Friday, April 16, 2010

News, Geography

Aska - ash, ashes
Öskufallinu - ash fall
Bera - carry, bear, sustain, give birth to cows and sheep
Sýna - show, exhibit, give a performance
Sýn - sight, view, vision
Hve - how, like, as
Þykkt - thickness, depth
Nágranni - neighbour
Gjósa - erupt, spout, gush
Álma - wing of a building
Vörn - defense
Nefnd - committee, board, commission
Almannavarnir - "The Civil Protection Department"
Skógur - forest, wood
Hlíð - slope, mountain side
Ráðleggja - advise
Hylja - hide, conceal, cover
Vit - reason, sense, intelligence, know-how, sense organs (especially nose and mouth)
Ryk - dust
Gríma - mask
Magn - quantity, amount
Þar - there
Mikið - much, a lot, a great deal
Loft - air, sky, ceiling, attic, loft
Vestanátt - westerly wind
Samkvæmt - according to
Upplýsing - information, "Enlightenment", illumination, lighting
Veður - weather, storm
Veðurstofa - meteorological institute
Eins og - like
Vindátt - wind direction
Snúa - turn, face, translate, twist, twine,
Norður - north, northwards
Um helgina - over the weekend

Nýjar myndir af öskufallinu (New pictures of falling ash)

Ví bárust þessar myndir af öskufallinu (Ví brings these pictures of ash fall)

Myndirnar voru teknar klukkan 11 í morgun og sýna hve þykkt öskulagið er í nágranni við gosið. (The pictures were taken at eleven in the morning and show how thick the ash fall is in the area neighbouring the eruption)

Almannavarnarnefnd hefur ráðlagt fólki að hylja vit sín með rykgrímum þar sem öskumagn er mikið í lofti. (The Civil Protection Department Committee has advised people to cover their noses and mouths with dust masks as there is a large amount of dust in the air)

Eins og stendur er vestanátt en samkvæmt upplýsingum frá Veðurstofunni gæti vindáttin snúist í norður um helgina. (The wind direction is constant but according to information from the Meteorology Institute the wind direction will rotate northwards over the weekend.)

EDIT: For those interested, it really did rotate northwards.

Magnaða - powerful, intense
Sérstakur - seperate, particular, unusual
Myndavél - camera
Land - land, earth, country, estate
Helgur - holy, sacred
Gæsla - storage, custody
Landhelgisgæsla - coast guard
Megin - larger/main part
Eldgos - volcanic eruption
Metri - meter
Þvermál - diameter
Óneitanlega - indisputably
Andlit - face
Einhverskonar - some kind of
Forynyja - monster
Leið - way, route
Úr - out of, from, of,
Iðrum - intestines
Jörð - earth, ground, soil, farm, estate
Nú - present (time)
Spúa - vomit, erupt, spout
Eldur - fire
Brenna - burn, be on fire
Steinn - stone
Brennisteinn - sulphur, brimstone
Andrúmsloft - atmosphere
Afleiðing - result, consequence
Mikill - large, much, great
Samgöngur - transport, communications
Friður - peace, tranquility
Tími - time
Friðartímum - peacetime
Evrópa - Europe
Gos - volcanic or geyser eruption
Gosopin - the volcano fissures (where the lava and stuff comes out)
Minna - remind
Brotið - fold, break,

Here is IceNew's own translation of the article:

Andlit eldgossins (Face of the Volcano)

Þessi magnaða mynd sem tekin var með sérstakri myndavél um borð í vél Landhelgisgæslunnar TF-SIF í gær. (This impressive picture was taken with a special camera on board the Icelandic coastguard’s TF-SIF research plane.)

Myndin sýnir þrjú megin gosop eldgossins á Eyjafjallajökli. Gosopin eru 200 til 500 metrar í þvermál. (The picture shows three craters in the Eyjafjallajokull volcano. The craters are each 200 to 300 metres wide.)

Myndin minnir óneitanlega á andlit einhverskonar forynju sem hefur brotið sér leið úr iðrum jarðar og er nú að spúa eldi og brennisteini út í andrúmslofið. Afleiðingarnar eru mestu samgönguraskanir í Evrópu á friðartímum. (The picture undeniably looks like a face: some sort of monster which has broken its way out of the earth and is now spewing fire and sulphur into the atmosphere. The chaos being wrought on European transport connections is the greatest ever during peace time.)

However I have a fondness for my own translation: The pictures indisputably remind of some kind of monsterous face as if it has broken its way out of the intestines of the earth and is presently vomiting fire and brimstone into the atmosphere.

These words were all taken from the news.

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