Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Recipe, Food

Stoppa - stop, stuff
Egg - egg
Hvítur - white
Púður - (something) powder
Púðursykur - powdered sugar
Rjómi - cream
Súkkulaði - chocolate
Lítill - small, short, little
Húð - skin, coating, plating
Súkkulaðihúðað - Chocolate coated
Lakkrískurl - chopped up liquorice pieces
Þeyta - whip
Stífþeyta - Beat/whip (until stiff)
Saman - together
Poki - sack, bag
Blanda - blend, mixture
Varlega - carefully
Ásamt - along with, in company with
Bæta (something) við - Add something
Alveg - completely
Hverfa - vanish, disappear
Saxa - chop into pieces, mince
Setja - to put, place
Teskeið - teaspoon, coffee spoon
Plata - plate, sheet of something
Bökunarpappír - wax paper
Baka - bake
Mínúta - minute

EDIT: I tried this recipe and it didn't work for me, however I messed up a little too. Make sure your chocolate isn't pre-made into shapes (like bars that you can break off or chocolate chips) because otherwise it won't melt in the oven and the liquorice will melt before it does. Also salmiac liquorice tastes disgusting when melted. I also think I didn't beat the eggs for long enough.

3 eggjahvítur (egg whites)
200 gr. púðursykur (8/10th cup powdered sugar)
150 gr. rjómasúkkulaði (bar of milk chocolate)
2 litlir pokar súkkulaðihúðað lakkrískurl (little bags of chocolate-covered liquorice)

Stífþeytið eggjahvíturnar, bætið púðursykrinum við og þeytið áfram þar til sykurinn er alveg horfinn. (Beat the egg whites until stiff, add the powdered sugar and mix together until the sugar is completely dissolved/vanished.)

Bætið söxuðu súkkulaði og lakkrískurli við. (Add the minced chocolate and liquorice bits together.)

Setjið með teskeið á plötu með bökunarpappír og bakið við 175° í 12-14 mínútur. (Set a teaspoon of the mix onto a cookie sheet with wax paper and bake for 175°C/347°F for twelve to fourteen minutes.)

Words were all taken from the recipe.

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