Monday, April 12, 2010


Nema - study, learn, perceive
Kveðja - Regards
Starf - work, activity, profession
Fólk - People
Nemandi - student
Skrár - register, directory, list
Tölvuskrá - computer file
Ágæti - excellent, merit, distinction
Viðtakandi - recipient, addressee
Sjálfvirkur - automatic
Skeyti - telegram, cablegram
Erindi - errand, message, lecture, stanza
Afgreiða - serve, expedite, dispatch
Eins og - As
Fljótt - quickly, fast
Auðið - possible
Fylgja - guide, accompany, support, follow
Breyting - change, modification
Skráning - registration, check-in
Forsíða - front page
Muna - remember
Námskeið - course
Sendir - transmitter
Senda - send

This is the University's own translation:

Ágæti viðtakandi, þetta er sjálfvirkt svar frá Nemendaskrá. (Dear receiver, this is an automated reply from the Student Registry.)

Skeyti þitt hefur verið móttekið og erindið verður afgreitt eins fljótt og auðið er. (Your email has been received and will be processed as soon as possible.)

Fylgstu með breytingum á skráningu á forsíðu þinni í Uglu, (Check for changes in your registration on your front page in Ugla

Mundu að gefa upp nafn, kennitölu sem og númer og heiti námskeiða þegar þú sendir Nemendaskrá póst. (Please remember to specify your name and ID-number, as well as the numbers and the names of your courses when you email the Student Registry.)

Með góðum kveðjum/with kind regards,
Starfsfólk Nemendaskrár/Personnel of the Student Registry

The words were taken from that Email.

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