Friday, April 16, 2010


These vocabulary words are taken from Adium.

Til taks - "available" (as in status)
Félagi - companion, comrade, partner, member ("buddy list")
Fjarstaddur - absent, away
Í felum - in hiding ("invisible")
Staða - situation, position, office, post, status
Spjall - conversation, chat
Þáttur - part, factor, strand, act, program, story,
Hópur - group, crowd
Taka þátt í hópspjalli - Take part in a group chat
Samtal - conversation
Síðu - page
Uppsetning síðu - page setup (for printing)
Stilla - calm, tune, adjust
Farsími - mobile phone
Stafsetning - Spelling, orthography
Innsláttur - keyboarding, data entry
Rönd - edge, rim, boarder
Tækjarönd - toolbar
Raða - arrange
Heild - whole, totally
Fjöldi - large number, crowd
Heildarfjöldi - total number
Dul - concealment, self-delusion, arrogance
Kóðun - coding
Leturgerð - font
Endurheimta - regain
Feit - fat, stout
Letur - type, character, inscription
Feit letur, feitletrur - bold font
Á ská - askew, aslant, sideways
Skáletur - italic font
Undirstrikun - Underscore
Fyrri - first of two, previous, earlier
Fremst - in front, at the front, furthest front
Setja allt fremst - Move all to front
Sameina - unite, combine
Flutningur - transportation, transport, freight, cargo, change of address, recital, performance
Viðbrögð - reaction ("comment")
Umræða - debate, discussion, argument, reading

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