Sunday, May 9, 2010


Jeppi - jeep
Dekk - Deck, tyre/tire
Bremsa - brake
Lokka - entice, allure, tempt
Lokkur - lock of hair, curl
Rafgeymir - battery
Bón - wax, polish
Þvottur - washing, laundry
Þrif - cleaning, tidying, thriving, growing
Sverð - sword
Sæjka - get, fetch, attend, attack, be on the offensive
Lausn - liberation, retirement, solution, redemption
Strý - thin tufty hair
Áferð - texture
Gata - street, way, path
Samstarf - cooperation, collaboration
Dvergur - dwarf
Kantur - edge
Tröll - giant
Troll - trawl
Berg - rock face
Verkefni - task, assignment, project
Meistari - (in music) master, maestro
Nám - studying, studies
Regn - rain
Láta - put, let go, lose, let, make, have, act, behave
Tíður - frequent
Tíð - period, time, weather conditions, menstruation, mass, tense
Hugsa - think, believe, guess
Rammi - frame
Lífsgæði - the good things of life
Einstaklingur - individual, person

Words taken from ads.

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