Mini update (this post will be edited as I come across more later)
Svunta - apron, counterfoil
"Counterfoil" - the part of a check, receipt, ticket, or other document that is torn off and kept as a record by the person issuing it.
Gúmmístígvél - gumboot
"Gumboots" - long rubber boots.
Panna - pan, sump
"Sump" - a pit or hollow in which liquid collects.
Gafl - gable, gable end
Tittlingur - bunting, prick/cock
Bunting - flags and other colourful decorations, flag garlands included
Fossasig: waterfall abseiling
Abseiling = rappelling - descend a rock face or other near-vertical surface by using a doubled rope coiled around the body and fixed at a higher point.
Tuesday, October 26, 2010
Monday, October 25, 2010
foreigner mistakes
To make this blog more interesting I'll start posting mistakes I've made and such.
>Last year, walking with three friends into an apartment complex
>Old man telling us "Good evening" individually
>Too embarrassed, my "good evening" comes out as mumbled gibberish
>Last year, at convenience store
>Used to friend translating for me, said friend is right next to me
>Cashier asks if I want my Coke opened (glass bottles)
>I stand there blankly as I wait for a translation that never comes
>At Hagkaup (grocery store)
>Put basket of food onto conveyor belt instead of taking the food out
>In line at Bónus (grocery store)
>Lady asks me something I can't understand
>Assume she's asking if I'm next in line, I nod
>She was asking if I would watch her basket
>Paying rent bill at bank
>2000kr short on accident (had pre-made a collection of bills so paying would be faster)
>Teller starts talking to me as if I've never paid bills before and don't know where the total is on the paper because of it.
>On bus
>It stops but the back doors don't open because no one else is getting off
>Realize I can't say "Can you open the doors?" in Icelandic
>Say it in English and momentarily panic, wondering if the driver heard/understood me
>At bus stop
>Little kid asks if I have the time
>Panic and forget how to tell time in Icelandic
>Roll up my sleeve to show I have no watch and say "no"
>Later realize he probably saw me checking my mobile earlier
>At Kolaportið (flea market)
>Looking through kid's comics
>Booth owner remarks "Aren't those books fun?"
>Panic, can't say anything, smile awkwardly, leave soon after
>Buying cod at Kolaportið
>50kr short on initial payment
>Misheared as 500kr short
>At Bónus, in the cashiering line I usually avoid
>Tell cashier I want two bags
>A minute later she says some word I don't understand
>Repeats it and I realize she's asking me if I wanted two bags
>Last year, walking with three friends into an apartment complex
>Old man telling us "Good evening" individually
>Too embarrassed, my "good evening" comes out as mumbled gibberish
>Last year, at convenience store
>Used to friend translating for me, said friend is right next to me
>Cashier asks if I want my Coke opened (glass bottles)
>I stand there blankly as I wait for a translation that never comes
>At Hagkaup (grocery store)
>Put basket of food onto conveyor belt instead of taking the food out
>In line at Bónus (grocery store)
>Lady asks me something I can't understand
>Assume she's asking if I'm next in line, I nod
>She was asking if I would watch her basket
>Paying rent bill at bank
>2000kr short on accident (had pre-made a collection of bills so paying would be faster)
>Teller starts talking to me as if I've never paid bills before and don't know where the total is on the paper because of it.
>On bus
>It stops but the back doors don't open because no one else is getting off
>Realize I can't say "Can you open the doors?" in Icelandic
>Say it in English and momentarily panic, wondering if the driver heard/understood me
>At bus stop
>Little kid asks if I have the time
>Panic and forget how to tell time in Icelandic
>Roll up my sleeve to show I have no watch and say "no"
>Later realize he probably saw me checking my mobile earlier
>At Kolaportið (flea market)
>Looking through kid's comics
>Booth owner remarks "Aren't those books fun?"
>Panic, can't say anything, smile awkwardly, leave soon after
>Buying cod at Kolaportið
>50kr short on initial payment
>Misheared as 500kr short
>At Bónus, in the cashiering line I usually avoid
>Tell cashier I want two bags
>A minute later she says some word I don't understand
>Repeats it and I realize she's asking me if I wanted two bags
Friday, October 22, 2010
I'm behind in schoolwork so instead of getting words for this blog I'm focusing on learning the ones I need for school. The magazine is also on hold.
Every day I clip the political cartoon and comics from the newspaper. I also save receipts, advertisements, and packaging. If you want me to mail you things I'll gladly do it, I've been collecting them in case a learner is interested. I can also mail newspapers, books and comics from the flea market, blank postcards, swimming trunks, yarn, et cetera. Just Email me or comment with a way to reach you.
If you just want clippings I'll mail them for free. If you want other stuff you'll need to pay the item price and shipping. I can send clippings once or do it as an ongoing thing.
Grautur - thick soup
Hafragrautur - oatmeal/porridge
Grjón - cereal, rice
Grjónagrautur, hrísgrjónagrautur - rice pudding
hrísgrjón - rice
táneglur - toenails
Every day I clip the political cartoon and comics from the newspaper. I also save receipts, advertisements, and packaging. If you want me to mail you things I'll gladly do it, I've been collecting them in case a learner is interested. I can also mail newspapers, books and comics from the flea market, blank postcards, swimming trunks, yarn, et cetera. Just Email me or comment with a way to reach you.
If you just want clippings I'll mail them for free. If you want other stuff you'll need to pay the item price and shipping. I can send clippings once or do it as an ongoing thing.
Grautur - thick soup
Hafragrautur - oatmeal/porridge
Grjón - cereal, rice
Grjónagrautur, hrísgrjónagrautur - rice pudding
hrísgrjón - rice
táneglur - toenails
Sunday, October 10, 2010
Ef - if
Einhver - somebody, someone, some
Milli - between
Þrítugur - thirty years old
Fertugur - forty years old
Derhúfa - deerstalker, visor cap, baseball cap
Þá - at that time, then
Gjarna, gjarnan - gladly, readily
Síst - least, worst
Fróa - soothe, comfort, alleviate
Fróa sér - masturbate
Þar sem - as, since
líklega - probably
Frami - advancement
honum brá - he was shocked
nokkuð - quite, fairly
mása - pant, puff
Svona - like that, thus, about, approx.
þetta er svona lagað - this is how it is
á almannafæri - in public, publically
Ef einhver sér mann milli þrítugs og fertugs á reiðhjóli, með derhúfu og í bláum og rauðum jakka, þá vill lögreglan gjarnan hafa tal af honum. If somebody sees a man between thirty and forty years old on a bicycle, with a baseball cap and in a blue and red jacket, the police will gladly want to have a conversation with him.
Ekki síst ef hann er að fróa sér á hjólinu. Especially (not least) if he is masturbating on the bicycle.
Þar er líklega kominn sá sem þrjár ungar stúlkur gengu framá á Sólvallagötu um klukkan hálf sjö í morgun. Since/there is probably (kominn sá sem) three young girls advancing(?) on Sólvallagata around half past six this morning.
Þeim brá nokkuð í brún við að sjá þennan másandi mann. Svona lagað er náttúrlega bannað á almannafæri. They were quite shocked in amazement to see this panting man. This is naturally banned in public.
Einhver - somebody, someone, some
Milli - between
Þrítugur - thirty years old
Fertugur - forty years old
Derhúfa - deerstalker, visor cap, baseball cap
Þá - at that time, then
Gjarna, gjarnan - gladly, readily
Síst - least, worst
Fróa - soothe, comfort, alleviate
Fróa sér - masturbate
Þar sem - as, since
líklega - probably
Frami - advancement
honum brá - he was shocked
nokkuð - quite, fairly
mása - pant, puff
Svona - like that, thus, about, approx.
þetta er svona lagað - this is how it is
á almannafæri - in public, publically
Ef einhver sér mann milli þrítugs og fertugs á reiðhjóli, með derhúfu og í bláum og rauðum jakka, þá vill lögreglan gjarnan hafa tal af honum. If somebody sees a man between thirty and forty years old on a bicycle, with a baseball cap and in a blue and red jacket, the police will gladly want to have a conversation with him.
Ekki síst ef hann er að fróa sér á hjólinu. Especially (not least) if he is masturbating on the bicycle.
Þar er líklega kominn sá sem þrjár ungar stúlkur gengu framá á Sólvallagötu um klukkan hálf sjö í morgun. Since/there is probably (kominn sá sem) three young girls advancing(?) on Sólvallagata around half past six this morning.
Þeim brá nokkuð í brún við að sjá þennan másandi mann. Svona lagað er náttúrlega bannað á almannafæri. They were quite shocked in amazement to see this panting man. This is naturally banned in public.
Wednesday, September 22, 2010
sjúkrakassi - first aid kit
alveg - completely
glæsilegur - splendid
vonandi - hopefully
gosbrunnur - fountain
gemsi - cell phone
reikningur - bill
félagi - comrade
endurraða - unscramble
andlit - face
vinka - wave (to someone)
reið - ride
engi - meadow
báðir - both
einstakur - unique, single
vera andfúlli - have bad breath
hvass - harsh, keen, windy
hvöss gagnrýni - harsh criticism
hvöss sjón - keen eyesight
Skulu - shall, need
við skulum koma okkur - let's go
þegar - immediately, directly, when
fellibylur - hurricane, typhoon
læti - tumult, noise
láta öllum illum látum - behave badly
gaur - gangling fellow, pole
borga - pay
gemsareikning - cell phone bill
lofa - promise, praise, allow
aukakostnað - increasing/excess costs
fullvissa - assure
hrína - cry, wail
hindra - hinder
útsýni - view
völlur - field, lawn, airport
nef - nose, beak
æðri - higher, more exalted
endi - end
Hver skrifaði öll SMS-in? - Who wrote all the SMS?
Hver lofaði að taka á sig allan aukakostnað? - Who promised to take care of all excess costs?
Og hver á þá að borga reikninginn? - And who should pay the bill then?
Taken from comics in the newspaper.
Couldn't log into any "secure" sites like this for a while so I couldn't post.
alveg - completely
glæsilegur - splendid
vonandi - hopefully
gosbrunnur - fountain
gemsi - cell phone
reikningur - bill
félagi - comrade
endurraða - unscramble
andlit - face
vinka - wave (to someone)
reið - ride
engi - meadow
báðir - both
einstakur - unique, single
vera andfúlli - have bad breath
hvass - harsh, keen, windy
hvöss gagnrýni - harsh criticism
hvöss sjón - keen eyesight
Skulu - shall, need
við skulum koma okkur - let's go
þegar - immediately, directly, when
fellibylur - hurricane, typhoon
læti - tumult, noise
láta öllum illum látum - behave badly
gaur - gangling fellow, pole
borga - pay
gemsareikning - cell phone bill
lofa - promise, praise, allow
aukakostnað - increasing/excess costs
fullvissa - assure
hrína - cry, wail
hindra - hinder
útsýni - view
völlur - field, lawn, airport
nef - nose, beak
æðri - higher, more exalted
endi - end
Hver skrifaði öll SMS-in? - Who wrote all the SMS?
Hver lofaði að taka á sig allan aukakostnað? - Who promised to take care of all excess costs?
Og hver á þá að borga reikninginn? - And who should pay the bill then?
Taken from comics in the newspaper.
Couldn't log into any "secure" sites like this for a while so I couldn't post.
Wednesday, September 8, 2010
gæði - quality, kindness
svif - flight
svifryk - "flight dust", particulate matter
Miðlungs - mediocre, moderate
viðmið - norm
unninn - processed
þróun - progress, evolution
Einungis - only, merely
vernd - protection
mörk - 250g (about infants), forest
leyfilegur - allowed
viðbragð - jump, jolt
viðbragðsfljótur - quick to react
teymi - tern
5pá - prophecy, weather forecast
vera - creature, stay, reality
ákveða - decide
mótvægi - counterbalance
Mæling - measurement
mæla - measure, survey
gatnamót - intersection
mengun - pollution
ögn - particle, trifle
þvermáli - diameter
uppruni - origin, source
eftirfarandi - following
malbik - asphalt
bremsluborði - break lining
sót - soot
jarðvegur - soil
samgöngur - transport, communications
samgöngutæki - means of transportation
sjálfvirkar - automatic
færanlegur - moveable
valmynd - menu
orka - power, energy
orkunýting - energy consumption/efficiency
fjúka - be blown away
nálgast - approach
gagn use, (plural) data/documents, evidence
raun - experience, trial, truth, distress
meðal tal - mean value
From here.
svif - flight
svifryk - "flight dust", particulate matter
Miðlungs - mediocre, moderate
viðmið - norm
unninn - processed
þróun - progress, evolution
Einungis - only, merely
vernd - protection
mörk - 250g (about infants), forest
leyfilegur - allowed
viðbragð - jump, jolt
viðbragðsfljótur - quick to react
teymi - tern
5pá - prophecy, weather forecast
vera - creature, stay, reality
ákveða - decide
mótvægi - counterbalance
Mæling - measurement
mæla - measure, survey
gatnamót - intersection
mengun - pollution
ögn - particle, trifle
þvermáli - diameter
uppruni - origin, source
eftirfarandi - following
malbik - asphalt
bremsluborði - break lining
sót - soot
jarðvegur - soil
samgöngur - transport, communications
samgöngutæki - means of transportation
sjálfvirkar - automatic
færanlegur - moveable
valmynd - menu
orka - power, energy
orkunýting - energy consumption/efficiency
fjúka - be blown away
nálgast - approach
gagn use, (plural) data/documents, evidence
raun - experience, trial, truth, distress
meðal tal - mean value
From here.
Sunday, September 5, 2010
Fyrri - first of two, previous, earlier
Seinni - later, slower
Heimaverkefni - homework
Notkun - use, application
Hópur - group, crowd
Námskeið - course
Námsefni - curriculum, syllabus
Ljósrit - photocopy
Stafróf - alphabet
Stefnumót - rendez-vous, date, appointment
Sendiferð - errand
Afhenda - "turn in", deliver, hand over
Fremur - rather
Lesefni - reading matter
Nám - studying, studies
Sjálfsnám - private study
Rit - work, literary work
Gilda - be valid
Skriflegur - written
Próf - exam, hearing
Skipting - division
Þjálfun - training, exercise, practice
Tal - speech, conversation, number
Misseri - semester
Taken from school schedule Word documents.
Seinni - later, slower
Heimaverkefni - homework
Notkun - use, application
Hópur - group, crowd
Námskeið - course
Námsefni - curriculum, syllabus
Ljósrit - photocopy
Stafróf - alphabet
Stefnumót - rendez-vous, date, appointment
Sendiferð - errand
Afhenda - "turn in", deliver, hand over
Fremur - rather
Lesefni - reading matter
Nám - studying, studies
Sjálfsnám - private study
Rit - work, literary work
Gilda - be valid
Skriflegur - written
Próf - exam, hearing
Skipting - division
Þjálfun - training, exercise, practice
Tal - speech, conversation, number
Misseri - semester
Taken from school schedule Word documents.
Friday, September 3, 2010
Food, household supplies
Hollur - healthy, loyal, good
Rófa - rutabaga, yellow turnip
Allur - whole, all
Kleina - cruller, twisted doughnut
Grófur - coarse, rough
Ódýr - cheap
Slátrun - slaughter
Heill - undamaged, healthy, whole, sincere
Skrokkur - body, hull, frame
Saga - saw
Hryggur - back, spine, ridge
Flokkur - group, class
Lærissneiðar - slice of leg of lamb
Rauðspretta - plaice
Roð - fish skin
Núðlur - noodles
Ökkli - ankle
Viskustykki - tea towel
Vörn - defence
Munnir - mouth
Gúmmi - rubber
Rafgeymir - battery
Uppþvotalögur - cleaning liquid
Bleiur - daiper/nappy
Nýra - kidney
Pinni - stick, peg, pin
Frostpinnar - ice lollies
Kubbur - block of wood, chip
Staur - post, pole
Hagkvæmur - economical, efficient
Örbylgja- microwave
Örbylgjupopp - popcorn
Hafur - billy-goat
Haframjöl - oatmeal
Púði - cushion, pillow
Sykurpúði - marshmallow
Kex - cracker
Taken from a sale advertisement in the mail from Krónan.
Rófa - rutabaga, yellow turnip
Allur - whole, all
Kleina - cruller, twisted doughnut
Grófur - coarse, rough
Ódýr - cheap
Slátrun - slaughter
Heill - undamaged, healthy, whole, sincere
Skrokkur - body, hull, frame
Saga - saw
Hryggur - back, spine, ridge
Flokkur - group, class
Lærissneiðar - slice of leg of lamb
Rauðspretta - plaice
Roð - fish skin
Núðlur - noodles
Ökkli - ankle
Viskustykki - tea towel
Vörn - defence
Munnir - mouth
Gúmmi - rubber
Rafgeymir - battery
Uppþvotalögur - cleaning liquid
Bleiur - daiper/nappy
Nýra - kidney
Pinni - stick, peg, pin
Frostpinnar - ice lollies
Kubbur - block of wood, chip
Staur - post, pole
Hagkvæmur - economical, efficient
Örbylgja- microwave
Örbylgjupopp - popcorn
Hafur - billy-goat
Haframjöl - oatmeal
Púði - cushion, pillow
Sykurpúði - marshmallow
Kex - cracker
Taken from a sale advertisement in the mail from Krónan.
Tuesday, August 10, 2010
Insults, Weather/Geography
Saur - feces.
Drulluhali - dirt/diarrhoea tail
Skíthæll - shit heel
Auli - goof, loser
Asni - donkey
Heimskingi - stupid
Hóra - whore
Drusla - slut, mess
Kunta - (slang) cunt
Belja - cow
Tól - tool
Gúmmítöffari – rubbertoughguy
Hnakki - "back of head" guido-hipster (though some people don't consider it an insult)
Skinka - "ham" guido-hipster-girl
Alheimur - universe, cosmos
Dýrð - glory, splendor
Forfaðir - forefather, ancestor
Hljóð - sound, cry, silence
Eftirköst - aftereffects
Auka - increase, augment
Dauði - death
Skjár - screen, window
Klofvega - astride
Framhjá - by, past
Storkna - solidify, coagulate
Hraun - lava, lava field
Renna - slide, flow, run, rise
Gufa - steam, vapour, wet
Ský - cloud
Tvístíga - shuffle one's feet
Nefnilega - namely, that is to say
I've been focusing on learning from the vocabulary and grammar of Icelandic Online because Uni starts soon and I need to know all of that in order to study at the University. For this reason I haven't been translating other things or looking for vocabulary to put on the blog.
Drulluhali - dirt/diarrhoea tail
Skíthæll - shit heel
Auli - goof, loser
Asni - donkey
Heimskingi - stupid
Hóra - whore
Drusla - slut, mess
Kunta - (slang) cunt
Belja - cow
Tól - tool
Gúmmítöffari – rubbertoughguy
Hnakki - "back of head" guido-hipster (though some people don't consider it an insult)
Skinka - "ham" guido-hipster-girl
Alheimur - universe, cosmos
Dýrð - glory, splendor
Forfaðir - forefather, ancestor
Hljóð - sound, cry, silence
Eftirköst - aftereffects
Auka - increase, augment
Dauði - death
Skjár - screen, window
Klofvega - astride
Framhjá - by, past
Storkna - solidify, coagulate
Hraun - lava, lava field
Renna - slide, flow, run, rise
Gufa - steam, vapour, wet
Ský - cloud
Tvístíga - shuffle one's feet
Nefnilega - namely, that is to say
I've been focusing on learning from the vocabulary and grammar of Icelandic Online because Uni starts soon and I need to know all of that in order to study at the University. For this reason I haven't been translating other things or looking for vocabulary to put on the blog.
Monday, August 2, 2010
Magazine Issue Two
Includes beginning grammar ("Where are you from", answering and forming questions, gerunds), cultural facts, historical facts, and useful information for tourists, along with vocabulary on each of these subjects.
The first two magazines are free, but I was wondering what people think about charging for the next issues. If that's acceptable, how much is okay? I was thinking of charging $2.50 USD. Is that too much?
Tuesday, June 29, 2010
Hve - how, like, as
Byrjun - beginning, outset
Formaður - director, chief
Kampur - moustache, whiskers
Kátur - cheerful, merry, jolly
Kampakátur - ??? will ask
Vertíð - fishing season
Meðalstór - medium (size)
Langreyður - rorqual, finback, fin (type of whale) Balaenoptera physalus
Draga - pull, drag, draw, delay, reach
Fjörður - fjord, bay
Síðdegis - in the afternoon
Strax - right away, immediately
Skera - cut, slice, intersect
Veiði - catch, game, hunting, fishing
Skip - boat, ship
Síðar - later
Þrátt fyrir - despite, in spite of, notwithstanding
Lélegur - poor, inferior
Slyggni - visibility, porch roof, peak (on a cap)
Leyfi - permission, license, holiday
Veita - grant, offer, pipe
Haust - autumn
Aðspurður - asked
Neinn - no one, not any
Áhyggja - care, anxiety, concern
Sala - sale
Afurð - produce, product
Ágætlega - excellently, outstandidly, splendidly
Af stað - start, take off
Þrjú stórhveli komin á land - Three big whales(?) come ashore.
„Þetta er góð byrjun, þetta hefur farið vel af stað," sagði Kristján Loftsson, stjórnarformaður Hvals hf., kampakátur eftir að fyrsti hvalur vertíðarinnar, meðalstór langreyður, var dreginn á land í Hvalfirði síðdegis í gær. - "This is a good beginning, this has started well," said Kristján Loftsson, (I'll finish attempting to translate this later)
Strax var hafist handa við að skera hvalinn í hvalveiðistöðinni. Annað hvalveiðiskip kom til lands síðar í gærkvöldi með tvær aðrar langreyðar. Allar voru þær skotnar suðvestur af landinu þrátt fyrir lélegt skyggni.
Leyfi hefur verið veitt til að veiða allt að 200 langreyðar á vertíðinni, sem nú er hafin og stendur fram á haust. „Þetta er um hundrað daga vertíð," segir Kristján.
Aðspurður segist hann ekki hafa neinar áhyggjur af sölu afurðanna. „Það hefur allt gengið ágætlega." - gb
Byrjun - beginning, outset
Formaður - director, chief
Kampur - moustache, whiskers
Kátur - cheerful, merry, jolly
Kampakátur - ??? will ask
Vertíð - fishing season
Meðalstór - medium (size)
Langreyður - rorqual, finback, fin (type of whale) Balaenoptera physalus
Draga - pull, drag, draw, delay, reach
Fjörður - fjord, bay
Síðdegis - in the afternoon
Strax - right away, immediately
Skera - cut, slice, intersect
Veiði - catch, game, hunting, fishing
Skip - boat, ship
Síðar - later
Þrátt fyrir - despite, in spite of, notwithstanding
Lélegur - poor, inferior
Slyggni - visibility, porch roof, peak (on a cap)
Leyfi - permission, license, holiday
Veita - grant, offer, pipe
Haust - autumn
Aðspurður - asked
Neinn - no one, not any
Áhyggja - care, anxiety, concern
Sala - sale
Afurð - produce, product
Ágætlega - excellently, outstandidly, splendidly
Af stað - start, take off
Þrjú stórhveli komin á land - Three big whales(?) come ashore.
„Þetta er góð byrjun, þetta hefur farið vel af stað," sagði Kristján Loftsson, stjórnarformaður Hvals hf., kampakátur eftir að fyrsti hvalur vertíðarinnar, meðalstór langreyður, var dreginn á land í Hvalfirði síðdegis í gær. - "This is a good beginning, this has started well," said Kristján Loftsson, (I'll finish attempting to translate this later)
Strax var hafist handa við að skera hvalinn í hvalveiðistöðinni. Annað hvalveiðiskip kom til lands síðar í gærkvöldi með tvær aðrar langreyðar. Allar voru þær skotnar suðvestur af landinu þrátt fyrir lélegt skyggni.
Leyfi hefur verið veitt til að veiða allt að 200 langreyðar á vertíðinni, sem nú er hafin og stendur fram á haust. „Þetta er um hundrað daga vertíð," segir Kristján.
Aðspurður segist hann ekki hafa neinar áhyggjur af sölu afurðanna. „Það hefur allt gengið ágætlega." - gb
Sunday, June 27, 2010
Marriage News, Hotel
Langa - want, long for
Varða - concern, affect
Munur - difference, object, thing
Aðskilja - separate
Mættur - power, stength, ability
Vona - hope
Hjón - couple, married couple
Band - string, yarn, ties, binding
Hjónaband - marriage
Forsæti - presidency, chairmanship
Ráðherra - minister
Forsætisráðherra - Prime minister/premier
Hjú - servant
Skapa - create
Lög - law, statute
Gildi - validity, value, worth, merit, valence
Alþjóðlegur - international
Barátta - fight, struggle
Óháður - independent
Kyndferði - sex
Aðstoðarmaður - assistant
Staðfesta - confirm, certify, verify, ratify
Samræmi - harmony, correspondence
Formlegur - formal
Samræma - standardize, coordinate
Þar sem - as, since
Hjúskaparlög - marital law
Heimur - world
Eru rúmin í tveggja manna herbergjunum aðskilin? - Are the beds in the two-person rooms separate?
Takk fyrir að lesa og vona að heyra frá ykkur. - Thanks for reading and I hope to hear from you.
Jóhanna og Jónína gengu í hjónaband - Jóhanna and Jónína married
Jóhanna Sigurðardóttir forsætisráðherra og Jónína Leósdóttir hafa gengið í hjónaband - Prime Minister Jóhanna Sigurðardóttir and Jónína Leósdóttir have gotten married.
Hjónabandið tók formlega gildi í dag. - The marriage became formally valid today.
Ísland er níunda landið í heiminum þar sem í gildi eru samræmd hjúskaparlög. - Iceland is since the ninth country in the world with this valid, standardized marital law.
Taken from a letter to a hotel and a news article.
Varða - concern, affect
Munur - difference, object, thing
Aðskilja - separate
Mættur - power, stength, ability
Vona - hope
Hjón - couple, married couple
Band - string, yarn, ties, binding
Hjónaband - marriage
Forsæti - presidency, chairmanship
Ráðherra - minister
Forsætisráðherra - Prime minister/premier
Hjú - servant
Skapa - create
Lög - law, statute
Gildi - validity, value, worth, merit, valence
Alþjóðlegur - international
Barátta - fight, struggle
Óháður - independent
Kyndferði - sex
Aðstoðarmaður - assistant
Staðfesta - confirm, certify, verify, ratify
Samræmi - harmony, correspondence
Formlegur - formal
Samræma - standardize, coordinate
Þar sem - as, since
Hjúskaparlög - marital law
Heimur - world
Eru rúmin í tveggja manna herbergjunum aðskilin? - Are the beds in the two-person rooms separate?
Takk fyrir að lesa og vona að heyra frá ykkur. - Thanks for reading and I hope to hear from you.
Jóhanna og Jónína gengu í hjónaband - Jóhanna and Jónína married
Jóhanna Sigurðardóttir forsætisráðherra og Jónína Leósdóttir hafa gengið í hjónaband - Prime Minister Jóhanna Sigurðardóttir and Jónína Leósdóttir have gotten married.
Hjónabandið tók formlega gildi í dag. - The marriage became formally valid today.
Ísland er níunda landið í heiminum þar sem í gildi eru samræmd hjúskaparlög. - Iceland is since the ninth country in the world with this valid, standardized marital law.
Taken from a letter to a hotel and a news article.
Saturday, June 26, 2010
Magazine Issue One
Includes beginning grammar (the alphabet, "Hello, my name is..." and "I am..."), cultural facts, historical facts, and useful information for tourists, along with vocabulary on each of these subjects. This is issue one. The next issues will teach more and have a higher page count, then after three or four issues are out there will be a compilation book available (hard-copy).
Sunday, June 20, 2010
Various things
Bryðja - crunch (using teeth)
Hæna - attract, lure
Svanur - swan
Hræða - person
Hór - adultery, fornication
Blaður - nonsense, rubbish
Súla - column, pillar
Ríkið - state monopoly liquor store, government liquor store
Banda - wave
Hel - death, realm of the dead
Sýsla - counties
Sveitarfélag - municipalities
Kynningarstarf - publicity, promotion, announcement, introduction, presentation, acquaintance
Tímabundinn - temporary, provisional, occupied, pressed for time
Hlutastarf - part-time job
Hjá - beside, with, at, compared with
Framsækinn - progressive
Framleiðsla - production, manufacture
Starf - work, activity, job, profession
Ræða - speech, address
Fela - entrust with
Útbúa - equip, prepare, make ready
Hópur - group, crowd
Senn - soon
Í senn - at once, at the same time
Einstaklingur - individual, person
Kunnátta - knowledge, skill
Jafnframt - at the same time, along with
Fræða - instruct, inform
Aldur - age
Varúð - care, caution
Varúð! Veit einhver af ferðum þínum hér. - Caution! Does anyone know you are traveling here.
Taken from podcasts, the movie "Cold Fever", and a hiring ad.
As a side-note, starting at the end of August I will be living in Iceland, so expect a torrent of words while I study.
Hæna - attract, lure
Svanur - swan
Hræða - person
Hór - adultery, fornication
Blaður - nonsense, rubbish
Súla - column, pillar
Ríkið - state monopoly liquor store, government liquor store
Banda - wave
Hel - death, realm of the dead
Sýsla - counties
Sveitarfélag - municipalities
Kynningarstarf - publicity, promotion, announcement, introduction, presentation, acquaintance
Tímabundinn - temporary, provisional, occupied, pressed for time
Hlutastarf - part-time job
Hjá - beside, with, at, compared with
Framsækinn - progressive
Framleiðsla - production, manufacture
Starf - work, activity, job, profession
Ræða - speech, address
Fela - entrust with
Útbúa - equip, prepare, make ready
Hópur - group, crowd
Senn - soon
Í senn - at once, at the same time
Einstaklingur - individual, person
Kunnátta - knowledge, skill
Jafnframt - at the same time, along with
Fræða - instruct, inform
Aldur - age
Varúð - care, caution
Varúð! Veit einhver af ferðum þínum hér. - Caution! Does anyone know you are traveling here.
Taken from podcasts, the movie "Cold Fever", and a hiring ad.
As a side-note, starting at the end of August I will be living in Iceland, so expect a torrent of words while I study.
Tuesday, June 15, 2010
Conversations, News, Insurance
Þjálfari - trainer, coach
Besti flokkurinn - The Best Party
Samfylkingin - Social Democratic Alliance
Framsóknarflokkurinn - Progressive Party
Vinstri grænir - Left Greens
Sjálfstæðisflokkurinn - Independence Party
Útþrá - wanderlust, yearning for adventure
Ævintýri - adventure, fairy tale, story
Enn - again, still
Stúdentagarður - dorm/student residence
Skólaárið - school year
Nýnemar - new student
Einstaklingsíbúð - single's apartment
Para - pair
Pára - scrawl, scribble
Paríbúð - couple's apartment
Fjölskylduíbúð - family apartment
Leiguhúsnæði - leased/rented residence
Eiginn - one's own
Eigið húsnæð - homeowner
Lögheimili - legal residence
Þjónusta - service, maid, servant girl
Skaða - damage, harm, injure, hurt
Trygging - guarantee, security, assurance, indemnity, collateral
Gína - open one's mouth wide
Afl - strength, might, force, energy, violence
Líftryggingar - life insurance/assurance
Skaðatryggingar - "Non-life" (insurance?)
Stóráhætta - "Large risk"
Ábyrgur - responsible, answerable
Farmflytjandi - carrier of cargo
Aðeins - only
Endurtryggingar - reinsurance
Starfsemi - operation, activity, work, diligence, industriousness
Einnig - also, besides, moreover
Útibú - branch of an office
Félag - society, association, club, union
Viðbót - addition, extra
Bílaleigubíli - rented (hire) car
Gagnvart - facing, in front of, in relation to, towards
Aðili - party in an issue
Tengsli - clutch
Tengsl - connection, link, association
Kalla - shout, call, summon, appoint, consider, name, nickname
Æfa - practice, train
Frekar - rather
Til hamingju! - (Congratulations!)
Nú tölum við saman á íslensku því þú þarft að æfa þig. - (Now we can talk together in Icelandic because you need to practice it.)
Oh... allt í lagi - (Oh... okay)
Eigum við þá frekar að tala saman á ensku? (Would you rather we speak together in English then?)
Starfsemi einnig frá útibúi félagsins í Finnlandi, Frakklandi og Svíþjóð. (Operations also from associated branches in Finland, France, and Sweden.)
Viðbótartryggingu v/töku bílaleigubíls í Þýskalandi. (Additional insurance with taking a rental car in Germany.)
Taken from conversations, The Reykjavík Grapevine, and a pamphlet on insurance companies.
Besti flokkurinn - The Best Party
Samfylkingin - Social Democratic Alliance
Framsóknarflokkurinn - Progressive Party
Vinstri grænir - Left Greens
Sjálfstæðisflokkurinn - Independence Party
Útþrá - wanderlust, yearning for adventure
Ævintýri - adventure, fairy tale, story
Enn - again, still
Stúdentagarður - dorm/student residence
Skólaárið - school year
Nýnemar - new student
Einstaklingsíbúð - single's apartment
Para - pair
Pára - scrawl, scribble
Paríbúð - couple's apartment
Fjölskylduíbúð - family apartment
Leiguhúsnæði - leased/rented residence
Eiginn - one's own
Eigið húsnæð - homeowner
Lögheimili - legal residence
Þjónusta - service, maid, servant girl
Skaða - damage, harm, injure, hurt
Trygging - guarantee, security, assurance, indemnity, collateral
Gína - open one's mouth wide
Afl - strength, might, force, energy, violence
Líftryggingar - life insurance/assurance
Skaðatryggingar - "Non-life" (insurance?)
Stóráhætta - "Large risk"
Ábyrgur - responsible, answerable
Farmflytjandi - carrier of cargo
Aðeins - only
Endurtryggingar - reinsurance
Starfsemi - operation, activity, work, diligence, industriousness
Einnig - also, besides, moreover
Útibú - branch of an office
Félag - society, association, club, union
Viðbót - addition, extra
Bílaleigubíli - rented (hire) car
Gagnvart - facing, in front of, in relation to, towards
Aðili - party in an issue
Tengsli - clutch
Tengsl - connection, link, association
Kalla - shout, call, summon, appoint, consider, name, nickname
Æfa - practice, train
Frekar - rather
Til hamingju! - (Congratulations!)
Nú tölum við saman á íslensku því þú þarft að æfa þig. - (Now we can talk together in Icelandic because you need to practice it.)
Oh... allt í lagi - (Oh... okay)
Eigum við þá frekar að tala saman á ensku? (Would you rather we speak together in English then?)
Starfsemi einnig frá útibúi félagsins í Finnlandi, Frakklandi og Svíþjóð. (Operations also from associated branches in Finland, France, and Sweden.)
Viðbótartryggingu v/töku bílaleigubíls í Þýskalandi. (Additional insurance with taking a rental car in Germany.)
Taken from conversations, The Reykjavík Grapevine, and a pamphlet on insurance companies.
Monday, June 7, 2010
Conversations, School
Avarsla – care, keeping, custody
Styrktarsjóð – relief fund
Tæplega – hardly, barely
Sjóð – funds, cash
Bera –carry
Stofnun – institution, institute
Starf – work
Staðfest – confirm, verify
Skipulagsskrá – charter
Úthlut – allot, allocate
Ýmis – various, different
Verkefni – task, assignment, project
Nem – student, pupil
Vísindamaður – scientist
Ákveðinn – certain, definite
Samræma – coordinate, standardize
Viðkomandi – in question
Dagsetning – date
Áhersla – emphasis, stress
Stofnfé – initial capitalization
Höfuðstóll – capital, principal
Ávöxtun – yield, return
Óbundinn – unbound, unrestrained
Ársreikningur – annual financial statement
Dósent – associate professor
Viðskiptafræði – business administrator
Lögfræði – law, jurisprudence
Viðskiptafræðingur – graduate in business administration
Ráðgjafi – advisor, consultant, counselor
Konar - sort of
Samur - same, unchanged
Samskonar - the same sort of
Þykkur - thick, bulky, dense, stout
Jógúrt - yoghurt
Ferskur - fresh, new, bracing, vigorous
Ofsi - violence, vehemence
Ferð - trip, journey, speed
Ferðamatur - traveling food
Reyktur - smoked
Líta - look, glance, see
Víst - probably
Nóg - enough, sufficient
Útilega - camping
Plast - plastic
Plastpoki - plastic bag
Kálhaus - cabbage, cabbage head
Lýti - physical defect
Það er ofsa gott - It is delicious (when talking about food)
Taken from conversations and the University of Iceland's website.
Styrktarsjóð – relief fund
Tæplega – hardly, barely
Sjóð – funds, cash
Bera –carry
Stofnun – institution, institute
Starf – work
Staðfest – confirm, verify
Skipulagsskrá – charter
Úthlut – allot, allocate
Ýmis – various, different
Verkefni – task, assignment, project
Nem – student, pupil
Vísindamaður – scientist
Ákveðinn – certain, definite
Samræma – coordinate, standardize
Viðkomandi – in question
Dagsetning – date
Áhersla – emphasis, stress
Stofnfé – initial capitalization
Höfuðstóll – capital, principal
Ávöxtun – yield, return
Óbundinn – unbound, unrestrained
Ársreikningur – annual financial statement
Dósent – associate professor
Viðskiptafræði – business administrator
Lögfræði – law, jurisprudence
Viðskiptafræðingur – graduate in business administration
Ráðgjafi – advisor, consultant, counselor
Konar - sort of
Samur - same, unchanged
Samskonar - the same sort of
Þykkur - thick, bulky, dense, stout
Jógúrt - yoghurt
Ferskur - fresh, new, bracing, vigorous
Ofsi - violence, vehemence
Ferð - trip, journey, speed
Ferðamatur - traveling food
Reyktur - smoked
Líta - look, glance, see
Víst - probably
Nóg - enough, sufficient
Útilega - camping
Plast - plastic
Plastpoki - plastic bag
Kálhaus - cabbage, cabbage head
Lýti - physical defect
Það er ofsa gott - It is delicious (when talking about food)
Taken from conversations and the University of Iceland's website.
Tuesday, June 1, 2010
Tó - patch of grass
Þolfall - accusative case
Flokkur - group, party, grade, class, category
Vöruflokkur - product category
Heldur - rather, preferably, fairly
Meira - more
Muna - remember
Skila - give back, return
Geyma - keep, save, store
Útlan - loan
Flatkaka - flatbread
Rúgbrauð - rye bread, minibus
Kúla - ball, sphere, bullet, shot, bump, swelling, golf ball
Sukk - debauchery, dissipation, disorder, muddle, mess, wastefulness, extravagance
Sukka - go on a binge
Ílangur - oblong
Reima - lace
Reim - strap, belt, shoelace
Hreint - quite, very
Raula - hum
Hrís - brushwood
Hrós - praise
Krappur - narrow, close
Kroppur - body
Brosa - smile
Glotta - sneer, grin, smirk
Óræður - unfathomable, inscrutable, impenetrable
Óræð tala - irrational number
Kampur - moustache, whiskers
Hjúpa - wrap, cover
Framleiða- produce, manufacture
Staður - place, spot, location
Vísa - show, point out
Lögun - shape, form
Efniviður - lumber/timber, material
Sinn - his, her, their
Munið að skila á réttum tima - Remember to return it on time.
Geymið kvittunina - Keep the receipt.
Kúlusúkk er ílangur lakkrís hjúpaður í súkkulaði, framleitt af sælgætisfyritækinu Kólus og heitir eftir staðnum Kulusuk á Grænlandi, en nafnið vísar í lögun sælgætisins og efnivið. - Kúlusúkk is an oblong liquorice covered in chocolate, produced by (candy maker??) Kólus and named after the place Kulusuk in Greenland, but the name refers to the shape and material of the candy.
Taken from conversations, receipts, and Wikipedia.
Þolfall - accusative case
Flokkur - group, party, grade, class, category
Vöruflokkur - product category
Heldur - rather, preferably, fairly
Meira - more
Muna - remember
Skila - give back, return
Geyma - keep, save, store
Útlan - loan
Flatkaka - flatbread
Rúgbrauð - rye bread, minibus
Kúla - ball, sphere, bullet, shot, bump, swelling, golf ball
Sukk - debauchery, dissipation, disorder, muddle, mess, wastefulness, extravagance
Sukka - go on a binge
Ílangur - oblong
Reima - lace
Reim - strap, belt, shoelace
Hreint - quite, very
Raula - hum
Hrís - brushwood
Hrós - praise
Krappur - narrow, close
Kroppur - body
Brosa - smile
Glotta - sneer, grin, smirk
Óræður - unfathomable, inscrutable, impenetrable
Óræð tala - irrational number
Kampur - moustache, whiskers
Hjúpa - wrap, cover
Framleiða- produce, manufacture
Staður - place, spot, location
Vísa - show, point out
Lögun - shape, form
Efniviður - lumber/timber, material
Sinn - his, her, their
Munið að skila á réttum tima - Remember to return it on time.
Geymið kvittunina - Keep the receipt.
Kúlusúkk er ílangur lakkrís hjúpaður í súkkulaði, framleitt af sælgætisfyritækinu Kólus og heitir eftir staðnum Kulusuk á Grænlandi, en nafnið vísar í lögun sælgætisins og efnivið. - Kúlusúkk is an oblong liquorice covered in chocolate, produced by (candy maker??) Kólus and named after the place Kulusuk in Greenland, but the name refers to the shape and material of the candy.
Taken from conversations, receipts, and Wikipedia.
Sunday, May 16, 2010
My friend posted these on his blog a while ago, and I decided I might as well post them here too. I'll upload some more Icelandic music and post them in the future if it's alright.
Erla Þorsteinsdóttir - Stúlkan með lævirkjaröddina (The Girl with the Voice of the Lark)
Disc 1+2
Haukur Morthens - Með blik í auga (With Gleaming Eyes)
Disc 1
Disc 2
Disc 3
Here's a collection of songs that I have lyrics/English lyrics to. I deleted one of the songs so that's missing, but you could probably find it somewhere.
Here's podcasts (radio/tv programs or general programs people record) that you can download too. My favourite is "Vítt og breitt". I'm not sure if you have to have iTunes to download and listen to them or not. They're great for listening practice.
Bunch of podcasts
Noonday News
Music Variety Show
Evening News
Video News Shorts
Music and Culture Show
Radio Stations
Another Radio Station
If you like anything, please buy the actual albums and songs if you can find them. If I shouldn't put music in posts please comment and tell me, because I'm a little nervous posting them.
Erla Þorsteinsdóttir - Stúlkan með lævirkjaröddina (The Girl with the Voice of the Lark)
Disc 1+2
Haukur Morthens - Með blik í auga (With Gleaming Eyes)
Disc 1
Disc 2
Disc 3
Here's a collection of songs that I have lyrics/English lyrics to. I deleted one of the songs so that's missing, but you could probably find it somewhere.
Here's podcasts (radio/tv programs or general programs people record) that you can download too. My favourite is "Vítt og breitt". I'm not sure if you have to have iTunes to download and listen to them or not. They're great for listening practice.
Bunch of podcasts
Noonday News
Music Variety Show
Evening News
Video News Shorts
Music and Culture Show
Radio Stations
Another Radio Station
If you like anything, please buy the actual albums and songs if you can find them. If I shouldn't put music in posts please comment and tell me, because I'm a little nervous posting them.
Friday, May 14, 2010
Mýri - moorland, swamp
Áberandi - prominent, striking
Tipla - tiptoe, trip along
Dulargervi - disguise
Rödd - voice
Sauma - sew
Sprettur - sprint, gallop
Smávegis - minor, negligible
Braut - course
Umferð - traffic, round, revolution, circuit, circulation
Reið - riding, ride
Hjól - wheel
Reiðhjól - bicycle
Fremja - commit, perpetrate
Glæpur - crime
Fremja glæpur - commit a crime
Synda - swim
Seinni - later, slower
Býfluga - bee
Asnalegur - silly, asinine
Glingur - knick-knacks, bric-a-bracks
Bás - stall
Hár - high, tall stature, loud, high-pitched,
Ömurlegur - pitiful, dreary, dismal, awful, hopeless, impossible
Breskur - British
Kurteis - polite
Kjaftur - jaws, mouth, head
Toppur - top, peak, summit, crest, bangs/forelock, top, roof
Frekja - pushiness, nerve, greed, cheek (as in a cheeky person)
Dónaskapur - rudeness, vulgarity
Nálægt - close by, approxiamately, about
Voða - very, awfully
Durtur - boor, churl
Klár - clever, sharp, bright, ready, prepared, clear, pure
Vinur - friend (someone you know, someone you call; someone you like regardless of how they feel about you)
Kunningi - aquaintance (everyone else. If you met them once, they're your acquaintance)
Ég þekki nú nokkra íslenska karlmenn sem eru voða sætir og klárir og skemmtilegir. - I now know a few Icelandic men as very sweet and clever and funny.
Taken from conversations and someone's blog entry.
Áberandi - prominent, striking
Tipla - tiptoe, trip along
Dulargervi - disguise
Rödd - voice
Sauma - sew
Sprettur - sprint, gallop
Smávegis - minor, negligible
Braut - course
Umferð - traffic, round, revolution, circuit, circulation
Reið - riding, ride
Hjól - wheel
Reiðhjól - bicycle
Fremja - commit, perpetrate
Glæpur - crime
Fremja glæpur - commit a crime
Synda - swim
Seinni - later, slower
Býfluga - bee
Asnalegur - silly, asinine
Glingur - knick-knacks, bric-a-bracks
Bás - stall
Hár - high, tall stature, loud, high-pitched,
Ömurlegur - pitiful, dreary, dismal, awful, hopeless, impossible
Breskur - British
Kurteis - polite
Kjaftur - jaws, mouth, head
Toppur - top, peak, summit, crest, bangs/forelock, top, roof
Frekja - pushiness, nerve, greed, cheek (as in a cheeky person)
Dónaskapur - rudeness, vulgarity
Nálægt - close by, approxiamately, about
Voða - very, awfully
Durtur - boor, churl
Klár - clever, sharp, bright, ready, prepared, clear, pure
Vinur - friend (someone you know, someone you call; someone you like regardless of how they feel about you)
Kunningi - aquaintance (everyone else. If you met them once, they're your acquaintance)
Ég þekki nú nokkra íslenska karlmenn sem eru voða sætir og klárir og skemmtilegir. - I now know a few Icelandic men as very sweet and clever and funny.
Taken from conversations and someone's blog entry.
Wednesday, May 12, 2010
Ads, Shopping, Internet
Mey - maiden, virgin
Kíkja - peep, peek
Kíkja á (something) - take a look at something
Ýmis - different, various
Hleðsla - loading, piling up, charge, load
Titra - quake, shiver, vibrate
Fylgihlutur - accessory
Plagg - document, deed, socks, clothing (plural, papers)
Sleipur - smooth, sleek, slippery
Jól - Christmas
Seyði - broth
Seyða - bake at a low temperature
Fróðleikur - knowledge, information
Slúta - hang down, overhang of a cliff
Persónulegur - personal
Gallaður - faulty, defective
Fyrirtæki - firm, business, company, undertaking
Pantur - pawn
Trúnaður - trust, faith
Eyrnalokkur - earring
Tölvupóstur - Email
Galli - fault, drawback, shortcoming
Stilling - self-control, calm, tranquility, adjustment, regulation, tuning
Millifærsla - transfer
Krafa - demand, claim, requirement
Debetkort - debit/charge card
Kreditkort - credit card
Aukalega - extra, in addition
Hækka - rise, raise
Pöntun - order
Lykilorð - keyword, password
Notandanafn - username
Netfang - email address
Aldur - age
Menntun - level of education
Móðurmál - native language, mother tongue
Viðmót - manner, presence
Viðmótsmál - interface language
Kíktu á nýju vörurnar - take a look at our new products/commodities
Hversu lengi tekur að fá vörurnar sendar? - How long will it take for my goods to be sent/shipped?
Afhverju get ég ekki borgað með kreditkorti? - Why can't I pay with a credit card?
Varan mín er gölluð hvað á ég að gera? - My item/product is faulty, what should I do?
Taken from a few websites and ads.
Kíkja - peep, peek
Kíkja á (something) - take a look at something
Ýmis - different, various
Hleðsla - loading, piling up, charge, load
Titra - quake, shiver, vibrate
Fylgihlutur - accessory
Plagg - document, deed, socks, clothing (plural, papers)
Sleipur - smooth, sleek, slippery
Jól - Christmas
Seyði - broth
Seyða - bake at a low temperature
Fróðleikur - knowledge, information
Slúta - hang down, overhang of a cliff
Persónulegur - personal
Gallaður - faulty, defective
Fyrirtæki - firm, business, company, undertaking
Pantur - pawn
Trúnaður - trust, faith
Eyrnalokkur - earring
Tölvupóstur - Email
Galli - fault, drawback, shortcoming
Stilling - self-control, calm, tranquility, adjustment, regulation, tuning
Millifærsla - transfer
Krafa - demand, claim, requirement
Debetkort - debit/charge card
Kreditkort - credit card
Aukalega - extra, in addition
Hækka - rise, raise
Pöntun - order
Lykilorð - keyword, password
Notandanafn - username
Netfang - email address
Aldur - age
Menntun - level of education
Móðurmál - native language, mother tongue
Viðmót - manner, presence
Viðmótsmál - interface language
Kíktu á nýju vörurnar - take a look at our new products/commodities
Hversu lengi tekur að fá vörurnar sendar? - How long will it take for my goods to be sent/shipped?
Afhverju get ég ekki borgað með kreditkorti? - Why can't I pay with a credit card?
Varan mín er gölluð hvað á ég að gera? - My item/product is faulty, what should I do?
Taken from a few websites and ads.
Monday, May 10, 2010
Limur - limb, member
Typpi - button, knob, prick/penis
Pirra - irritate
Endalaus - infinite
Dæmi - example, problem (in math)
Sog - sucking, suction
Skófatnaður - footwear
Skóf - lichen
Skafa - scrape
Fatnaður - clothes
Sko! - look here!
Sko til! - look!
Tyggigúmmí - chewing gum
Tyggja - chew
Gúmmí - rubber
Alvarlega - seriously
Íhuga - weigh, consider
Félagslegur - social
Ana - rush on, barge into
Fokk - fuck (slang taken from English)
Sjitt - shit (slang taken from English)
Vernda - protect, preserve
Oddur - point (ex. of a knife)
Hvass - sharp, harsh, keen, windy
Hegðun - conduct, behaviour
Stíga - step, rise, increase
Reyndar - as a matter of fact, in fact, actually, by the way
Líkami - body
Framleiða - produce, manufacture
Hár - hair
Dýr - expensive, costly, precious
Flasa - dandruff
Hentugur - practical, expedient
Líffæri - organ
Möguleiki - possibility
Misstíga sig - miss one's footing, take a false step
Afvegaleiða - mislead, lead astray
Útiloka - exclude, rule out, preclude
Samfélag - community, society
Frekar - rather
Auður - empty, deserted
Þarfnast - need, require
Húsaskjól - accomodation
Eflaust - without a doubt, doubtlessly
Detta - fail, drop, fall, stumble and fall
Taken from an online forum.
Typpi - button, knob, prick/penis
Pirra - irritate
Endalaus - infinite
Dæmi - example, problem (in math)
Sog - sucking, suction
Skófatnaður - footwear
Skóf - lichen
Skafa - scrape
Fatnaður - clothes
Sko! - look here!
Sko til! - look!
Tyggigúmmí - chewing gum
Tyggja - chew
Gúmmí - rubber
Alvarlega - seriously
Íhuga - weigh, consider
Félagslegur - social
Ana - rush on, barge into
Fokk - fuck (slang taken from English)
Sjitt - shit (slang taken from English)
Vernda - protect, preserve
Oddur - point (ex. of a knife)
Hvass - sharp, harsh, keen, windy
Hegðun - conduct, behaviour
Stíga - step, rise, increase
Reyndar - as a matter of fact, in fact, actually, by the way
Líkami - body
Framleiða - produce, manufacture
Hár - hair
Dýr - expensive, costly, precious
Flasa - dandruff
Hentugur - practical, expedient
Líffæri - organ
Möguleiki - possibility
Misstíga sig - miss one's footing, take a false step
Afvegaleiða - mislead, lead astray
Útiloka - exclude, rule out, preclude
Samfélag - community, society
Frekar - rather
Auður - empty, deserted
Þarfnast - need, require
Húsaskjól - accomodation
Eflaust - without a doubt, doubtlessly
Detta - fail, drop, fall, stumble and fall
Taken from an online forum.
Gardínur - blinds, (UK - curtains)
Hægt - slowly
Niður - down, downwards
Auglýsing - advertisement, advertising, promotion
Umræða - debate, discussion, argument, reading
Þáttur - part, factor, strand, act (in a play), programme, story, factor
Könnun - research, investigation, exploration
Prentvæna - printable
Þurfa - need, require, have to
Óflokkað - uncatagorized
Til Sölu - for sale
Óska - wish, want
Óska eftir - wanted
Gefins - free, free of charge
Leigu - lease, rent
Sálfræði - psychology
Ráðgjöf - consultation, consultancy
Verð - price
Hringur - circle, ring (jewelry), trust, corporation
Leir - clay, earthenware, pottery, bad verse
Síðan - then, since then
Nálgast - approach
Áhugi - interest, enthusiasm
Hægur - easy, convenient, possible, calm, quiet, slow
Tegund - type, kind, species
Uppfæra - update, refresh, stage
Garðhús - garden shed
Ómur - distant sound
Alúð - cordiality, care, meticulousness, pains
Þús - (short for þúsund) thousand
Uppl (short for upplag) - nature, disposition, innate characteristics, printing, impression. "details"
Flottur - smart, flashy
Gálaus - incautious, careless
Laus - loose, free, vacant
Joð - iodine
Villingur - tomboy, imp, scamp
Fúi - rot, decay
Varinn - protected, defended, shielded
Viður - wood, lumber
Til þess að skrá nýja auglýsingu/umræðu, svara auglýsingu/umræðu, taka þátt í könnun eða að fá prentvæna útgáfu af auglýsingu/umræðu, þá þarftu að vera skráð(ur). - To write a new ad/discussion, answer an ad/discussion, take part in research/surveys or get a print version of an ad/discussion, then you have to be registered.
Hringar úr leir, koma í svörtu,hvítu síðan verða þeir til í rauðu og fjólubláu í apríl. - Rings out of clay, come in black, white then they will be in red and purple in April.
Hvað kostar hringurinn hjá þér? Hvar er hægt að nálgast þetta ef maður hefur áhuga? - How much does the ring cost? Where is it possible to find this if one is interested?
Hvar ertu á landinu og hvaða viður er í því? - Where are you in the country and which type of lumber is that?
Everything taken from an online ad placement site.
Hægt - slowly
Niður - down, downwards
Auglýsing - advertisement, advertising, promotion
Umræða - debate, discussion, argument, reading
Þáttur - part, factor, strand, act (in a play), programme, story, factor
Könnun - research, investigation, exploration
Prentvæna - printable
Þurfa - need, require, have to
Óflokkað - uncatagorized
Til Sölu - for sale
Óska - wish, want
Óska eftir - wanted
Gefins - free, free of charge
Leigu - lease, rent
Sálfræði - psychology
Ráðgjöf - consultation, consultancy
Verð - price
Hringur - circle, ring (jewelry), trust, corporation
Leir - clay, earthenware, pottery, bad verse
Síðan - then, since then
Nálgast - approach
Áhugi - interest, enthusiasm
Hægur - easy, convenient, possible, calm, quiet, slow
Tegund - type, kind, species
Uppfæra - update, refresh, stage
Garðhús - garden shed
Ómur - distant sound
Alúð - cordiality, care, meticulousness, pains
Þús - (short for þúsund) thousand
Uppl (short for upplag) - nature, disposition, innate characteristics, printing, impression. "details"
Flottur - smart, flashy
Gálaus - incautious, careless
Laus - loose, free, vacant
Joð - iodine
Villingur - tomboy, imp, scamp
Fúi - rot, decay
Varinn - protected, defended, shielded
Viður - wood, lumber
Til þess að skrá nýja auglýsingu/umræðu, svara auglýsingu/umræðu, taka þátt í könnun eða að fá prentvæna útgáfu af auglýsingu/umræðu, þá þarftu að vera skráð(ur). - To write a new ad/discussion, answer an ad/discussion, take part in research/surveys or get a print version of an ad/discussion, then you have to be registered.
Hringar úr leir, koma í svörtu,hvítu síðan verða þeir til í rauðu og fjólubláu í apríl. - Rings out of clay, come in black, white then they will be in red and purple in April.
Hvað kostar hringurinn hjá þér? Hvar er hægt að nálgast þetta ef maður hefur áhuga? - How much does the ring cost? Where is it possible to find this if one is interested?
Hvar ertu á landinu og hvaða viður er í því? - Where are you in the country and which type of lumber is that?
Everything taken from an online ad placement site.
Sunday, May 9, 2010
Jeppi - jeep
Dekk - Deck, tyre/tire
Bremsa - brake
Lokka - entice, allure, tempt
Lokkur - lock of hair, curl
Rafgeymir - battery
Bón - wax, polish
Þvottur - washing, laundry
Þrif - cleaning, tidying, thriving, growing
Sverð - sword
Sæjka - get, fetch, attend, attack, be on the offensive
Lausn - liberation, retirement, solution, redemption
Strý - thin tufty hair
Áferð - texture
Gata - street, way, path
Samstarf - cooperation, collaboration
Dvergur - dwarf
Kantur - edge
Tröll - giant
Troll - trawl
Berg - rock face
Verkefni - task, assignment, project
Meistari - (in music) master, maestro
Nám - studying, studies
Regn - rain
Láta - put, let go, lose, let, make, have, act, behave
Tíður - frequent
Tíð - period, time, weather conditions, menstruation, mass, tense
Hugsa - think, believe, guess
Rammi - frame
Lífsgæði - the good things of life
Einstaklingur - individual, person
Words taken from ads.
Dekk - Deck, tyre/tire
Bremsa - brake
Lokka - entice, allure, tempt
Lokkur - lock of hair, curl
Rafgeymir - battery
Bón - wax, polish
Þvottur - washing, laundry
Þrif - cleaning, tidying, thriving, growing
Sverð - sword
Sæjka - get, fetch, attend, attack, be on the offensive
Lausn - liberation, retirement, solution, redemption
Strý - thin tufty hair
Áferð - texture
Gata - street, way, path
Samstarf - cooperation, collaboration
Dvergur - dwarf
Kantur - edge
Tröll - giant
Troll - trawl
Berg - rock face
Verkefni - task, assignment, project
Meistari - (in music) master, maestro
Nám - studying, studies
Regn - rain
Láta - put, let go, lose, let, make, have, act, behave
Tíður - frequent
Tíð - period, time, weather conditions, menstruation, mass, tense
Hugsa - think, believe, guess
Rammi - frame
Lífsgæði - the good things of life
Einstaklingur - individual, person
Words taken from ads.
Conversations, News
Nú - now
Skulu - shall, must, need, will, let us
Mæta - meet, appear, turn up
Fleiri - more
Klisja - cliché, printing plate
Manneskja - human being, person
Miður - worse, less
Húsdýr - domestic animal, pet
Ofnæmi - allergy
Vara - warn
Sleikja - lick
Einasti - only, single
Gagn - use, data, documents, evidence
Skikkanlegur - amenable, decent, well-behaved, reasonable, presentable
Sennilegur - probable
Treysta - strengthen
Helgi - weekend
Náið - closely, exactly
Vona - hope
Stafli - stack, pile
Redda - fix
Frír - free, unhindered
Frí - vacation, holiday
Teitur - cheerful, bright, gay
Ritgerð - essay, thesis, monograph
Sjálfsagður - self-explanatory, obvious, self-evident
Allavega - in all ways, in different ways, anyway
Þangað - there
Opnun - opening
Hósta - cough
Ræna - consciousness, awareness
Fram - forward, towards
Lax - salmon
Laxá - salmon river
Dauður - dead, passed out from drinking, numb
Þar sem - as, since
Labba - walk slowly, stroll
Lifandi - alive, living
Fljótlega - soon
Fiskifræðingur - ichthyologist
Líklegur - probable, promising
Skýring - explanation
Elli - old age
Lón - lagoon
Vetra - become winter
Gjarna, Gjarnan - gladly, readily
Straumur - current, electricity
Feðgar - father and son
Veiðimálastofunun - Institute of Freshwater Fisheries
Þá - at that time, then
Hlakka til að sjá þig - I look forward to seeing you
Rænulitir laxar eftir veturinn (Another article I don't trust myself to translate in the slightest bit)
The words were taken from a meet-up message/comments to plan a party, and that news article.
Skulu - shall, must, need, will, let us
Mæta - meet, appear, turn up
Fleiri - more
Klisja - cliché, printing plate
Manneskja - human being, person
Miður - worse, less
Húsdýr - domestic animal, pet
Ofnæmi - allergy
Vara - warn
Sleikja - lick
Einasti - only, single
Gagn - use, data, documents, evidence
Skikkanlegur - amenable, decent, well-behaved, reasonable, presentable
Sennilegur - probable
Treysta - strengthen
Helgi - weekend
Náið - closely, exactly
Vona - hope
Stafli - stack, pile
Redda - fix
Frír - free, unhindered
Frí - vacation, holiday
Teitur - cheerful, bright, gay
Ritgerð - essay, thesis, monograph
Sjálfsagður - self-explanatory, obvious, self-evident
Allavega - in all ways, in different ways, anyway
Þangað - there
Opnun - opening
Hósta - cough
Ræna - consciousness, awareness
Fram - forward, towards
Lax - salmon
Laxá - salmon river
Dauður - dead, passed out from drinking, numb
Þar sem - as, since
Labba - walk slowly, stroll
Lifandi - alive, living
Fljótlega - soon
Fiskifræðingur - ichthyologist
Líklegur - probable, promising
Skýring - explanation
Elli - old age
Lón - lagoon
Vetra - become winter
Gjarna, Gjarnan - gladly, readily
Straumur - current, electricity
Feðgar - father and son
Veiðimálastofunun - Institute of Freshwater Fisheries
Þá - at that time, then
Hlakka til að sjá þig - I look forward to seeing you
Rænulitir laxar eftir veturinn (Another article I don't trust myself to translate in the slightest bit)
The words were taken from a meet-up message/comments to plan a party, and that news article.
Friday, May 7, 2010
Conversations, Weather/Stuff
Svarthol - prison, black hole
Gammur - vulture
Blossa - blaze, flame
Blossi - blaze, flash
Ermí - sleeve
Þrekleysi - lack of strength/courage, feebleness/cowardice
Huldufólk - hidden people
Safn - collection, museum, flock of sheep
Fróður - knowledgeable, learned, erudite, well-read
Skór - shoe
Hönnun - design
Sær - ocean, sea
Færa - move, bring
Daglegur - daily
Daglegt mál - everyday speech
Gervi - character, figure, costume
Greind - intelligence, cleverness
Kuldi - cold weather, cold, coldness
Met - scales, record
Stytta - shorten, abbreviate
Forn - old, ancient, antique
Gripur - thing, object, cattle, livestock
Forngripur - ancient relic, antique
Visinn - dried out, whithered, crippled
Vísindi - science
Harmoníka - accordion
Lýðræði - democracy
Dauði - death
Syndur - able to swim
Synd - sin
Pistill - long letter, epistle
Algleymi - ecstasy
Grín - fun, enjoyment
Geð - mind, feeling, mood,
Dómur - sentence, judgement, opinion, court
Geðsjúkdómar - mental illness
Ríma - Icelandic ballard
Hrím - hoarfrost, rime
Tónn - tone, note, tone of voice, feel, quality
Nýyrði - neologism
Endir - ending, conclusion
Heimsendir - end of the world
Lyf - medicine
Rannsókn - investigation, research
Himinn - sky, the heavens (when plural) heaven, paradise
Geimur - big empty space, outer space
Græða - cultivate, profit, heal
Tönn - tooth
Krem - cream
Tannkrem - toothpaste
Útivist - outdoor life, camping, hiking
Lén - domain, domain name
Jafn - equal, same, even, level
Vægi - weight, significance, importance, weighting
Kyn - sex, gender, stock, kind
These words were taken from podcast descriptions.
Gammur - vulture
Blossa - blaze, flame
Blossi - blaze, flash
Ermí - sleeve
Þrekleysi - lack of strength/courage, feebleness/cowardice
Huldufólk - hidden people
Safn - collection, museum, flock of sheep
Fróður - knowledgeable, learned, erudite, well-read
Skór - shoe
Hönnun - design
Sær - ocean, sea
Færa - move, bring
Daglegur - daily
Daglegt mál - everyday speech
Gervi - character, figure, costume
Greind - intelligence, cleverness
Kuldi - cold weather, cold, coldness
Met - scales, record
Stytta - shorten, abbreviate
Forn - old, ancient, antique
Gripur - thing, object, cattle, livestock
Forngripur - ancient relic, antique
Visinn - dried out, whithered, crippled
Vísindi - science
Harmoníka - accordion
Lýðræði - democracy
Dauði - death
Syndur - able to swim
Synd - sin
Pistill - long letter, epistle
Algleymi - ecstasy
Grín - fun, enjoyment
Geð - mind, feeling, mood,
Dómur - sentence, judgement, opinion, court
Geðsjúkdómar - mental illness
Ríma - Icelandic ballard
Hrím - hoarfrost, rime
Tónn - tone, note, tone of voice, feel, quality
Nýyrði - neologism
Endir - ending, conclusion
Heimsendir - end of the world
Lyf - medicine
Rannsókn - investigation, research
Himinn - sky, the heavens (when plural) heaven, paradise
Geimur - big empty space, outer space
Græða - cultivate, profit, heal
Tönn - tooth
Krem - cream
Tannkrem - toothpaste
Útivist - outdoor life, camping, hiking
Lén - domain, domain name
Jafn - equal, same, even, level
Vægi - weight, significance, importance, weighting
Kyn - sex, gender, stock, kind
These words were taken from podcast descriptions.
Wednesday, May 5, 2010
Action words, Conversation
að höggva - to chop
að biðja - to pray
að drepa - to kill
að lána - to loan/borrow
að kvarta - to complain
að æpa - to shout, cry, scream
að skemma - to damage
að ræna - to rob
að myrða - to murder
að meiða - to hurt, injure
að gráta - to cry
að vega - to weigh, kill
að slá - to strike, hit
að deyja - to die
að grafa - to dig, bury
að skera - to cut
að drepa - to kill
að biðja - to ask, pray
að skjóta - to shoot
að brjóta - to break
að slíta - to slit, tear away
að bíta - to bite
Rass - butt, ass
að skella - to slam, slap
að rassskella - to spank. (Most people spell it with only two s')
Geit - goat
Ung, barn - infant, baby
Geitungur - wasp, as in bees (literally "goatbaby")
Færi ég til Íslands, mundi ég aldrei sjá eftir því. - If I went to Iceland, I would never regret it.
The words were taken from a book for learning Icelandic and some conversations.
að biðja - to pray
að drepa - to kill
að lána - to loan/borrow
að kvarta - to complain
að æpa - to shout, cry, scream
að skemma - to damage
að ræna - to rob
að myrða - to murder
að meiða - to hurt, injure
að gráta - to cry
að vega - to weigh, kill
að slá - to strike, hit
að deyja - to die
að grafa - to dig, bury
að skera - to cut
að drepa - to kill
að biðja - to ask, pray
að skjóta - to shoot
að brjóta - to break
að slíta - to slit, tear away
að bíta - to bite
Rass - butt, ass
að skella - to slam, slap
að rassskella - to spank. (Most people spell it with only two s')
Geit - goat
Ung, barn - infant, baby
Geitungur - wasp, as in bees (literally "goatbaby")
Færi ég til Íslands, mundi ég aldrei sjá eftir því. - If I went to Iceland, I would never regret it.
The words were taken from a book for learning Icelandic and some conversations.
Monday, May 3, 2010
Insults, Conversations
Voff - dog barking sound
Noregur - Norway
Danmörk - Denmark
Svíþjóð - Sweden
Finnland - Finland
Torga - eat up
Útsala - sale, clearance sale
Titill - title
Afslættur - discount
Rita - write, compose
Rit - work, literary work
Hrynja - fall, collapse, cave in
Karfa - basket, hamper
Fyrirspurn - question, inquiry
Pöntun - order
Útgáfa - publication, printing, edition, publisher, version
Skráning - registration, check-in
Lærdómur - learning, scholarship, knowledge
Kennsla - teaching, instruction
Þú ert bara útlendingafífl - You’re just a stupid foreigner. (You can replace "fífl" with "hyski" or "pakk" or "rusl" or "plága" but all of those are increasingly worse... You wouldn't say this to someone.)
Curse words:
Helvítis! - hell's
Djöfulsins - the devil's
Anskotans - the devil's
Bévítans - something like "hell's"
Fjandans - the devil's
Fjandinn = damn!
Ríddu þér (said: rídduðér) - up yours
Asni - ass, donkey
Fífl - fool
Fáviti - "knows little", idiot
Hálfviti - halfwit
Flón - fool (you don't really shout out than one)
Drullusokkur - dirtsock (similar to scumbag)
Þorskhaus - codhead (idiot, an old insult)
Sauður - old sheep (fool, an old insult)
Skíthæll - shit heel (jerk)
Example: Helvítis andskotans danafífil! - Damn Dane fool!
Most words were taken from conversations but some were from an online bookstore.
Noregur - Norway
Danmörk - Denmark
Svíþjóð - Sweden
Finnland - Finland
Torga - eat up
Útsala - sale, clearance sale
Titill - title
Afslættur - discount
Rita - write, compose
Rit - work, literary work
Hrynja - fall, collapse, cave in
Karfa - basket, hamper
Fyrirspurn - question, inquiry
Pöntun - order
Útgáfa - publication, printing, edition, publisher, version
Skráning - registration, check-in
Lærdómur - learning, scholarship, knowledge
Kennsla - teaching, instruction
Þú ert bara útlendingafífl - You’re just a stupid foreigner. (You can replace "fífl" with "hyski" or "pakk" or "rusl" or "plága" but all of those are increasingly worse... You wouldn't say this to someone.)
Curse words:
Helvítis! - hell's
Djöfulsins - the devil's
Anskotans - the devil's
Bévítans - something like "hell's"
Fjandans - the devil's
Fjandinn = damn!
Ríddu þér (said: rídduðér) - up yours
Asni - ass, donkey
Fífl - fool
Fáviti - "knows little", idiot
Hálfviti - halfwit
Flón - fool (you don't really shout out than one)
Drullusokkur - dirtsock (similar to scumbag)
Þorskhaus - codhead (idiot, an old insult)
Sauður - old sheep (fool, an old insult)
Skíthæll - shit heel (jerk)
Example: Helvítis andskotans danafífil! - Damn Dane fool!
Most words were taken from conversations but some were from an online bookstore.
Wednesday, April 28, 2010
News, Conversation, Weather, Doctor
Kreppa – crisis (the current economic crisis is sometimes referred to as simply "kreppa")
Heimur - world
Heimskreppa - world-wide crisis
Orkukreppa - energy crisis
Samleikakreppa - identity crisis
Stjórna - govern, regulate, manage, run, conduct an orquestra
Stjórnarkreppa - government crisis
Að detta - to fall (like tripping)
Skuld - debt
Að falla í skuld - to fall into debt. (You can't say "detta í skuld", no one says it and it sounds weird.)
Villa - mistake, error, delusion, disorientation, heresy
Áreiðanleiki - Dependability
Hreinn - clean, pure, straightforward,
Hreinskiptni - straight-forwardness
Framsækni - progressiveness
Vöðvabólga - fibrositis, muscular rheumatism, muscle strain, myalgia
Bein - bone
Himna - membrane, film
Bólga - inflammation, swelling
Beinhimnubólga - periostitis
Liðagigt - arthritis
Mal - car purr
Snjór, Snær - snow
Hjarn - crust of snow, snow that does not melt in summer
Mjöll, Nýsnævi - new-fallen snow
Fönn - drifted heap of snow, snow-wreath, snow that does not melt in summer
Lausamjöll - powder snow
Krap - slush
Snjókoma and fannkoma - snowfall
Kafald - thick fall of snow
Bylur, Hríð - snowstorm
Drífa - snow-drift
Él - a sudden fall of snow, hailstorm, hail
Fjúk - drift, drifting snow-storm
Hraglandi - sleet, cold drizzling shower
Kóf - thick fall of snow
Ofanbylur - snowfall in a wind
Skafrenningur - drifting snow
Snjómugga - a small snowfall
Hundslappadrífa - very heavy snowfall in calm weather, large snowflakes
Ekki er hægt að birta myndina því hún inniheldur villur. - It's not possible to display the image to you because it contains errors.
Ég læri á ljóshraða / Ég er að læra á ljóshraða. - I am learning at the speed of light.
Þetta er hrein og bein andskotans óvirðing. - This is bluntly put damn disrespect.
Ég skal hafa það á bakvið eyrað - I will keep that behind my ear. (I'll keep that in mind, I'll remember that).
Most words were from conversations but some were from the news.
Heimur - world
Heimskreppa - world-wide crisis
Orkukreppa - energy crisis
Samleikakreppa - identity crisis
Stjórna - govern, regulate, manage, run, conduct an orquestra
Stjórnarkreppa - government crisis
Að detta - to fall (like tripping)
Skuld - debt
Að falla í skuld - to fall into debt. (You can't say "detta í skuld", no one says it and it sounds weird.)
Villa - mistake, error, delusion, disorientation, heresy
Áreiðanleiki - Dependability
Hreinn - clean, pure, straightforward,
Hreinskiptni - straight-forwardness
Framsækni - progressiveness
Vöðvabólga - fibrositis, muscular rheumatism, muscle strain, myalgia
Bein - bone
Himna - membrane, film
Bólga - inflammation, swelling
Beinhimnubólga - periostitis
Liðagigt - arthritis
Mal - car purr
Snjór, Snær - snow
Hjarn - crust of snow, snow that does not melt in summer
Mjöll, Nýsnævi - new-fallen snow
Fönn - drifted heap of snow, snow-wreath, snow that does not melt in summer
Lausamjöll - powder snow
Krap - slush
Snjókoma and fannkoma - snowfall
Kafald - thick fall of snow
Bylur, Hríð - snowstorm
Drífa - snow-drift
Él - a sudden fall of snow, hailstorm, hail
Fjúk - drift, drifting snow-storm
Hraglandi - sleet, cold drizzling shower
Kóf - thick fall of snow
Ofanbylur - snowfall in a wind
Skafrenningur - drifting snow
Snjómugga - a small snowfall
Hundslappadrífa - very heavy snowfall in calm weather, large snowflakes
Ekki er hægt að birta myndina því hún inniheldur villur. - It's not possible to display the image to you because it contains errors.
Ég læri á ljóshraða / Ég er að læra á ljóshraða. - I am learning at the speed of light.
Þetta er hrein og bein andskotans óvirðing. - This is bluntly put damn disrespect.
Ég skal hafa það á bakvið eyrað - I will keep that behind my ear. (I'll keep that in mind, I'll remember that).
Most words were from conversations but some were from the news.
Monday, April 26, 2010
Lífeyrissjóður - pension fund
Kjölfesta - ballast
Orka - power, energy
Kúnni - customer
Kunnur - well-known
Stefna - head, summon, subpoena
Halda - believe, think, maintain
Fyrr - earlier, before
Öndun - breathing, respiration
Vél - machine
Læknir - doctor, physician
Gjörgæsla - intensive care
Líðan - health, condition
Stöðugur - constant, incessant, steadfast
Meðvitund - consciousness, awareness
Meðferð - handling, therapy, treatment
Strax - right away, immediately
Sjúkfraflutningamönnum - hospital staff. ("people who move the sick people... or just those who work at the hospital...")
Slight follow-up to the previous news article:
Haldið sofandi eftir að hafa drukkið stíflueyði (Kept sleeping after having drunk drain fluid)
Manni sem drakk stíflueyði í Húsasmiðjunni við Skútuvog fyrr í kvöld er haldið sofandi í öndunarvél á Landspítalanum. (A man who drank drain cleaner in the hardware store on Skútuvogur earlier tonight is kept sleeping in a respirator in the hospital.)
Að sögn vakthafandi læknis á gjörgæslu er líðan mannsins stöðug. (According to the doctor on shift in the intensive care the condition of the man is stable.)
Hann var með meðvitund þegar hann kom á spítalann og var honum strax veitt viðeigandi meðferð af sjúkfraflutningamönnum. (He was conscious when he came to the hospital and he was immediately given appropriate treatment by the hospital staff.)
Sjúkrabíll var kvaddur að versluninni um klukkan hálfníu í kvöld en það voru starfsmenn verslunarinnar sem komu að manninum eftir að hann hafði drukkið efnið. (An ambulance was summoned to the store at about eight-thirty at night but it was the store personnel who came to the man's aid after he had drunk the substance.)
All the words were from the news.
Kjölfesta - ballast
Orka - power, energy
Kúnni - customer
Kunnur - well-known
Stefna - head, summon, subpoena
Halda - believe, think, maintain
Fyrr - earlier, before
Öndun - breathing, respiration
Vél - machine
Læknir - doctor, physician
Gjörgæsla - intensive care
Líðan - health, condition
Stöðugur - constant, incessant, steadfast
Meðvitund - consciousness, awareness
Meðferð - handling, therapy, treatment
Strax - right away, immediately
Sjúkfraflutningamönnum - hospital staff. ("people who move the sick people... or just those who work at the hospital...")
Slight follow-up to the previous news article:
Haldið sofandi eftir að hafa drukkið stíflueyði (Kept sleeping after having drunk drain fluid)
Manni sem drakk stíflueyði í Húsasmiðjunni við Skútuvog fyrr í kvöld er haldið sofandi í öndunarvél á Landspítalanum. (A man who drank drain cleaner in the hardware store on Skútuvogur earlier tonight is kept sleeping in a respirator in the hospital.)
Að sögn vakthafandi læknis á gjörgæslu er líðan mannsins stöðug. (According to the doctor on shift in the intensive care the condition of the man is stable.)
Hann var með meðvitund þegar hann kom á spítalann og var honum strax veitt viðeigandi meðferð af sjúkfraflutningamönnum. (He was conscious when he came to the hospital and he was immediately given appropriate treatment by the hospital staff.)
Sjúkrabíll var kvaddur að versluninni um klukkan hálfníu í kvöld en það voru starfsmenn verslunarinnar sem komu að manninum eftir að hann hafði drukkið efnið. (An ambulance was summoned to the store at about eight-thirty at night but it was the store personnel who came to the man's aid after he had drunk the substance.)
All the words were from the news.
Sunday, April 25, 2010
Conversations, idioms/phrases
Svartur - black
Galdur - sorcery, magic, conjuring trick, trick
Snefill - trace
Efni - matter, substance, material, situation, means, fortune, dope/hash
Snefilefni - trace element
Árás - attack
Sveit - district, region, country/rural area, team
Óvinur - enemy
Turn - tower
Stöðva - stop
Vinsæll - popular
Klassískur - classic, classical
Spilakassi - slot machine, one-armed bandit, fruit machine
Ávani - bad habit, addiction
Binda - tie, bind
Síðari - latter, longer
Síður - long
Tungl - moon
Jörð - earth, ground, soil, farm, estate
Meira - more
Flugmaður - pilot
Reyndur - experienced, skilled
Áskrifandi - subscriber
Yfirlit - survey, summary, overview
Hvenær - when
Lita - colour
Padda - insect, vermin, rascal, cheat
Veiða - catch, hunt
Hófur - hoof
Hóf - moderation
Truflun - disturbance, mental confusion
Bara svona sjá hvernig þetta virkar (just seeing how this works)
Ég kem alveg af fjöllum - I come completely from the mountains (I have no idea what you're talking about / what's going on)
I den - "back then/in the old days" (common Danish slang)
Some words were taken from conversations, some from an online letter site, and some from an online game site.
Galdur - sorcery, magic, conjuring trick, trick
Snefill - trace
Efni - matter, substance, material, situation, means, fortune, dope/hash
Snefilefni - trace element
Árás - attack
Sveit - district, region, country/rural area, team
Óvinur - enemy
Turn - tower
Stöðva - stop
Vinsæll - popular
Klassískur - classic, classical
Spilakassi - slot machine, one-armed bandit, fruit machine
Ávani - bad habit, addiction
Binda - tie, bind
Síðari - latter, longer
Síður - long
Tungl - moon
Jörð - earth, ground, soil, farm, estate
Meira - more
Flugmaður - pilot
Reyndur - experienced, skilled
Áskrifandi - subscriber
Yfirlit - survey, summary, overview
Hvenær - when
Lita - colour
Padda - insect, vermin, rascal, cheat
Veiða - catch, hunt
Hófur - hoof
Hóf - moderation
Truflun - disturbance, mental confusion
Bara svona sjá hvernig þetta virkar (just seeing how this works)
Ég kem alveg af fjöllum - I come completely from the mountains (I have no idea what you're talking about / what's going on)
I den - "back then/in the old days" (common Danish slang)
Some words were taken from conversations, some from an online letter site, and some from an online game site.
Wednesday, April 21, 2010
News, Weather
Current geography and weather and stuff.
Hafís - Sea ice
Óveður - Storms
Skriður - Landslides
Snjóflóð - Avalanches
Jarðskjálftar - Earthquakes
Flóð - Floods
Eldar - Fires
Eldgos - Volcanoes
Sjávarflóð - Flood tides
Sandfok - Sand drifting
Hlaup - Debacle
Spá - predict, forecast
Vestan - from the west
Jökull - glacier, ice cap
Föstudagur - Friday
Grennd - neighbourhood
Í grennd - nearby
Birta - show, reveal, publish, appear
Laugardagur - Saturday
Norðvestur - northwest
Suður - south, southwards
Fallegur - beautiful
Frétt - news, news broadcast
Ljósmyndari - light picturer (photographer)
Ljósmyndamaður - light picture man (photographer)
Myndatökumaður - camera man (a person who shoots videos)
Mökkur - cloud of smoke
Slysadeild - casualty ward
Stífla - dam, blockage, clog, jam
Eyða - destroy, exterminate, spend
Stíflueyði - drain cleaner
Húsasmiður - carpenter
Smiðja - workshop
Miðja - middle, center
Húsasmiðjan - hardware store
Vaka - be awake, stay awake, come to the surface, surface
Slökkvilið - fire department
Starfsmaður - employee, personnel
Sjúkur - sick
Sjúkrahús - hospital
Vettvangur - place, scene
Ræða - speak, talk, discuss
Innyfli - intestines, entrails, guts
Baneitraður - deadly poisonous
Fluttur á slysadeild eftir að hafa drukkið stíflueyði (Move to casualty ward after having drank drain cleaner)
Maður var fluttur á slysadeild um klukkan hálfníu í kvöld eftir að hann hafði drukkið stíflueyði í Húsasmiðjunni í Skútuvogi. (A man was moved to the casualty ward at about eight-thirty at night after he had drank drain cleaner in a hardware store in Skútuvogur [Skútuvogur is a street name].)
Að sögn vakstjóra hjá slökkviliðinu voru það starfsmenn Húsasmiðjunnar sem kvöddu sjúkralið á vettvang en maðurinn var mjög veikur enda um afar sterkt efni að ræða sem brennir innyfli og getur verið baneitrað. (According to the Fire Department's report it was the hardware store personnel who summoned the hospital to the scene but the man was very ill as this is a very strong substance which burned his intestines and can be deadly poisonous.)
Some words were taken from conversations and some from the news.
Hafís - Sea ice
Óveður - Storms
Skriður - Landslides
Snjóflóð - Avalanches
Jarðskjálftar - Earthquakes
Flóð - Floods
Eldar - Fires
Eldgos - Volcanoes
Sjávarflóð - Flood tides
Sandfok - Sand drifting
Hlaup - Debacle
Spá - predict, forecast
Vestan - from the west
Jökull - glacier, ice cap
Föstudagur - Friday
Grennd - neighbourhood
Í grennd - nearby
Birta - show, reveal, publish, appear
Laugardagur - Saturday
Norðvestur - northwest
Suður - south, southwards
Fallegur - beautiful
Frétt - news, news broadcast
Ljósmyndari - light picturer (photographer)
Ljósmyndamaður - light picture man (photographer)
Myndatökumaður - camera man (a person who shoots videos)
Mökkur - cloud of smoke
Slysadeild - casualty ward
Stífla - dam, blockage, clog, jam
Eyða - destroy, exterminate, spend
Stíflueyði - drain cleaner
Húsasmiður - carpenter
Smiðja - workshop
Miðja - middle, center
Húsasmiðjan - hardware store
Vaka - be awake, stay awake, come to the surface, surface
Slökkvilið - fire department
Starfsmaður - employee, personnel
Sjúkur - sick
Sjúkrahús - hospital
Vettvangur - place, scene
Ræða - speak, talk, discuss
Innyfli - intestines, entrails, guts
Baneitraður - deadly poisonous
Fluttur á slysadeild eftir að hafa drukkið stíflueyði (Move to casualty ward after having drank drain cleaner)
Maður var fluttur á slysadeild um klukkan hálfníu í kvöld eftir að hann hafði drukkið stíflueyði í Húsasmiðjunni í Skútuvogi. (A man was moved to the casualty ward at about eight-thirty at night after he had drank drain cleaner in a hardware store in Skútuvogur [Skútuvogur is a street name].)
Að sögn vakstjóra hjá slökkviliðinu voru það starfsmenn Húsasmiðjunnar sem kvöddu sjúkralið á vettvang en maðurinn var mjög veikur enda um afar sterkt efni að ræða sem brennir innyfli og getur verið baneitrað. (According to the Fire Department's report it was the hardware store personnel who summoned the hospital to the scene but the man was very ill as this is a very strong substance which burned his intestines and can be deadly poisonous.)
Some words were taken from conversations and some from the news.
Tuesday, April 20, 2010
Recipe, Food
Stoppa - stop, stuff
Egg - egg
Hvítur - white
Púður - (something) powder
Púðursykur - powdered sugar
Rjómi - cream
Súkkulaði - chocolate
Lítill - small, short, little
Húð - skin, coating, plating
Súkkulaðihúðað - Chocolate coated
Lakkrískurl - chopped up liquorice pieces
Þeyta - whip
Stífþeyta - Beat/whip (until stiff)
Saman - together
Poki - sack, bag
Blanda - blend, mixture
Varlega - carefully
Ásamt - along with, in company with
Bæta (something) við - Add something
Alveg - completely
Hverfa - vanish, disappear
Saxa - chop into pieces, mince
Setja - to put, place
Teskeið - teaspoon, coffee spoon
Plata - plate, sheet of something
Bökunarpappír - wax paper
Baka - bake
Mínúta - minute
EDIT: I tried this recipe and it didn't work for me, however I messed up a little too. Make sure your chocolate isn't pre-made into shapes (like bars that you can break off or chocolate chips) because otherwise it won't melt in the oven and the liquorice will melt before it does. Also salmiac liquorice tastes disgusting when melted. I also think I didn't beat the eggs for long enough.
3 eggjahvítur (egg whites)
200 gr. púðursykur (8/10th cup powdered sugar)
150 gr. rjómasúkkulaði (bar of milk chocolate)
2 litlir pokar súkkulaðihúðað lakkrískurl (little bags of chocolate-covered liquorice)
Stífþeytið eggjahvíturnar, bætið púðursykrinum við og þeytið áfram þar til sykurinn er alveg horfinn. (Beat the egg whites until stiff, add the powdered sugar and mix together until the sugar is completely dissolved/vanished.)
Bætið söxuðu súkkulaði og lakkrískurli við. (Add the minced chocolate and liquorice bits together.)
Setjið með teskeið á plötu með bökunarpappír og bakið við 175° í 12-14 mínútur. (Set a teaspoon of the mix onto a cookie sheet with wax paper and bake for 175°C/347°F for twelve to fourteen minutes.)
Words were all taken from the recipe.
Egg - egg
Hvítur - white
Púður - (something) powder
Púðursykur - powdered sugar
Rjómi - cream
Súkkulaði - chocolate
Lítill - small, short, little
Húð - skin, coating, plating
Súkkulaðihúðað - Chocolate coated
Lakkrískurl - chopped up liquorice pieces
Þeyta - whip
Stífþeyta - Beat/whip (until stiff)
Saman - together
Poki - sack, bag
Blanda - blend, mixture
Varlega - carefully
Ásamt - along with, in company with
Bæta (something) við - Add something
Alveg - completely
Hverfa - vanish, disappear
Saxa - chop into pieces, mince
Setja - to put, place
Teskeið - teaspoon, coffee spoon
Plata - plate, sheet of something
Bökunarpappír - wax paper
Baka - bake
Mínúta - minute
EDIT: I tried this recipe and it didn't work for me, however I messed up a little too. Make sure your chocolate isn't pre-made into shapes (like bars that you can break off or chocolate chips) because otherwise it won't melt in the oven and the liquorice will melt before it does. Also salmiac liquorice tastes disgusting when melted. I also think I didn't beat the eggs for long enough.
3 eggjahvítur (egg whites)
200 gr. púðursykur (8/10th cup powdered sugar)
150 gr. rjómasúkkulaði (bar of milk chocolate)
2 litlir pokar súkkulaðihúðað lakkrískurl (little bags of chocolate-covered liquorice)
Stífþeytið eggjahvíturnar, bætið púðursykrinum við og þeytið áfram þar til sykurinn er alveg horfinn. (Beat the egg whites until stiff, add the powdered sugar and mix together until the sugar is completely dissolved/vanished.)
Bætið söxuðu súkkulaði og lakkrískurli við. (Add the minced chocolate and liquorice bits together.)
Setjið með teskeið á plötu með bökunarpappír og bakið við 175° í 12-14 mínútur. (Set a teaspoon of the mix onto a cookie sheet with wax paper and bake for 175°C/347°F for twelve to fourteen minutes.)
Words were all taken from the recipe.
Friday, April 16, 2010
News, Geography
Á leiðinni - on its way
Flóð - flood, high tide
Hefja - commence, lift, raise
Sýsla - administrative district
Sýslumaður - district/county magistrate, chief legislative official in each administrative district
Byrja - start, begin
Ljósta - strike, hit
Ljós - clear, fair, blonde
Stynja - groan, sigh
Bresta - crack, break, come on suddenly, spring up, lack
Skammur - short distance/time
Millibil - space, interval
Leyti - respect, part, time
Kvöld - night
Matur - food
Kvöldmatar - supper
Stærðargráða - order of magnitude, dimensions
Nauðsynlegur - necessary
Rýma - vacate
Bær - farm, town
Meta - evaluate, appraise
Hlaup - running, run, sprint, aspic, jelly
Liggja - lie, be located, stand, lead, fall,
Nýtt flóð að hefjast (New flood has started)
Það er nýtt flóð á leiðinni úr Eyjafjallajökli, segir Kjartan Þorkelsson, sýslumaður á Hvolsvöllur. Flóðið er rétt að byrja og ekki ljóst á þessari stundu hversu stórt það er. (It is a new flood on its way from Eyjafjallajökull, says Kjartan Þorkelsson, Legislative Official of Hvolsvelli. The flood is just starting and we've not hit on how large it is.)
Tvo flóð brustu á með skömmu millibili í nótt og um kvöldmatarleytið í gær kom svo flóð sem var af þeirri stærðargráðu að nauðsynlegt þótti að rýma bæi úr Fljótshlíðinni og í Landeyjum. (Two floods sprung up within a short timespan in the night at about suppertime yesterday, flooding came to such magnitude as to be regarded as necessary to vacate town out of Fljótshlíð and Landeyjar.)
I trusted myself about zero percent on translating the last paragraph, while the rest of these are more like fifty percent... So you can read the last one at the link itself. Words were taken from the news.
Flóð - flood, high tide
Hefja - commence, lift, raise
Sýsla - administrative district
Sýslumaður - district/county magistrate, chief legislative official in each administrative district
Byrja - start, begin
Ljósta - strike, hit
Ljós - clear, fair, blonde
Stynja - groan, sigh
Bresta - crack, break, come on suddenly, spring up, lack
Skammur - short distance/time
Millibil - space, interval
Leyti - respect, part, time
Kvöld - night
Matur - food
Kvöldmatar - supper
Stærðargráða - order of magnitude, dimensions
Nauðsynlegur - necessary
Rýma - vacate
Bær - farm, town
Meta - evaluate, appraise
Hlaup - running, run, sprint, aspic, jelly
Liggja - lie, be located, stand, lead, fall,
Nýtt flóð að hefjast (New flood has started)
Það er nýtt flóð á leiðinni úr Eyjafjallajökli, segir Kjartan Þorkelsson, sýslumaður á Hvolsvöllur. Flóðið er rétt að byrja og ekki ljóst á þessari stundu hversu stórt það er. (It is a new flood on its way from Eyjafjallajökull, says Kjartan Þorkelsson, Legislative Official of Hvolsvelli. The flood is just starting and we've not hit on how large it is.)
Tvo flóð brustu á með skömmu millibili í nótt og um kvöldmatarleytið í gær kom svo flóð sem var af þeirri stærðargráðu að nauðsynlegt þótti að rýma bæi úr Fljótshlíðinni og í Landeyjum. (Two floods sprung up within a short timespan in the night at about suppertime yesterday, flooding came to such magnitude as to be regarded as necessary to vacate town out of Fljótshlíð and Landeyjar.)
I trusted myself about zero percent on translating the last paragraph, while the rest of these are more like fifty percent... So you can read the last one at the link itself. Words were taken from the news.
These vocabulary words are taken from Livejournal.
Aðgerð - operation, progress, measures, steps, repairs, gutting fish
Hópaðgerðir á valin svör - take action on selected comments
Opinbera - disclose, reveal
Rusl - trash
Eyða sem rusli - mark as spam
Svara - answer, respond, reply
Dagbók - diary, journal, ledger
Kenniorð - Tags/labels
Bættu - improve, better, mend
Í stafrófsröð - in alphabetical (order)
Notkun - use, application
Skilgreina - define
Eiginleiki - quality, characteristic
Boð - message, offer, bid, command
Skilaboð - message
Vinir - friend
Sía - sieve, filter, sift
Stofna - found, establish, set up
Flakk - wandering
Færni - skill
Grunn - shallows, shoal, bank
Fæðingardagur - Birth date
Minnisverður - noteworthy, memorable
Eftirfarandi - following
Geymsla - storage, storage room
Pláss - room, space, village, square, class (on a ship, train, etc)
Reikningur - mathematics, invoice, account, charge account
Aðgerð - operation, progress, measures, steps, repairs, gutting fish
Hópaðgerðir á valin svör - take action on selected comments
Opinbera - disclose, reveal
Rusl - trash
Eyða sem rusli - mark as spam
Svara - answer, respond, reply
Dagbók - diary, journal, ledger
Kenniorð - Tags/labels
Bættu - improve, better, mend
Í stafrófsröð - in alphabetical (order)
Notkun - use, application
Skilgreina - define
Eiginleiki - quality, characteristic
Boð - message, offer, bid, command
Skilaboð - message
Vinir - friend
Sía - sieve, filter, sift
Stofna - found, establish, set up
Flakk - wandering
Færni - skill
Grunn - shallows, shoal, bank
Fæðingardagur - Birth date
Minnisverður - noteworthy, memorable
Eftirfarandi - following
Geymsla - storage, storage room
Pláss - room, space, village, square, class (on a ship, train, etc)
Reikningur - mathematics, invoice, account, charge account
These vocabulary words are taken from Adium.
Til taks - "available" (as in status)
Félagi - companion, comrade, partner, member ("buddy list")
Fjarstaddur - absent, away
Í felum - in hiding ("invisible")
Staða - situation, position, office, post, status
Spjall - conversation, chat
Þáttur - part, factor, strand, act, program, story,
Hópur - group, crowd
Taka þátt í hópspjalli - Take part in a group chat
Samtal - conversation
Síðu - page
Uppsetning síðu - page setup (for printing)
Stilla - calm, tune, adjust
Farsími - mobile phone
Stafsetning - Spelling, orthography
Innsláttur - keyboarding, data entry
Rönd - edge, rim, boarder
Tækjarönd - toolbar
Raða - arrange
Heild - whole, totally
Fjöldi - large number, crowd
Heildarfjöldi - total number
Dul - concealment, self-delusion, arrogance
Kóðun - coding
Leturgerð - font
Endurheimta - regain
Feit - fat, stout
Letur - type, character, inscription
Feit letur, feitletrur - bold font
Á ská - askew, aslant, sideways
Skáletur - italic font
Undirstrikun - Underscore
Fyrri - first of two, previous, earlier
Fremst - in front, at the front, furthest front
Setja allt fremst - Move all to front
Sameina - unite, combine
Flutningur - transportation, transport, freight, cargo, change of address, recital, performance
Viðbrögð - reaction ("comment")
Umræða - debate, discussion, argument, reading
Til taks - "available" (as in status)
Félagi - companion, comrade, partner, member ("buddy list")
Fjarstaddur - absent, away
Í felum - in hiding ("invisible")
Staða - situation, position, office, post, status
Spjall - conversation, chat
Þáttur - part, factor, strand, act, program, story,
Hópur - group, crowd
Taka þátt í hópspjalli - Take part in a group chat
Samtal - conversation
Síðu - page
Uppsetning síðu - page setup (for printing)
Stilla - calm, tune, adjust
Farsími - mobile phone
Stafsetning - Spelling, orthography
Innsláttur - keyboarding, data entry
Rönd - edge, rim, boarder
Tækjarönd - toolbar
Raða - arrange
Heild - whole, totally
Fjöldi - large number, crowd
Heildarfjöldi - total number
Dul - concealment, self-delusion, arrogance
Kóðun - coding
Leturgerð - font
Endurheimta - regain
Feit - fat, stout
Letur - type, character, inscription
Feit letur, feitletrur - bold font
Á ská - askew, aslant, sideways
Skáletur - italic font
Undirstrikun - Underscore
Fyrri - first of two, previous, earlier
Fremst - in front, at the front, furthest front
Setja allt fremst - Move all to front
Sameina - unite, combine
Flutningur - transportation, transport, freight, cargo, change of address, recital, performance
Viðbrögð - reaction ("comment")
Umræða - debate, discussion, argument, reading
News, Geography
Aska - ash, ashes
Öskufallinu - ash fall
Bera - carry, bear, sustain, give birth to cows and sheep
Sýna - show, exhibit, give a performance
Sýn - sight, view, vision
Hve - how, like, as
Þykkt - thickness, depth
Nágranni - neighbour
Gjósa - erupt, spout, gush
Álma - wing of a building
Vörn - defense
Nefnd - committee, board, commission
Almannavarnir - "The Civil Protection Department"
Skógur - forest, wood
Hlíð - slope, mountain side
Ráðleggja - advise
Hylja - hide, conceal, cover
Vit - reason, sense, intelligence, know-how, sense organs (especially nose and mouth)
Ryk - dust
Gríma - mask
Magn - quantity, amount
Þar - there
Mikið - much, a lot, a great deal
Loft - air, sky, ceiling, attic, loft
Vestanátt - westerly wind
Samkvæmt - according to
Upplýsing - information, "Enlightenment", illumination, lighting
Veður - weather, storm
Veðurstofa - meteorological institute
Eins og - like
Vindátt - wind direction
Snúa - turn, face, translate, twist, twine,
Norður - north, northwards
Um helgina - over the weekend
Nýjar myndir af öskufallinu (New pictures of falling ash)
Ví bárust þessar myndir af öskufallinu (Ví brings these pictures of ash fall)
Myndirnar voru teknar klukkan 11 í morgun og sýna hve þykkt öskulagið er í nágranni við gosið. (The pictures were taken at eleven in the morning and show how thick the ash fall is in the area neighbouring the eruption)
Almannavarnarnefnd hefur ráðlagt fólki að hylja vit sín með rykgrímum þar sem öskumagn er mikið í lofti. (The Civil Protection Department Committee has advised people to cover their noses and mouths with dust masks as there is a large amount of dust in the air)
Eins og stendur er vestanátt en samkvæmt upplýsingum frá Veðurstofunni gæti vindáttin snúist í norður um helgina. (The wind direction is constant but according to information from the Meteorology Institute the wind direction will rotate northwards over the weekend.)
EDIT: For those interested, it really did rotate northwards.
Magnaða - powerful, intense
Sérstakur - seperate, particular, unusual
Myndavél - camera
Land - land, earth, country, estate
Helgur - holy, sacred
Gæsla - storage, custody
Landhelgisgæsla - coast guard
Megin - larger/main part
Eldgos - volcanic eruption
Metri - meter
Þvermál - diameter
Óneitanlega - indisputably
Andlit - face
Einhverskonar - some kind of
Forynyja - monster
Leið - way, route
Úr - out of, from, of,
Iðrum - intestines
Jörð - earth, ground, soil, farm, estate
Nú - present (time)
Spúa - vomit, erupt, spout
Eldur - fire
Brenna - burn, be on fire
Steinn - stone
Brennisteinn - sulphur, brimstone
Andrúmsloft - atmosphere
Afleiðing - result, consequence
Mikill - large, much, great
Samgöngur - transport, communications
Friður - peace, tranquility
Tími - time
Friðartímum - peacetime
Evrópa - Europe
Gos - volcanic or geyser eruption
Gosopin - the volcano fissures (where the lava and stuff comes out)
Minna - remind
Brotið - fold, break,
Here is IceNew's own translation of the article:
Andlit eldgossins (Face of the Volcano)
Þessi magnaða mynd sem tekin var með sérstakri myndavél um borð í vél Landhelgisgæslunnar TF-SIF í gær. (This impressive picture was taken with a special camera on board the Icelandic coastguard’s TF-SIF research plane.)
Myndin sýnir þrjú megin gosop eldgossins á Eyjafjallajökli. Gosopin eru 200 til 500 metrar í þvermál. (The picture shows three craters in the Eyjafjallajokull volcano. The craters are each 200 to 300 metres wide.)
Myndin minnir óneitanlega á andlit einhverskonar forynju sem hefur brotið sér leið úr iðrum jarðar og er nú að spúa eldi og brennisteini út í andrúmslofið. Afleiðingarnar eru mestu samgönguraskanir í Evrópu á friðartímum. (The picture undeniably looks like a face: some sort of monster which has broken its way out of the earth and is now spewing fire and sulphur into the atmosphere. The chaos being wrought on European transport connections is the greatest ever during peace time.)
However I have a fondness for my own translation: The pictures indisputably remind of some kind of monsterous face as if it has broken its way out of the intestines of the earth and is presently vomiting fire and brimstone into the atmosphere.
These words were all taken from the news.
Öskufallinu - ash fall
Bera - carry, bear, sustain, give birth to cows and sheep
Sýna - show, exhibit, give a performance
Sýn - sight, view, vision
Hve - how, like, as
Þykkt - thickness, depth
Nágranni - neighbour
Gjósa - erupt, spout, gush
Álma - wing of a building
Vörn - defense
Nefnd - committee, board, commission
Almannavarnir - "The Civil Protection Department"
Skógur - forest, wood
Hlíð - slope, mountain side
Ráðleggja - advise
Hylja - hide, conceal, cover
Vit - reason, sense, intelligence, know-how, sense organs (especially nose and mouth)
Ryk - dust
Gríma - mask
Magn - quantity, amount
Þar - there
Mikið - much, a lot, a great deal
Loft - air, sky, ceiling, attic, loft
Vestanátt - westerly wind
Samkvæmt - according to
Upplýsing - information, "Enlightenment", illumination, lighting
Veður - weather, storm
Veðurstofa - meteorological institute
Eins og - like
Vindátt - wind direction
Snúa - turn, face, translate, twist, twine,
Norður - north, northwards
Um helgina - over the weekend
Nýjar myndir af öskufallinu (New pictures of falling ash)
Ví bárust þessar myndir af öskufallinu (Ví brings these pictures of ash fall)
Myndirnar voru teknar klukkan 11 í morgun og sýna hve þykkt öskulagið er í nágranni við gosið. (The pictures were taken at eleven in the morning and show how thick the ash fall is in the area neighbouring the eruption)
Almannavarnarnefnd hefur ráðlagt fólki að hylja vit sín með rykgrímum þar sem öskumagn er mikið í lofti. (The Civil Protection Department Committee has advised people to cover their noses and mouths with dust masks as there is a large amount of dust in the air)
Eins og stendur er vestanátt en samkvæmt upplýsingum frá Veðurstofunni gæti vindáttin snúist í norður um helgina. (The wind direction is constant but according to information from the Meteorology Institute the wind direction will rotate northwards over the weekend.)
EDIT: For those interested, it really did rotate northwards.
Magnaða - powerful, intense
Sérstakur - seperate, particular, unusual
Myndavél - camera
Land - land, earth, country, estate
Helgur - holy, sacred
Gæsla - storage, custody
Landhelgisgæsla - coast guard
Megin - larger/main part
Eldgos - volcanic eruption
Metri - meter
Þvermál - diameter
Óneitanlega - indisputably
Andlit - face
Einhverskonar - some kind of
Forynyja - monster
Leið - way, route
Úr - out of, from, of,
Iðrum - intestines
Jörð - earth, ground, soil, farm, estate
Nú - present (time)
Spúa - vomit, erupt, spout
Eldur - fire
Brenna - burn, be on fire
Steinn - stone
Brennisteinn - sulphur, brimstone
Andrúmsloft - atmosphere
Afleiðing - result, consequence
Mikill - large, much, great
Samgöngur - transport, communications
Friður - peace, tranquility
Tími - time
Friðartímum - peacetime
Evrópa - Europe
Gos - volcanic or geyser eruption
Gosopin - the volcano fissures (where the lava and stuff comes out)
Minna - remind
Brotið - fold, break,
Here is IceNew's own translation of the article:
Andlit eldgossins (Face of the Volcano)
Þessi magnaða mynd sem tekin var með sérstakri myndavél um borð í vél Landhelgisgæslunnar TF-SIF í gær. (This impressive picture was taken with a special camera on board the Icelandic coastguard’s TF-SIF research plane.)
Myndin sýnir þrjú megin gosop eldgossins á Eyjafjallajökli. Gosopin eru 200 til 500 metrar í þvermál. (The picture shows three craters in the Eyjafjallajokull volcano. The craters are each 200 to 300 metres wide.)
Myndin minnir óneitanlega á andlit einhverskonar forynju sem hefur brotið sér leið úr iðrum jarðar og er nú að spúa eldi og brennisteini út í andrúmslofið. Afleiðingarnar eru mestu samgönguraskanir í Evrópu á friðartímum. (The picture undeniably looks like a face: some sort of monster which has broken its way out of the earth and is now spewing fire and sulphur into the atmosphere. The chaos being wrought on European transport connections is the greatest ever during peace time.)
However I have a fondness for my own translation: The pictures indisputably remind of some kind of monsterous face as if it has broken its way out of the intestines of the earth and is presently vomiting fire and brimstone into the atmosphere.
These words were all taken from the news.
Monday, April 12, 2010
Tík - bitch (can refer to dogs)
Saga - story, history, saga
Klst. (short for klukkustund) - an hour
Jæja - well
Jæja þá - all right then
Tónlist - music
Tónleikar - concert
Veisla - celebration, banquet, party
Vagn - vehicle, wagon, carriage, bus, pram
Barnavagn - baby carriage, pram/perambulator
Deyja - die, pass out from drinking, go out
Deyja út - become extinct, die out
Varla - barely, hardly, scarcely
Hræðilegur - horrible, frightening
Lifa - live, experience, survive
Engan veginn - in no way, no-how
Óformlegur - informal
Skóla - rinse
Skóli - school
Vörður - watchman, guard
Stígur - path, sheep track
Kirkja - church
Þjóð - nation, people
Menning - civilization, culture
List - art
Afstrakt - abstract
Afstraktlist - abstract art
Samþykkja - agree, approve, consent
Dýr - animal, beast
Mór - peat
Karamella - toffee
Búnaður - equipment
Loksins - finally
Gróðurhús - Greenhouse, hothouse
Merkilegur - remarkable, noteworthy, important, distinguished
Stand - condition, state of affairs
Tekjur - income, revenue
Ráðstöfunartekjur - disposable income
Einnota - disposable
Raun - experience, trial, distress, truth
Kaffihús - café, coffee house
Væminn - cloying, sickly sweet, sentimental
Sáttur - reconciled, agreed
Ákvörðun - decision, resolve
Svín - pig, hog, swine
Flensa - flu
Brúða - doll, puppet
Fjörður - fjord, bay
Fjara - low tide, beach, shore
Krá - pub, tavern
also, Hallgerður er tík og Jónas(Hallgrímsson) segir að Gunnar elski hana og ég skil það bara ekki... (also, Hallgerður is a bitch and Jónas [Hallgrímsson] says Gunnar loves her and I just don't understand it...)
no worries, most of us "young ones" nenna ekki að lesa sögurnar anyway (don't want to read the sagas anyway).
Some words were taken from conversations, some from a photo my friend took, and some from an article about the anniversary of a music place.
Saga - story, history, saga
Klst. (short for klukkustund) - an hour
Jæja - well
Jæja þá - all right then
Tónlist - music
Tónleikar - concert
Veisla - celebration, banquet, party
Vagn - vehicle, wagon, carriage, bus, pram
Barnavagn - baby carriage, pram/perambulator
Deyja - die, pass out from drinking, go out
Deyja út - become extinct, die out
Varla - barely, hardly, scarcely
Hræðilegur - horrible, frightening
Lifa - live, experience, survive
Engan veginn - in no way, no-how
Óformlegur - informal
Skóla - rinse
Skóli - school
Vörður - watchman, guard
Stígur - path, sheep track
Kirkja - church
Þjóð - nation, people
Menning - civilization, culture
List - art
Afstrakt - abstract
Afstraktlist - abstract art
Samþykkja - agree, approve, consent
Dýr - animal, beast
Mór - peat
Karamella - toffee
Búnaður - equipment
Loksins - finally
Gróðurhús - Greenhouse, hothouse
Merkilegur - remarkable, noteworthy, important, distinguished
Stand - condition, state of affairs
Tekjur - income, revenue
Ráðstöfunartekjur - disposable income
Einnota - disposable
Raun - experience, trial, distress, truth
Kaffihús - café, coffee house
Væminn - cloying, sickly sweet, sentimental
Sáttur - reconciled, agreed
Ákvörðun - decision, resolve
Svín - pig, hog, swine
Flensa - flu
Brúða - doll, puppet
Fjörður - fjord, bay
Fjara - low tide, beach, shore
Krá - pub, tavern
also, Hallgerður er tík og Jónas(Hallgrímsson) segir að Gunnar elski hana og ég skil það bara ekki... (also, Hallgerður is a bitch and Jónas [Hallgrímsson] says Gunnar loves her and I just don't understand it...)
no worries, most of us "young ones" nenna ekki að lesa sögurnar anyway (don't want to read the sagas anyway).
Some words were taken from conversations, some from a photo my friend took, and some from an article about the anniversary of a music place.
Firefox's language can be changed to Icelandic, which is where all these words are from. You can also download an "add-on" that is an Icelandic spell-checker for when using Firefox. If you have a Mac you can download "Adium" as an instant messaging client and the language for that can change to Icelandic if you change your computer settings to Icelandic. You can change your keyboard layout to Icelandic too.
Valkostir - alternative, choice
Fela - hide, conceal
Hætta í - quit, stop ("exit")
Nýr flipi - new tab
Tengill - link, connection, socket, outlet
Loka - close, shut
Uppsetning - arrangement, placing, installation, staging, production
Prenta - print
Flytja - move, transport
Flytja inn - import
Flytja út - export
Vinna ótengdur - work offline
Breyta - change, modify, turn into ("edit")
Afturkalla - revoke, repeal, annul ("undo")
Endurtaka - repeat
Klippa - cut, clip (ctrl+x)
Afrita - copy, transcribe (ctrl+c)
Líma - glue (paste, ctrl+v)
Eyða - delete
Leita - search, seek
Skoða - observe, scrutinize, consider
Usli - damage
Fræmkvæma - carry out
Meðhöndla - treat
Héðan í frá - from now on
Svona - like that, thus, about, approximately
Í lagi - okay
Vist - stay
Vista - find a place for ("save")
Vista skrá - "Save file"
"You have chosen to open"
"Which is a: Word Document"
"From: Http://..."
"How do you want Firefox handle this file?"
"Open with (browse)"
"Save file"
"Carry out this automatically from now on for files like this"
Endurnýja - renew
Stíll - style
Stafa - spell
Kóði - code
Heim - home
Ferli - process
Ferill - traces, steps, career ("History")
Setja - to put, place
Bók - book
Merki - sign, mark, signal,
Bókamerki - Bookmark
Niður - down, downwards
Niðurhal - Downloads
Viðbót - addition, extra
Villa - mistake, error
Hreinsa - clean up
Aðvörun - warning, caution
Verkfæri - Tool, implement ("tools")
Gluggi - window
Byrja - start, begin
Minnka - decrease, lessen, reduce ("Minimize")
Aðdrattur - "Maximize"
Hjálp - Help
Tilkynna - announce, make known
Bilaður - broken down, out of order
Falsað - forge, falsify
Vefur - web, weave
Setur - institute, foundation
Vefsetur - website
Blogg - Blog
"Downloads loaded/finished"
"All files have downloaded"
Valkostir - alternative, choice
Fela - hide, conceal
Hætta í - quit, stop ("exit")
Nýr flipi - new tab
Tengill - link, connection, socket, outlet
Loka - close, shut
Uppsetning - arrangement, placing, installation, staging, production
Prenta - print
Flytja - move, transport
Flytja inn - import
Flytja út - export
Vinna ótengdur - work offline
Breyta - change, modify, turn into ("edit")
Afturkalla - revoke, repeal, annul ("undo")
Endurtaka - repeat
Klippa - cut, clip (ctrl+x)
Afrita - copy, transcribe (ctrl+c)
Líma - glue (paste, ctrl+v)
Eyða - delete
Leita - search, seek
Skoða - observe, scrutinize, consider
Usli - damage
Fræmkvæma - carry out
Meðhöndla - treat
Héðan í frá - from now on
Svona - like that, thus, about, approximately
Í lagi - okay
Vist - stay
Vista - find a place for ("save")
Vista skrá - "Save file"
"You have chosen to open"
"Which is a: Word Document"
"From: Http://..."
"How do you want Firefox handle this file?"
"Open with (browse)"
"Save file"
"Carry out this automatically from now on for files like this"
Endurnýja - renew
Stíll - style
Stafa - spell
Kóði - code
Heim - home
Ferli - process
Ferill - traces, steps, career ("History")
Setja - to put, place
Bók - book
Merki - sign, mark, signal,
Bókamerki - Bookmark
Niður - down, downwards
Niðurhal - Downloads
Viðbót - addition, extra
Villa - mistake, error
Hreinsa - clean up
Aðvörun - warning, caution
Verkfæri - Tool, implement ("tools")
Gluggi - window
Byrja - start, begin
Minnka - decrease, lessen, reduce ("Minimize")
Aðdrattur - "Maximize"
Hjálp - Help
Tilkynna - announce, make known
Bilaður - broken down, out of order
Falsað - forge, falsify
Vefur - web, weave
Setur - institute, foundation
Vefsetur - website
Blogg - Blog
"Downloads loaded/finished"
"All files have downloaded"
Nema - study, learn, perceive
Kveðja - Regards
Starf - work, activity, profession
Fólk - People
Nemandi - student
Skrár - register, directory, list
Tölvuskrá - computer file
Ágæti - excellent, merit, distinction
Viðtakandi - recipient, addressee
Sjálfvirkur - automatic
Skeyti - telegram, cablegram
Erindi - errand, message, lecture, stanza
Afgreiða - serve, expedite, dispatch
Eins og - As
Fljótt - quickly, fast
Auðið - possible
Fylgja - guide, accompany, support, follow
Breyting - change, modification
Skráning - registration, check-in
Forsíða - front page
Muna - remember
Námskeið - course
Sendir - transmitter
Senda - send
This is the University's own translation:
Ágæti viðtakandi, þetta er sjálfvirkt svar frá Nemendaskrá. (Dear receiver, this is an automated reply from the Student Registry.)
Skeyti þitt hefur verið móttekið og erindið verður afgreitt eins fljótt og auðið er. (Your email has been received and will be processed as soon as possible.)
Fylgstu með breytingum á skráningu á forsíðu þinni í Uglu, (Check for changes in your registration on your front page in Ugla
Mundu að gefa upp nafn, kennitölu sem og númer og heiti námskeiða þegar þú sendir Nemendaskrá póst. (Please remember to specify your name and ID-number, as well as the numbers and the names of your courses when you email the Student Registry.)
Með góðum kveðjum/with kind regards,
Starfsfólk Nemendaskrár/Personnel of the Student Registry
The words were taken from that Email.
Kveðja - Regards
Starf - work, activity, profession
Fólk - People
Nemandi - student
Skrár - register, directory, list
Tölvuskrá - computer file
Ágæti - excellent, merit, distinction
Viðtakandi - recipient, addressee
Sjálfvirkur - automatic
Skeyti - telegram, cablegram
Erindi - errand, message, lecture, stanza
Afgreiða - serve, expedite, dispatch
Eins og - As
Fljótt - quickly, fast
Auðið - possible
Fylgja - guide, accompany, support, follow
Breyting - change, modification
Skráning - registration, check-in
Forsíða - front page
Muna - remember
Námskeið - course
Sendir - transmitter
Senda - send
This is the University's own translation:
Ágæti viðtakandi, þetta er sjálfvirkt svar frá Nemendaskrá. (Dear receiver, this is an automated reply from the Student Registry.)
Skeyti þitt hefur verið móttekið og erindið verður afgreitt eins fljótt og auðið er. (Your email has been received and will be processed as soon as possible.)
Fylgstu með breytingum á skráningu á forsíðu þinni í Uglu, (Check for changes in your registration on your front page in Ugla
Mundu að gefa upp nafn, kennitölu sem og númer og heiti námskeiða þegar þú sendir Nemendaskrá póst. (Please remember to specify your name and ID-number, as well as the numbers and the names of your courses when you email the Student Registry.)
Með góðum kveðjum/with kind regards,
Starfsfólk Nemendaskrár/Personnel of the Student Registry
The words were taken from that Email.
Sunday, April 11, 2010
Færsla - book keeping, entry, record
Lýsing - description, lighting, illumination
Afsláttur - discount
Tilboð - offer, bid, tender
Sem - as, as if
Inneign - credit balance
Nóta - note, bill, receipt
Þökk - thanks
Flokka - grade, sort, classify into groups
Vöruflokkar - product categories
Virði - value, worth
Auka - increase
Skattur - tax
VSK (short for Virðisaukaskattur) - Value Added Tax (VAT), a type of sales tax.
Gildir ekki sem inneignarnóta (Not valid as credit)
Þökkum viðskiptin (Thank you for your business)
The words were from receipts.
Lýsing - description, lighting, illumination
Afsláttur - discount
Tilboð - offer, bid, tender
Sem - as, as if
Inneign - credit balance
Nóta - note, bill, receipt
Þökk - thanks
Flokka - grade, sort, classify into groups
Vöruflokkar - product categories
Virði - value, worth
Auka - increase
Skattur - tax
VSK (short for Virðisaukaskattur) - Value Added Tax (VAT), a type of sales tax.
Gildir ekki sem inneignarnóta (Not valid as credit)
Þökkum viðskiptin (Thank you for your business)
The words were from receipts.
Verðlauna - (to give) a prize, award
Lumar á einhverju - to keep something up one's sleeve
Óska - wish, want
Ábending - point, comment, advice
Vel - well
Þegn - subjects (ex. The King's), citizens
Vilja - want, wish, desire
Eða - or
Endilega - absolutely, by all means
Fá - get, receive, be allowed, get permission
Heyra - hear, listen
Mánuður - month
Valinn - chosen, selected
Gjöft - gift, present, feeding, dealing cards
Veita - grant, offer
Finna - find, discover
Einhver, einhvað - somebody, someone, some
Vanta - lack, missing, need
Þjónusta - service, maid, servant girl
Verslun - store, business
Jákvæður - positive, constructive, favourable
Núna - now
Uppákoma - accident, chance event, happening
Þörf - need, use
Uppfylla - fulfill
Umfram - extra, beyond, besides, above
Miðstöð - center, central heating, telephone exchange
Kt. (stands for kennitala) - social ID number. They're used for everything in Iceland.
Heimilisfang - address
Sími - phone
Koma - come, arrive, get, take,
Oft - often
Ár - year
Verslunarmiðstöðvar - shopping malls
Lumar þú á verðlauna hugmynd? (Keeping a rewarding idea up your sleeve?)
Tillögur, óskir og ábendingar vel þegnar (Proposals, wishes, and comments welcomed.)
Ef þú hefur þú skemmtilega hugmynd eða ábendingu viljum við endilega fá að heyra frá þér! (If you have fun/interesting ideas or comments we absolutely wish to hear from you!)
Í hverjum mánuði er svo ein hugmynd valin og 5.000kr. gjafakort í Kringlunni veitt í verðlaun. (Each month one idea is selected and a 5.000kr gift card to Kringlan is given/offered.)
Finnst þér eitthvað vanta (þjónusta, verslun)? (Found something's lacking [in service, in the stores]?)
Hvað er gott og jákvætt núna? (What's good and positive now?)
Áttu hugmynd að skemmtilegum uppákomum? (Got an idea for a fun event?)
Hvaða þarfir hefur þú sem Kringlan er ekki að uppfylla? (What needs do you have from Kringlan that aren't fulfilled?)
Hefur Kringlan kosi umfram aðrar verslunarmiðstöðvar? (Has Kringlan been voted superior to other shopping malls?)
Nafn, Kt., Sími, Heimilisfang (Name, ID number, phone, address)
Hvað kemur þú oft í Kringuna á ári? (Have you come to Kringlan often this year?)
The words are from the ad.
Verðlauna - (to give) a prize, award
Lumar á einhverju - to keep something up one's sleeve
Óska - wish, want
Ábending - point, comment, advice
Vel - well
Þegn - subjects (ex. The King's), citizens
Vilja - want, wish, desire
Eða - or
Endilega - absolutely, by all means
Fá - get, receive, be allowed, get permission
Heyra - hear, listen
Mánuður - month
Valinn - chosen, selected
Gjöft - gift, present, feeding, dealing cards
Veita - grant, offer
Finna - find, discover
Einhver, einhvað - somebody, someone, some
Vanta - lack, missing, need
Þjónusta - service, maid, servant girl
Verslun - store, business
Jákvæður - positive, constructive, favourable
Núna - now
Uppákoma - accident, chance event, happening
Þörf - need, use
Uppfylla - fulfill
Umfram - extra, beyond, besides, above
Miðstöð - center, central heating, telephone exchange
Kt. (stands for kennitala) - social ID number. They're used for everything in Iceland.
Heimilisfang - address
Sími - phone
Koma - come, arrive, get, take,
Oft - often
Ár - year
Verslunarmiðstöðvar - shopping malls
Lumar þú á verðlauna hugmynd? (Keeping a rewarding idea up your sleeve?)
Tillögur, óskir og ábendingar vel þegnar (Proposals, wishes, and comments welcomed.)
Ef þú hefur þú skemmtilega hugmynd eða ábendingu viljum við endilega fá að heyra frá þér! (If you have fun/interesting ideas or comments we absolutely wish to hear from you!)
Í hverjum mánuði er svo ein hugmynd valin og 5.000kr. gjafakort í Kringlunni veitt í verðlaun. (Each month one idea is selected and a 5.000kr gift card to Kringlan is given/offered.)
Finnst þér eitthvað vanta (þjónusta, verslun)? (Found something's lacking [in service, in the stores]?)
Hvað er gott og jákvætt núna? (What's good and positive now?)
Áttu hugmynd að skemmtilegum uppákomum? (Got an idea for a fun event?)
Hvaða þarfir hefur þú sem Kringlan er ekki að uppfylla? (What needs do you have from Kringlan that aren't fulfilled?)
Hefur Kringlan kosi umfram aðrar verslunarmiðstöðvar? (Has Kringlan been voted superior to other shopping malls?)
Nafn, Kt., Sími, Heimilisfang (Name, ID number, phone, address)
Hvað kemur þú oft í Kringuna á ári? (Have you come to Kringlan often this year?)
The words are from the ad.
Conversations, idioms/phrases
Hugmynd - idea
Geta - ability
Lesa - read
Þetta - this
Duglegur - hardworking, efficient
Vakna - awaken, wake up
Hálf - half
Djöfull - Devil
Þreyttur - tired, exhaused
Gerður - made
Biða - wait
Þurfa - need, require, have to
Gá - look, check
Hvort - if, whether
Kannski - maybe
Kenna - teach
Skrift - writing, handwriting
Uppskrift - recipe
Frábær - distinguished, excellent
Jökulhlaup - run-off from a sub-glacial eruption, debacle
Sigti - colander, sieve, strainer
Næturvakt - Night shift
Töffari - tough guy, someone who acts cool
Bíddu aðeins, bíddu smá - wait a little
Ógeðslega - disgustingly (used for emphasis, equivalent to "really")
Ógeðslega flottür - really cool
Ógeðslega gaman - really fun
Ógeðslega ertu leiðinlegur - You're really mean
Þetta er leiðinlegt - This is not fun, this is boring
Þú ert leiðinlegur - You're not fun, you're mean
Vorboð - hint of spring
Svefngalsi - sleep exuberance (When you've had little sleep and become suddenly silly and energetic before you crash.)
Hvað meinarðu? (pronounced "hva meinaru") - What do you mean?
Vigur (from poetry) = spjót (spear, javelin)
Geturu lesið þetta? - (Can you read this?)
Dugleg þú! - (You're hardworking!)
Í dag vaknaði ég klukkan hálf sjö. (Today I woke up at half past six.)
Djöfullinn er ég þreytt! (Damn am I tired!)
Þú gerðir það - (You made it)
Bíddu þarf að gá hvort þetta sé really the real deal. (Must wait to see if this is really the real deal.)
Kannski kann hann ekki að kenna... - (Maybe he can't teach...)
Hvað segir hann gott? - (How is he doing?)
Alexander er frábær leikmaður - (Alexander is an excellent player.)
Idioms and phrases:
Það er eins og þú hafir étið óðs manns skít - It's like you ate a mad man's shit ("Used to describe someone acting like a crazy bitch.")
Líkur sækir líkan heim - Similar pays visit to similar (It takes one to know one)
Sannleikurinn er lyginni líkastur - The truth sounds more like a lie (fact is stranger than fiction)
Samkjafta ekki - To talk nineteen to the dozen (often used sarcastically to comment that someone is being quiet or unresponsive)
Elskið friðinn og strjúkið kviðinn - Love peace and stroke your belly
The words are all from conversations.
Geta - ability
Lesa - read
Þetta - this
Duglegur - hardworking, efficient
Vakna - awaken, wake up
Hálf - half
Djöfull - Devil
Þreyttur - tired, exhaused
Gerður - made
Biða - wait
Þurfa - need, require, have to
Gá - look, check
Hvort - if, whether
Kannski - maybe
Kenna - teach
Skrift - writing, handwriting
Uppskrift - recipe
Frábær - distinguished, excellent
Jökulhlaup - run-off from a sub-glacial eruption, debacle
Sigti - colander, sieve, strainer
Næturvakt - Night shift
Töffari - tough guy, someone who acts cool
Bíddu aðeins, bíddu smá - wait a little
Ógeðslega - disgustingly (used for emphasis, equivalent to "really")
Ógeðslega flottür - really cool
Ógeðslega gaman - really fun
Ógeðslega ertu leiðinlegur - You're really mean
Þetta er leiðinlegt - This is not fun, this is boring
Þú ert leiðinlegur - You're not fun, you're mean
Vorboð - hint of spring
Svefngalsi - sleep exuberance (When you've had little sleep and become suddenly silly and energetic before you crash.)
Hvað meinarðu? (pronounced "hva meinaru") - What do you mean?
Vigur (from poetry) = spjót (spear, javelin)
Geturu lesið þetta? - (Can you read this?)
Dugleg þú! - (You're hardworking!)
Í dag vaknaði ég klukkan hálf sjö. (Today I woke up at half past six.)
Djöfullinn er ég þreytt! (Damn am I tired!)
Þú gerðir það - (You made it)
Bíddu þarf að gá hvort þetta sé really the real deal. (Must wait to see if this is really the real deal.)
Kannski kann hann ekki að kenna... - (Maybe he can't teach...)
Hvað segir hann gott? - (How is he doing?)
Alexander er frábær leikmaður - (Alexander is an excellent player.)
Idioms and phrases:
Það er eins og þú hafir étið óðs manns skít - It's like you ate a mad man's shit ("Used to describe someone acting like a crazy bitch.")
Líkur sækir líkan heim - Similar pays visit to similar (It takes one to know one)
Sannleikurinn er lyginni líkastur - The truth sounds more like a lie (fact is stranger than fiction)
Samkjafta ekki - To talk nineteen to the dozen (often used sarcastically to comment that someone is being quiet or unresponsive)
Elskið friðinn og strjúkið kviðinn - Love peace and stroke your belly
The words are all from conversations.
Post office
Post office:
Pósthús - post office
Hús - house
Póstur - mail, post, postman
Pakki - packet, package, parcel
Flug - Flight, aviation
Flugpóstur - air mail
Opnist hér - Open here
Dragið upp - drag it up
Umbúðir - packaging, wrapping
Stingist innudir - slip it under
Hæð - height
Dýpt - depth
Breidd - width
Lengd - length
Stærð - size, dimensions
Mál - measurements, dimensions
Tollur - customs, duty
Tollmiði - customs slip
Mega - be allowed/permitted, must, have to, have the strength, be able
Embætti - position, office
Hluti - part, portion
Rífa - tear, rip, tear down, scratch, snatch, fight, grate
Sending - something sent, shipment, consignment, dispatching, sending, programme, pass (in sports)
Skýrsla - report
Annars - or else, by the way
Hvaða - what kind of, which
Sýnishorn - merchandise
Votta - attest
Böggull - parcel, package
Hættulegur - dangerous
Banna - prohibit, forbid
Samkvæmt - according to
Undirskrift - signature
Regla - regulation, rule, order, brotherhood, theorem
Greiða - pay, unravel, unknit, comb
Öll mál eru innanmál. - All measurements must fit
Má opna í embættisnafni - May be opened officially
Hluti sem rífa skal frá, ef sendingunni fylgja tollskúrslur. Fyllst annars út. - Part to be detached if the item is accompanied by a customs declaration. Otherwise to be filled out.
Í hvaða mynt? - in which currency?
Virði alls - total value
Ég votta að þessi böggull inniheldur ekkert hættulegt eða bannaða vöru samkvæmt póstreglugerðum. - I certify that this item does not contain any dangerous articles prohibited by postal regulations.
The words are from some packages and stuff was mailed to me in.
Pósthús - post office
Hús - house
Póstur - mail, post, postman
Pakki - packet, package, parcel
Flug - Flight, aviation
Flugpóstur - air mail
Opnist hér - Open here
Dragið upp - drag it up
Umbúðir - packaging, wrapping
Stingist innudir - slip it under
Hæð - height
Dýpt - depth
Breidd - width
Lengd - length
Stærð - size, dimensions
Mál - measurements, dimensions
Tollur - customs, duty
Tollmiði - customs slip
Mega - be allowed/permitted, must, have to, have the strength, be able
Embætti - position, office
Hluti - part, portion
Rífa - tear, rip, tear down, scratch, snatch, fight, grate
Sending - something sent, shipment, consignment, dispatching, sending, programme, pass (in sports)
Skýrsla - report
Annars - or else, by the way
Hvaða - what kind of, which
Sýnishorn - merchandise
Votta - attest
Böggull - parcel, package
Hættulegur - dangerous
Banna - prohibit, forbid
Samkvæmt - according to
Undirskrift - signature
Regla - regulation, rule, order, brotherhood, theorem
Greiða - pay, unravel, unknit, comb
Öll mál eru innanmál. - All measurements must fit
Má opna í embættisnafni - May be opened officially
Hluti sem rífa skal frá, ef sendingunni fylgja tollskúrslur. Fyllst annars út. - Part to be detached if the item is accompanied by a customs declaration. Otherwise to be filled out.
Í hvaða mynt? - in which currency?
Virði alls - total value
Ég votta að þessi böggull inniheldur ekkert hættulegt eða bannaða vöru samkvæmt póstreglugerðum. - I certify that this item does not contain any dangerous articles prohibited by postal regulations.
The words are from some packages and stuff was mailed to me in.
Saturday, April 10, 2010
Shopping, Ads
Vara - commodity, goods, wares, merchandise.
Magn - quantity
Verð - price
Samtals - altogether, total
Kort - map, card
Póstkort - postcard
Peysa - sweater
Lopi - unspun wool
Lopapeysa - Sweater made from lopi wool (Also the traditional Icelandic sweater)
Börnin - the children
Kvikmynda - movie, film
Án - without
Endurgjalda - pay back, repay
Án endurgjalda - complimentary
Spil - card, playing card
Takk fyrir að velja - (Takk fyrir - thank you. Að velja - choosing, selecting.)
Ég var að kaupa stóra drauma - I went to buy big dreams. (Ég var - I went. Stóra - big, tall, important. Draumur - dream.)
Hvað ert þú að lesa? - What are you reading? (Hvað - what. Ert þú - are you. Að lesa - reading.)
Afmæli - birthday
Leikur - game, contest
Tilefni - cause
Í tilefni afmælis Jack Daniels - On the occasion of Jack Daniels' birthday
Bjóða - offer
Einstakur - unique, single
Tækifæri - opportunity
Skemmtilegur - amusing, funny, entertaining, interesting
Svara - answer, respond, reply
Spurning - question
Hafa - have
Möguleiki - possibility
Veglegur - splendid, fine, superb
Vinningur - prize, winnings
Anda - spirit
Afmælisleikur - (Birthday game.)
Í tilefni afmælis Jack Daniels í september býðst þér einstakt tækifæri til að taka þátt í skemmtilegum leik. - (On the occasion of Jack Daniel's birthday in September we offer this unique opportunity to take part in a fun game.)
Með því að svara nokkrum laufléttum spurningum hefur þú möguleika á veglegum vinningum í anda Jack Daniels. (With answering a few questions you have a possibility of winning splendid prizes in the spirit of Jack Daniel's.)
The words were taken from advertisements.
Vara - commodity, goods, wares, merchandise.
Magn - quantity
Verð - price
Samtals - altogether, total
Kort - map, card
Póstkort - postcard
Peysa - sweater
Lopi - unspun wool
Lopapeysa - Sweater made from lopi wool (Also the traditional Icelandic sweater)
Börnin - the children
Kvikmynda - movie, film
Án - without
Endurgjalda - pay back, repay
Án endurgjalda - complimentary
Spil - card, playing card
Takk fyrir að velja - (Takk fyrir - thank you. Að velja - choosing, selecting.)
Ég var að kaupa stóra drauma - I went to buy big dreams. (Ég var - I went. Stóra - big, tall, important. Draumur - dream.)
Hvað ert þú að lesa? - What are you reading? (Hvað - what. Ert þú - are you. Að lesa - reading.)
Afmæli - birthday
Leikur - game, contest
Tilefni - cause
Í tilefni afmælis Jack Daniels - On the occasion of Jack Daniels' birthday
Bjóða - offer
Einstakur - unique, single
Tækifæri - opportunity
Skemmtilegur - amusing, funny, entertaining, interesting
Svara - answer, respond, reply
Spurning - question
Hafa - have
Möguleiki - possibility
Veglegur - splendid, fine, superb
Vinningur - prize, winnings
Anda - spirit
Afmælisleikur - (Birthday game.)
Í tilefni afmælis Jack Daniels í september býðst þér einstakt tækifæri til að taka þátt í skemmtilegum leik. - (On the occasion of Jack Daniel's birthday in September we offer this unique opportunity to take part in a fun game.)
Með því að svara nokkrum laufléttum spurningum hefur þú möguleika á veglegum vinningum í anda Jack Daniels. (With answering a few questions you have a possibility of winning splendid prizes in the spirit of Jack Daniel's.)
The words were taken from advertisements.
Banks, bus, parking
Kr. - short for kronur. Icelandic crowns/Iceland's currency.
Íslandsbanki. (Íslands - Iceland. Banki - bank.) Bank of Iceland
Gjaldkerar - teller, cashier
Greiðsla - payment
Gjald - payment, fee, charge
Eftir - after
Kl. - short for klukkan. Time/clock
Virka - work
Kvittun - receipt
Viðskipti - business, business transactions.
Afgreiðsla - service/service counter
Kaup - trade, business, buy
Ótilgreindir - unspecified, unnamed
Útlendur, erlendur - foreign
Upphæð - sum, amount
Gengi - exchange rate
Íslensk - Icelandic
Þóknun - fee
Kostnæður - cost, expenses
Peningar - money
Til baka - back
Eintak - copy
Viðskiptavinar - customer
Rafrænn - electronic
Far - passage
Farmiði - ticket
Strætó - bus
Gildur - valid
Gildir til - Valid until
Útrunnin - expires
Tími útrunninn Kl - Time runs out at
Dagsetning - date
Númer - number
Mælir - meter, measuring device
Númer miðamælis - Meter number
Bíla - car
Stöð - station
Miði - ticket
Framrúða - windshield, windscreen
Læsilegur - visible, readable
Svæði - area, zone
Miðinn setjist innan framrúðu svo læsilegt sé utanfrá gildir á gjaldsvædi.
Set the ticket inside the windshield so it's readable from the outside (to know if the time on it has run out or not).
The words were from receipts from the bank, a slip from the parking meter, and a bus transfer.
Kr. - short for kronur. Icelandic crowns/Iceland's currency.
Íslandsbanki. (Íslands - Iceland. Banki - bank.) Bank of Iceland
Gjaldkerar - teller, cashier
Greiðsla - payment
Gjald - payment, fee, charge
Eftir - after
Kl. - short for klukkan. Time/clock
Virka - work
Kvittun - receipt
Viðskipti - business, business transactions.
Afgreiðsla - service/service counter
Kaup - trade, business, buy
Ótilgreindir - unspecified, unnamed
Útlendur, erlendur - foreign
Upphæð - sum, amount
Gengi - exchange rate
Íslensk - Icelandic
Þóknun - fee
Kostnæður - cost, expenses
Peningar - money
Til baka - back
Eintak - copy
Viðskiptavinar - customer
Rafrænn - electronic
Far - passage
Farmiði - ticket
Strætó - bus
Gildur - valid
Gildir til - Valid until
Útrunnin - expires
Tími útrunninn Kl - Time runs out at
Dagsetning - date
Númer - number
Mælir - meter, measuring device
Númer miðamælis - Meter number
Bíla - car
Stöð - station
Miði - ticket
Framrúða - windshield, windscreen
Læsilegur - visible, readable
Svæði - area, zone
Miðinn setjist innan framrúðu svo læsilegt sé utanfrá gildir á gjaldsvædi.
Set the ticket inside the windshield so it's readable from the outside (to know if the time on it has run out or not).
The words were from receipts from the bank, a slip from the parking meter, and a bus transfer.
Airplane menu:
Ristuð kjúklingabringa. (Ristuð - toasted. Kjúklingur - chicken. Bringa - chest.)
Roasted chicken breast.
Með kartöflum, fersku salti og piparsósu (Með - with. Kartöflum - potatoes. Fersku - fresh. Salati - salad. Og - and. Pipar - pepper. Sósu - sauce.)
With potatoes, fresh salad and pepper cream dressing.
Langloka dagsins. (Langloka - Sub/baguette sandwich. Dag - day. Dagsins - of the day.)
Sub sandwich of the day.
Spyrjið um úrval dagsins. (Spyrjið - ask. Um - about. Úrval - selection.)
Ask for today's selection.
Grænmetisvefja (Grænmeti - vegetable. Vefja - wrap.)
Vegetable wrap.
Með papriku, tómötum, guacamole og hummus. (Papriku - paprika/bell peppers. Tómötum - tomatoes.)
With paprika, tomatoes, guacamole and hummus.
Ávextasalat. (Ávöxtur - fruit.)
Fruit salad.
Packaged food:
Innihald - contents.
Næring - nourishment.
Næringargildi - nutritional value.
Nettó - net.
Þyngd - weight.
Matseðill - menu
Ingredients and food/drink items:
Bragðefni - flavouring.
Sykur - sugar.
Hveiti - wheat.
Mjöl - flour.
Lakkrís - liquorice.
Kokó - cocoa.
Jurt - plant.
Olía - oil.
Jurtaolía - vegetable oil.
Mjólk - milk.
Heslihnetum - hazelnuts.
Möndlum - almonds.
Kókosmjöli - coconuts.
Safi - juice
Tómatsafi - tomato juice
Avaxtasafi - fruit juice
Vatn - water
Sterkir drykkir - spirits ("Strong beverage")
Bjór - beer
Vín - wine (Hvítvín - white wine. Rauðvín - red wine. Freyðivín - sparkling wine.)
Freyða - foam, lather.
Kampavín - champagne
Matur - food
Harðfiskur - dried fish, stockfish. Commonly cod.
Kartöflur - potatoes
Fylling - filling
Sælgæti - sweets, candy
Snarl - snack, light meal
Smákaka - cookie, biscuit
Steikar - roast
Sveppur - mushroom
Samloka - sandwich
Laukur - onion
Fræ - seed
Graslaukur - chives
Te - tea
Kaffi - coffee
The words were from food packages and the airplane menu from IcelandAir.
Ristuð kjúklingabringa. (Ristuð - toasted. Kjúklingur - chicken. Bringa - chest.)
Roasted chicken breast.
Með kartöflum, fersku salti og piparsósu (Með - with. Kartöflum - potatoes. Fersku - fresh. Salati - salad. Og - and. Pipar - pepper. Sósu - sauce.)
With potatoes, fresh salad and pepper cream dressing.
Langloka dagsins. (Langloka - Sub/baguette sandwich. Dag - day. Dagsins - of the day.)
Sub sandwich of the day.
Spyrjið um úrval dagsins. (Spyrjið - ask. Um - about. Úrval - selection.)
Ask for today's selection.
Grænmetisvefja (Grænmeti - vegetable. Vefja - wrap.)
Vegetable wrap.
Með papriku, tómötum, guacamole og hummus. (Papriku - paprika/bell peppers. Tómötum - tomatoes.)
With paprika, tomatoes, guacamole and hummus.
Ávextasalat. (Ávöxtur - fruit.)
Fruit salad.
Packaged food:
Innihald - contents.
Næring - nourishment.
Næringargildi - nutritional value.
Nettó - net.
Þyngd - weight.
Matseðill - menu
Ingredients and food/drink items:
Bragðefni - flavouring.
Sykur - sugar.
Hveiti - wheat.
Mjöl - flour.
Lakkrís - liquorice.
Kokó - cocoa.
Jurt - plant.
Olía - oil.
Jurtaolía - vegetable oil.
Mjólk - milk.
Heslihnetum - hazelnuts.
Möndlum - almonds.
Kókosmjöli - coconuts.
Safi - juice
Tómatsafi - tomato juice
Avaxtasafi - fruit juice
Vatn - water
Sterkir drykkir - spirits ("Strong beverage")
Bjór - beer
Vín - wine (Hvítvín - white wine. Rauðvín - red wine. Freyðivín - sparkling wine.)
Freyða - foam, lather.
Kampavín - champagne
Matur - food
Harðfiskur - dried fish, stockfish. Commonly cod.
Kartöflur - potatoes
Fylling - filling
Sælgæti - sweets, candy
Snarl - snack, light meal
Smákaka - cookie, biscuit
Steikar - roast
Sveppur - mushroom
Samloka - sandwich
Laukur - onion
Fræ - seed
Graslaukur - chives
Te - tea
Kaffi - coffee
The words were from food packages and the airplane menu from IcelandAir.
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