Saturday, April 10, 2010


Airplane menu:
Ristuð kjúklingabringa. (Ristuð - toasted. Kjúklingur - chicken. Bringa - chest.)
Roasted chicken breast.

Með kartöflum, fersku salti og piparsósu (Með - with. Kartöflum - potatoes. Fersku - fresh. Salati - salad. Og - and. Pipar - pepper. Sósu - sauce.)
With potatoes, fresh salad and pepper cream dressing.

Langloka dagsins. (Langloka - Sub/baguette sandwich. Dag - day. Dagsins - of the day.)
Sub sandwich of the day.

Spyrjið um úrval dagsins. (Spyrjið - ask. Um - about. Úrval - selection.)
Ask for today's selection.

Grænmetisvefja (Grænmeti - vegetable. Vefja - wrap.)
Vegetable wrap.

Með papriku, tómötum, guacamole og hummus. (Papriku - paprika/bell peppers. Tómötum - tomatoes.)
With paprika, tomatoes, guacamole and hummus.

Ávextasalat. (Ávöxtur - fruit.)
Fruit salad.

Packaged food:
Innihald - contents.
Næring - nourishment.
Næringargildi - nutritional value.
Nettó - net.
Þyngd - weight.
Matseðill - menu

Ingredients and food/drink items:
Bragðefni - flavouring.
Sykur - sugar.
Hveiti - wheat.
Mjöl - flour.
Lakkrís - liquorice.
Kokó - cocoa.
Jurt - plant.
Olía - oil.
Jurtaolía - vegetable oil.
Mjólk - milk.
Heslihnetum - hazelnuts.
Möndlum - almonds.
Kókosmjöli - coconuts.
Safi - juice
Tómatsafi - tomato juice
Avaxtasafi - fruit juice
Vatn - water
Sterkir drykkir - spirits ("Strong beverage")
Bjór - beer
Vín - wine (Hvítvín - white wine. Rauðvín - red wine. Freyðivín - sparkling wine.)
Freyða - foam, lather.
Kampavín - champagne
Matur - food
Harðfiskur - dried fish, stockfish. Commonly cod.
Kartöflur - potatoes
Fylling - filling
Sælgæti - sweets, candy
Snarl - snack, light meal
Smákaka - cookie, biscuit
Steikar - roast
Sveppur - mushroom
Samloka - sandwich
Laukur - onion
Fræ - seed
Graslaukur - chives
Te - tea
Kaffi - coffee

The words were from food packages and the airplane menu from IcelandAir.

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