - advertisement, advertising, promotion
Umræða - debate, discussion, argument, reading
Þáttur - part, factor, strand, act (in a play), programme, story, factor
Könnun - research, investigation, exploration
Prentvæna - printable
Þurfa - need, require, have to
Óflokkað - uncatagorized
Til Sölu - for sale
Óska - wish, want
Óska eftir - wanted
Gefins - free, free of charge
Leigu - lease, rent
Sálfræði - psychology
Ráðgjöf - consultation, consultancy
Verð - price
Hringur - circle, ring (jewelry), trust, corporation
Leir - clay, earthenware, pottery, bad verse
Síðan - then, since then
Nálgast - approach
Áhugi - interest, enthusiasm
Hægur - easy, convenient, possible, calm, quiet, slow
Tegund - type, kind, species
Uppfæra - update, refresh, stage
Garðhús - garden shed
Ómur - distant sound
Alúð - cordiality, care, meticulousness, pains
Þús - (short for þúsund) thousand
Uppl (short for upplag) - nature, disposition, innate characteristics, printing, impression. "details"
Flottur - smart, flashy
Gálaus - incautious, careless
Laus - loose, free, vacant
Joð - iodine
Villingur - tomboy, imp, scamp
Fúi - rot, decay
Varinn - protected, defended, shielded
Viður - wood, lumber
Til þess að skrá nýja auglýsingu/umræðu, svara auglýsingu/umræðu, taka þátt í könnun eða að fá prentvæna útgáfu af auglýsingu/umræðu, þá þarftu að vera skráð(ur). - To write a new ad/discussion, answer an ad/discussion, take part in research/surveys or get a print version of an ad/discussion, then you have to be registered.
Hringar úr leir, koma í svörtu,hvítu síðan verða þeir til í rauðu og fjólubláu í apríl. - Rings out of clay, come in black, white then they will be in red and purple in April.
Hvað kostar hringurinn hjá þér? Hvar er hægt að nálgast þetta ef maður hefur áhuga? - How much does the ring cost? Where is it possible to find this if one is interested?
Hvar ertu á landinu og hvaða viður er í því? - Where are you in the country and which type of lumber is that?
Everything taken from an online ad placement site.
Hægt - slowly
Niður - down, downwards
Auglýsing - advertisement, advertising, promotion
Umræða - debate, discussion, argument, reading
Þáttur - part, factor, strand, act (in a play), programme, story, factor
Könnun - research, investigation, exploration
Prentvæna - printable
Þurfa - need, require, have to
Óflokkað - uncatagorized
Til Sölu - for sale
Óska - wish, want
Óska eftir - wanted
Gefins - free, free of charge
Leigu - lease, rent
Sálfræði - psychology
Ráðgjöf - consultation, consultancy
Verð - price
Hringur - circle, ring (jewelry), trust, corporation
Leir - clay, earthenware, pottery, bad verse
Síðan - then, since then
Nálgast - approach
Áhugi - interest, enthusiasm
Hægur - easy, convenient, possible, calm, quiet, slow
Tegund - type, kind, species
Uppfæra - update, refresh, stage
Garðhús - garden shed
Ómur - distant sound
Alúð - cordiality, care, meticulousness, pains
Þús - (short for þúsund) thousand
Uppl (short for upplag) - nature, disposition, innate characteristics, printing, impression. "details"
Flottur - smart, flashy
Gálaus - incautious, careless
Laus - loose, free, vacant
Joð - iodine
Villingur - tomboy, imp, scamp
Fúi - rot, decay
Varinn - protected, defended, shielded
Viður - wood, lumber
Til þess að skrá nýja auglýsingu/umræðu, svara auglýsingu/umræðu, taka þátt í könnun eða að fá prentvæna útgáfu af auglýsingu/umræðu, þá þarftu að vera skráð(ur). - To write a new ad/discussion, answer an ad/discussion, take part in research/surveys or get a print version of an ad/discussion, then you have to be registered.
Hringar úr leir, koma í svörtu,hvítu síðan verða þeir til í rauðu og fjólubláu í apríl. - Rings out of clay, come in black, white then they will be in red and purple in April.
Hvað kostar hringurinn hjá þér? Hvar er hægt að nálgast þetta ef maður hefur áhuga? - How much does the ring cost? Where is it possible to find this if one is interested?
Hvar ertu á landinu og hvaða viður er í því? - Where are you in the country and which type of lumber is that?
Everything taken from an online ad placement site.
Sunday, May 9, 2010
Jeppi - jeep
Dekk - Deck, tyre/tire
Bremsa - brake
Lokka - entice, allure, tempt
Lokkur - lock of hair, curl
Rafgeymir - battery
Bón - wax, polish
Þvottur - washing, laundry
Þrif - cleaning, tidying, thriving, growing
Sverð - sword
Sæjka - get, fetch, attend, attack, be on the offensive
Lausn - liberation, retirement, solution, redemption
Strý - thin tufty hair
Áferð - texture
Gata - street, way, path
Samstarf - cooperation, collaboration
Dvergur - dwarf
Kantur - edge
Tröll - giant
Troll - trawl
Berg - rock face
Verkefni - task, assignment, project
Meistari - (in music) master, maestro
Nám - studying, studies
Regn - rain
Láta - put, let go, lose, let, make, have, act, behave
Tíður - frequent
Tíð - period, time, weather conditions, menstruation, mass, tense
Hugsa - think, believe, guess
Rammi - frame
Lífsgæði - the good things of life
Einstaklingur - individual, person
Words taken from ads.
Dekk - Deck, tyre/tire
Bremsa - brake
Lokka - entice, allure, tempt
Lokkur - lock of hair, curl
Rafgeymir - battery
Bón - wax, polish
Þvottur - washing, laundry
Þrif - cleaning, tidying, thriving, growing
Sverð - sword
Sæjka - get, fetch, attend, attack, be on the offensive
Lausn - liberation, retirement, solution, redemption
Strý - thin tufty hair
Áferð - texture
Gata - street, way, path
Samstarf - cooperation, collaboration
Dvergur - dwarf
Kantur - edge
Tröll - giant
Troll - trawl
Berg - rock face
Verkefni - task, assignment, project
Meistari - (in music) master, maestro
Nám - studying, studies
Regn - rain
Láta - put, let go, lose, let, make, have, act, behave
Tíður - frequent
Tíð - period, time, weather conditions, menstruation, mass, tense
Hugsa - think, believe, guess
Rammi - frame
Lífsgæði - the good things of life
Einstaklingur - individual, person
Words taken from ads.
Conversations, News
Nú - now
Skulu - shall, must, need, will, let us
Mæta - meet, appear, turn up
Fleiri - more
Klisja - cliché, printing plate
Manneskja - human being, person
Miður - worse, less
Húsdýr - domestic animal, pet
Ofnæmi - allergy
Vara - warn
Sleikja - lick
Einasti - only, single
Gagn - use, data, documents, evidence
Skikkanlegur - amenable, decent, well-behaved, reasonable, presentable
Sennilegur - probable
Treysta - strengthen
Helgi - weekend
Náið - closely, exactly
Vona - hope
Stafli - stack, pile
Redda - fix
Frír - free, unhindered
Frí - vacation, holiday
Teitur - cheerful, bright, gay
Ritgerð - essay, thesis, monograph
Sjálfsagður - self-explanatory, obvious, self-evident
Allavega - in all ways, in different ways, anyway
Þangað - there
Opnun - opening
Hósta - cough
Ræna - consciousness, awareness
Fram - forward, towards
Lax - salmon
Laxá - salmon river
Dauður - dead, passed out from drinking, numb
Þar sem - as, since
Labba - walk slowly, stroll
Lifandi - alive, living
Fljótlega - soon
Fiskifræðingur - ichthyologist
Líklegur - probable, promising
Skýring - explanation
Elli - old age
Lón - lagoon
Vetra - become winter
Gjarna, Gjarnan - gladly, readily
Straumur - current, electricity
Feðgar - father and son
Veiðimálastofunun - Institute of Freshwater Fisheries
Þá - at that time, then
Hlakka til að sjá þig - I look forward to seeing you
Rænulitir laxar eftir veturinn (Another article I don't trust myself to translate in the slightest bit)
The words were taken from a meet-up message/comments to plan a party, and that news article.
Skulu - shall, must, need, will, let us
Mæta - meet, appear, turn up
Fleiri - more
Klisja - cliché, printing plate
Manneskja - human being, person
Miður - worse, less
Húsdýr - domestic animal, pet
Ofnæmi - allergy
Vara - warn
Sleikja - lick
Einasti - only, single
Gagn - use, data, documents, evidence
Skikkanlegur - amenable, decent, well-behaved, reasonable, presentable
Sennilegur - probable
Treysta - strengthen
Helgi - weekend
Náið - closely, exactly
Vona - hope
Stafli - stack, pile
Redda - fix
Frír - free, unhindered
Frí - vacation, holiday
Teitur - cheerful, bright, gay
Ritgerð - essay, thesis, monograph
Sjálfsagður - self-explanatory, obvious, self-evident
Allavega - in all ways, in different ways, anyway
Þangað - there
Opnun - opening
Hósta - cough
Ræna - consciousness, awareness
Fram - forward, towards
Lax - salmon
Laxá - salmon river
Dauður - dead, passed out from drinking, numb
Þar sem - as, since
Labba - walk slowly, stroll
Lifandi - alive, living
Fljótlega - soon
Fiskifræðingur - ichthyologist
Líklegur - probable, promising
Skýring - explanation
Elli - old age
Lón - lagoon
Vetra - become winter
Gjarna, Gjarnan - gladly, readily
Straumur - current, electricity
Feðgar - father and son
Veiðimálastofunun - Institute of Freshwater Fisheries
Þá - at that time, then
Hlakka til að sjá þig - I look forward to seeing you
Rænulitir laxar eftir veturinn (Another article I don't trust myself to translate in the slightest bit)
The words were taken from a meet-up message/comments to plan a party, and that news article.
Friday, May 7, 2010
Conversations, Weather/Stuff
Svarthol - prison, black hole
Gammur - vulture
Blossa - blaze, flame
Blossi - blaze, flash
Ermí - sleeve
Þrekleysi - lack of strength/courage, feebleness/cowardice
Huldufólk - hidden people
Safn - collection, museum, flock of sheep
Fróður - knowledgeable, learned, erudite, well-read
Skór - shoe
Hönnun - design
Sær - ocean, sea
Færa - move, bring
Daglegur - daily
Daglegt mál - everyday speech
Gervi - character, figure, costume
Greind - intelligence, cleverness
Kuldi - cold weather, cold, coldness
Met - scales, record
Stytta - shorten, abbreviate
Forn - old, ancient, antique
Gripur - thing, object, cattle, livestock
Forngripur - ancient relic, antique
Visinn - dried out, whithered, crippled
Vísindi - science
Harmoníka - accordion
Lýðræði - democracy
Dauði - death
Syndur - able to swim
Synd - sin
Pistill - long letter, epistle
Algleymi - ecstasy
Grín - fun, enjoyment
Geð - mind, feeling, mood,
Dómur - sentence, judgement, opinion, court
Geðsjúkdómar - mental illness
Ríma - Icelandic ballard
Hrím - hoarfrost, rime
Tónn - tone, note, tone of voice, feel, quality
Nýyrði - neologism
Endir - ending, conclusion
Heimsendir - end of the world
Lyf - medicine
Rannsókn - investigation, research
Himinn - sky, the heavens (when plural) heaven, paradise
Geimur - big empty space, outer space
Græða - cultivate, profit, heal
Tönn - tooth
Krem - cream
Tannkrem - toothpaste
Útivist - outdoor life, camping, hiking
Lén - domain, domain name
Jafn - equal, same, even, level
Vægi - weight, significance, importance, weighting
Kyn - sex, gender, stock, kind
These words were taken from podcast descriptions.
Gammur - vulture
Blossa - blaze, flame
Blossi - blaze, flash
Ermí - sleeve
Þrekleysi - lack of strength/courage, feebleness/cowardice
Huldufólk - hidden people
Safn - collection, museum, flock of sheep
Fróður - knowledgeable, learned, erudite, well-read
Skór - shoe
Hönnun - design
Sær - ocean, sea
Færa - move, bring
Daglegur - daily
Daglegt mál - everyday speech
Gervi - character, figure, costume
Greind - intelligence, cleverness
Kuldi - cold weather, cold, coldness
Met - scales, record
Stytta - shorten, abbreviate
Forn - old, ancient, antique
Gripur - thing, object, cattle, livestock
Forngripur - ancient relic, antique
Visinn - dried out, whithered, crippled
Vísindi - science
Harmoníka - accordion
Lýðræði - democracy
Dauði - death
Syndur - able to swim
Synd - sin
Pistill - long letter, epistle
Algleymi - ecstasy
Grín - fun, enjoyment
Geð - mind, feeling, mood,
Dómur - sentence, judgement, opinion, court
Geðsjúkdómar - mental illness
Ríma - Icelandic ballard
Hrím - hoarfrost, rime
Tónn - tone, note, tone of voice, feel, quality
Nýyrði - neologism
Endir - ending, conclusion
Heimsendir - end of the world
Lyf - medicine
Rannsókn - investigation, research
Himinn - sky, the heavens (when plural) heaven, paradise
Geimur - big empty space, outer space
Græða - cultivate, profit, heal
Tönn - tooth
Krem - cream
Tannkrem - toothpaste
Útivist - outdoor life, camping, hiking
Lén - domain, domain name
Jafn - equal, same, even, level
Vægi - weight, significance, importance, weighting
Kyn - sex, gender, stock, kind
These words were taken from podcast descriptions.
Wednesday, May 5, 2010
Action words, Conversation
að höggva - to chop
að biðja - to pray
að drepa - to kill
að lána - to loan/borrow
að kvarta - to complain
að æpa - to shout, cry, scream
að skemma - to damage
að ræna - to rob
að myrða - to murder
að meiða - to hurt, injure
að gráta - to cry
að vega - to weigh, kill
að slá - to strike, hit
að deyja - to die
að grafa - to dig, bury
að skera - to cut
að drepa - to kill
að biðja - to ask, pray
að skjóta - to shoot
að brjóta - to break
að slíta - to slit, tear away
að bíta - to bite
Rass - butt, ass
að skella - to slam, slap
að rassskella - to spank. (Most people spell it with only two s')
Geit - goat
Ung, barn - infant, baby
Geitungur - wasp, as in bees (literally "goatbaby")
Færi ég til Íslands, mundi ég aldrei sjá eftir því. - If I went to Iceland, I would never regret it.
The words were taken from a book for learning Icelandic and some conversations.
að biðja - to pray
að drepa - to kill
að lána - to loan/borrow
að kvarta - to complain
að æpa - to shout, cry, scream
að skemma - to damage
að ræna - to rob
að myrða - to murder
að meiða - to hurt, injure
að gráta - to cry
að vega - to weigh, kill
að slá - to strike, hit
að deyja - to die
að grafa - to dig, bury
að skera - to cut
að drepa - to kill
að biðja - to ask, pray
að skjóta - to shoot
að brjóta - to break
að slíta - to slit, tear away
að bíta - to bite
Rass - butt, ass
að skella - to slam, slap
að rassskella - to spank. (Most people spell it with only two s')
Geit - goat
Ung, barn - infant, baby
Geitungur - wasp, as in bees (literally "goatbaby")
Færi ég til Íslands, mundi ég aldrei sjá eftir því. - If I went to Iceland, I would never regret it.
The words were taken from a book for learning Icelandic and some conversations.
Monday, May 3, 2010
Insults, Conversations
Voff - dog barking sound
Noregur - Norway
Danmörk - Denmark
Svíþjóð - Sweden
Finnland - Finland
Torga - eat up
Útsala - sale, clearance sale
Titill - title
Afslættur - discount
Rita - write, compose
Rit - work, literary work
Hrynja - fall, collapse, cave in
Karfa - basket, hamper
Fyrirspurn - question, inquiry
Pöntun - order
Útgáfa - publication, printing, edition, publisher, version
Skráning - registration, check-in
Lærdómur - learning, scholarship, knowledge
Kennsla - teaching, instruction
Þú ert bara útlendingafífl - You’re just a stupid foreigner. (You can replace "fífl" with "hyski" or "pakk" or "rusl" or "plága" but all of those are increasingly worse... You wouldn't say this to someone.)
Curse words:
Helvítis! - hell's
Djöfulsins - the devil's
Anskotans - the devil's
Bévítans - something like "hell's"
Fjandans - the devil's
Fjandinn = damn!
Ríddu þér (said: rídduðér) - up yours
Asni - ass, donkey
Fífl - fool
Fáviti - "knows little", idiot
Hálfviti - halfwit
Flón - fool (you don't really shout out than one)
Drullusokkur - dirtsock (similar to scumbag)
Þorskhaus - codhead (idiot, an old insult)
Sauður - old sheep (fool, an old insult)
Skíthæll - shit heel (jerk)
Example: Helvítis andskotans danafífil! - Damn Dane fool!
Most words were taken from conversations but some were from an online bookstore.
Noregur - Norway
Danmörk - Denmark
Svíþjóð - Sweden
Finnland - Finland
Torga - eat up
Útsala - sale, clearance sale
Titill - title
Afslættur - discount
Rita - write, compose
Rit - work, literary work
Hrynja - fall, collapse, cave in
Karfa - basket, hamper
Fyrirspurn - question, inquiry
Pöntun - order
Útgáfa - publication, printing, edition, publisher, version
Skráning - registration, check-in
Lærdómur - learning, scholarship, knowledge
Kennsla - teaching, instruction
Þú ert bara útlendingafífl - You’re just a stupid foreigner. (You can replace "fífl" with "hyski" or "pakk" or "rusl" or "plága" but all of those are increasingly worse... You wouldn't say this to someone.)
Curse words:
Helvítis! - hell's
Djöfulsins - the devil's
Anskotans - the devil's
Bévítans - something like "hell's"
Fjandans - the devil's
Fjandinn = damn!
Ríddu þér (said: rídduðér) - up yours
Asni - ass, donkey
Fífl - fool
Fáviti - "knows little", idiot
Hálfviti - halfwit
Flón - fool (you don't really shout out than one)
Drullusokkur - dirtsock (similar to scumbag)
Þorskhaus - codhead (idiot, an old insult)
Sauður - old sheep (fool, an old insult)
Skíthæll - shit heel (jerk)
Example: Helvítis andskotans danafífil! - Damn Dane fool!
Most words were taken from conversations but some were from an online bookstore.
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