Friday, May 7, 2010

Conversations, Weather/Stuff

Svarthol - prison, black hole
Gammur - vulture
Blossa - blaze, flame
Blossi - blaze, flash
Ermí - sleeve
Þrekleysi - lack of strength/courage, feebleness/cowardice
Huldufólk - hidden people
Safn - collection, museum, flock of sheep
Fróður - knowledgeable, learned, erudite, well-read
Skór - shoe
Hönnun - design
Sær - ocean, sea
Færa - move, bring
Daglegur - daily
Daglegt mál - everyday speech
Gervi - character, figure, costume
Greind - intelligence, cleverness
Kuldi - cold weather, cold, coldness
Met - scales, record
Stytta - shorten, abbreviate
Forn - old, ancient, antique
Gripur - thing, object, cattle, livestock
Forngripur - ancient relic, antique
Visinn - dried out, whithered, crippled
Vísindi - science
Harmoníka - accordion
Lýðræði - democracy
Dauði - death
Syndur - able to swim
Synd - sin
Pistill - long letter, epistle
Algleymi - ecstasy
Grín - fun, enjoyment
Geð - mind, feeling, mood,
Dómur - sentence, judgement, opinion, court
Geðsjúkdómar - mental illness
Ríma - Icelandic ballard
Hrím - hoarfrost, rime
Tónn - tone, note, tone of voice, feel, quality
Nýyrði - neologism
Endir - ending, conclusion
Heimsendir - end of the world
Lyf - medicine
Rannsókn - investigation, research
Himinn - sky, the heavens (when plural) heaven, paradise
Geimur - big empty space, outer space
Græða - cultivate, profit, heal
Tönn - tooth
Krem - cream
Tannkrem - toothpaste
Útivist - outdoor life, camping, hiking
Lén - domain, domain name
Jafn - equal, same, even, level
Vægi - weight, significance, importance, weighting
Kyn - sex, gender, stock, kind

These words were taken from podcast descriptions.

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