Sunday, April 11, 2010

Post office

Post office:
Pósthús - post office
Hús - house
Póstur - mail, post, postman
Pakki - packet, package, parcel
Flug - Flight, aviation
Flugpóstur - air mail
Opnist hér - Open here
Dragið upp - drag it up
Umbúðir - packaging, wrapping
Stingist innudir - slip it under
Hæð - height
Dýpt - depth
Breidd - width
Lengd - length
Stærð - size, dimensions
Mál - measurements, dimensions
Tollur - customs, duty
Tollmiði - customs slip
Mega - be allowed/permitted, must, have to, have the strength, be able
Embætti - position, office
Hluti - part, portion
Rífa - tear, rip, tear down, scratch, snatch, fight, grate
Sending - something sent, shipment, consignment, dispatching, sending, programme, pass (in sports)
Skýrsla - report
Annars - or else, by the way
Hvaða - what kind of, which
Sýnishorn - merchandise
Votta - attest
Böggull - parcel, package
Hættulegur - dangerous
Banna - prohibit, forbid
Samkvæmt - according to
Undirskrift - signature
Regla - regulation, rule, order, brotherhood, theorem
Greiða - pay, unravel, unknit, comb

Öll mál eru innanmál. - All measurements must fit
Má opna í embættisnafni - May be opened officially
Hluti sem rífa skal frá, ef sendingunni fylgja tollskúrslur. Fyllst annars út. - Part to be detached if the item is accompanied by a customs declaration. Otherwise to be filled out.
Í hvaða mynt? - in which currency?
Virði alls - total value
Ég votta að þessi böggull inniheldur ekkert hættulegt eða bannaða vöru samkvæmt póstreglugerðum. - I certify that this item does not contain any dangerous articles prohibited by postal regulations.

The words are from some packages and stuff was mailed to me in.

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