Sunday, June 20, 2010

Various things

Bryðja - crunch (using teeth)
Hæna - attract, lure
Svanur - swan
Hræða - person
Hór - adultery, fornication
Blaður - nonsense, rubbish
Súla - column, pillar
Ríkið - state monopoly liquor store, government liquor store
Banda - wave
Hel - death, realm of the dead
Sýsla - counties
Sveitarfélag - municipalities
Kynningarstarf - publicity, promotion, announcement, introduction, presentation, acquaintance
Tímabundinn - temporary, provisional, occupied, pressed for time
Hlutastarf - part-time job
Hjá - beside, with, at, compared with
Framsækinn - progressive
Framleiðsla - production, manufacture
Starf - work, activity, job, profession
Ræða - speech, address
Fela - entrust with
Útbúa - equip, prepare, make ready
Hópur - group, crowd
Senn - soon
Í senn - at once, at the same time
Einstaklingur - individual, person
Kunnátta - knowledge, skill
Jafnframt - at the same time, along with
Fræða - instruct, inform
Aldur - age
Varúð - care, caution

Varúð! Veit einhver af ferðum þínum hér. - Caution! Does anyone know you are traveling here.

Taken from podcasts, the movie "Cold Fever", and a hiring ad.

As a side-note, starting at the end of August I will be living in Iceland, so expect a torrent of words while I study.

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