Monday, April 12, 2010


Tík - bitch (can refer to dogs)
Saga - story, history, saga
Klst. (short for klukkustund) - an hour
Jæja - well
Jæja þá - all right then
Tónlist - music
Tónleikar - concert
Veisla - celebration, banquet, party
Vagn - vehicle, wagon, carriage, bus, pram
Barnavagn - baby carriage, pram/perambulator
Deyja - die, pass out from drinking, go out
Deyja út - become extinct, die out
Varla - barely, hardly, scarcely
Hræðilegur - horrible, frightening
Lifa - live, experience, survive
Engan veginn - in no way, no-how
Óformlegur - informal
Skóla - rinse
Skóli - school
Vörður - watchman, guard
Stígur - path, sheep track
Kirkja - church
Þjóð - nation, people
Menning - civilization, culture
List - art
Afstrakt - abstract
Afstraktlist - abstract art
Samþykkja - agree, approve, consent
Dýr - animal, beast
Mór - peat
Karamella - toffee
Búnaður - equipment
Loksins - finally
Gróðurhús - Greenhouse, hothouse
Merkilegur - remarkable, noteworthy, important, distinguished
Stand - condition, state of affairs
Tekjur - income, revenue
Ráðstöfunartekjur - disposable income
Einnota - disposable
Raun - experience, trial, distress, truth
Kaffihús - café, coffee house
Væminn - cloying, sickly sweet, sentimental
Sáttur - reconciled, agreed
Ákvörðun - decision, resolve
Svín - pig, hog, swine
Flensa - flu
Brúða - doll, puppet
Fjörður - fjord, bay
Fjara - low tide, beach, shore
Krá - pub, tavern

also, Hallgerður er tík og Jónas(Hallgrímsson) segir að Gunnar elski hana og ég skil það bara ekki... (also, Hallgerður is a bitch and Jónas [Hallgrímsson] says Gunnar loves her and I just don't understand it...)

no worries, most of us "young ones" nenna ekki að lesa sögurnar anyway (don't want to read the sagas anyway).

Some words were taken from conversations, some from a photo my friend took, and some from an article about the anniversary of a music place.

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