Valkostir - alternative, choice
Fela - hide, conceal
Hætta í - quit, stop ("exit")
Nýr flipi - new tab
Tengill - link, connection, socket, outlet
Loka - close, shut
Uppsetning - arrangement, placing, installation, staging, production
Prenta - print
Flytja - move, transport
Flytja inn - import
Flytja út - export
Vinna ótengdur - work offline
Breyta - change, modify, turn into ("edit")
Afturkalla - revoke, repeal, annul ("undo")
Endurtaka - repeat
Klippa - cut, clip (ctrl+x)
Afrita - copy, transcribe (ctrl+c)
Líma - glue (paste, ctrl+v)
Eyða - delete
Leita - search, seek
Skoða - observe, scrutinize, consider
Usli - damage
Fræmkvæma - carry out
Meðhöndla - treat
Héðan í frá - from now on
Svona - like that, thus, about, approximately
Í lagi - okay
Vist - stay
Vista - find a place for ("save")
Vista skrá - "Save file"

"You have chosen to open"
"Which is a: Word Document"
"From: Http://..."
"How do you want Firefox handle this file?"
"Open with (browse)"
"Save file"
"Carry out this automatically from now on for files like this"
Endurnýja - renew
Stíll - style
Stafa - spell
Kóði - code
Heim - home
Ferli - process
Ferill - traces, steps, career ("History")
Setja - to put, place
Bók - book
Merki - sign, mark, signal,
Bókamerki - Bookmark
Niður - down, downwards
Niðurhal - Downloads
Viðbót - addition, extra
Villa - mistake, error
Hreinsa - clean up
Aðvörun - warning, caution
Verkfæri - Tool, implement ("tools")
Gluggi - window
Byrja - start, begin
Minnka - decrease, lessen, reduce ("Minimize")
Aðdrattur - "Maximize"
Hjálp - Help
Tilkynna - announce, make known
Bilaður - broken down, out of order
Falsað - forge, falsify
Vefur - web, weave
Setur - institute, foundation
Vefsetur - website
Blogg - Blog

"Downloads loaded/finished"
"All files have downloaded"
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