Monday, May 3, 2010

Insults, Conversations

Voff - dog barking sound
Noregur - Norway

Danmörk - Denmark

Svíþjóð - Sweden

Finnland - Finland
Torga - eat up
Útsala - sale, clearance sale
Titill - title
Afslættur - discount
Rita - write, compose
Rit - work, literary work
Hrynja - fall, collapse, cave in
Karfa - basket, hamper
Fyrirspurn - question, inquiry
Pöntun - order
Útgáfa - publication, printing, edition, publisher, version
Skráning - registration, check-in
Lærdómur - learning, scholarship, knowledge
Kennsla - teaching, instruction

Þú ert bara útlendingafífl - You’re just a stupid foreigner. (You can replace "fífl" with "hyski" or "pakk" or "rusl" or "plága" but all of those are increasingly worse... You wouldn't say this to someone.)

Curse words:
Helvítis! - hell's
Djöfulsins - the devil's
Anskotans - the devil's
Bévítans - something like "hell's"
Fjandans - the devil's
Fjandinn = damn!
Ríddu þér (said: rídduðér) - up yours
Asni - ass, donkey
Fífl - fool
Fáviti - "knows little", idiot
Hálfviti - halfwit
Flón - fool (you don't really shout out than one)
Drullusokkur - dirtsock (similar to scumbag)
Þorskhaus - codhead (idiot, an old insult)
Sauður - old sheep (fool, an old insult)
Skíthæll - shit heel (jerk)

Example: Helvítis andskotans danafífil! - Damn Dane fool!

Most words were taken from conversations but some were from an online bookstore.

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